how to flirt with girls...

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    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Flirting with random girls, like when you meet on vacation fails.

      It would fail to flirt with random girls if they aren't single.

      It would fail where, when you approach them, you ask if they're single, and if they say yes, you start flirting with the 3 C's, and if they say no you back off.

      And there's no objective way to know whether girls are single or not, without asking them.

      Therefore, the only time to flirt with girls is if you already know if they're single or not, like girls at your school. So I woudn't recommend it.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      then let the other person take the lead, ask them questions or something..just make conversation, and then move onto flirting.

      Flirting with random girls, like when you meet on vacation fails.

      Wrong Neal...I personally think that's a great time to meet new people/flirt with others, know this from personal experience
      Nicole = Happiest she's been in a long time:lovey:
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Neal wrote:

      Flirting with random girls, like when you meet on vacation fails.

      It would fail to flirt with random girls if they aren't single.

      It would fail where, when you approach them, you ask if they're single, and if they say yes, you start flirting with the 3 C's, and if they say no you back off.

      And there's no objective way to know whether girls are single or not, without asking them.

      Therefore, the only time to flirt with girls is if you already know if they're single or not, like girls at your school. So I woudn't recommend it.

      oh my god you are so sientific about everything and you are sooooooo wrong! I have a bf and i love it when guys flirt with me its just flirting no harm and my friends are the same. you are so wrong and you so fail.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Neal wrote:

      Flirting with random girls, like when you meet on vacation fails.

      It would fail to flirt with random girls if they aren't single.

      It would fail where, when you approach them, you ask if they're single, and if they say yes, you start flirting with the 3 C's, and if they say no you back off.

      And there's no objective way to know whether girls are single or not, without asking them.

      Therefore, the only time to flirt with girls is if you already know if they're single or not, like girls at your school. So I woudn't recommend it.

      It fails, when you pretend to know what you're talking about, when you're just making a public ass out of yourself.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Not only have I said it fails to flirt with random girls randomly, but I've *explained* why it fails to flirt with random girls randomly.

      Kelly wrote:

      oh my god you are so sientific about everything and you are sooooooo wrong! I have a bf and i love it when guys flirt with me its just flirting no harm and my friends are the same. you are so wrong and you so fail.

      Okay put it this fail, it also fails if guys flirt with non-single girls only when there aren't any guys around, and not flirt when they see a guy with her.

      DontBother wrote:

      It fails, when you pretend to know what you're talking about, when you're just making a public ass out of yourself.

      Hey I'm pretty sure we both agree on that 1. ;)
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Neal wrote:

      Not only have I said it fails to flirt with random girls randomly, but I've *explained* why it fails to flirt with random girls randomly.

      Just cos you think you explained something dont mean you are right! Thats like me saying Im right cos I say I am, it means nothing. Fact is people have told you you are wrong you just chose to ignore it as you think you are some kinda expert on evrything.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Kelly wrote:

      Just cos you think you explained something dont mean you are right!

      Absolutely. Or in other words, you found a flaw in my reasoning somewhere.

      Kelly wrote:

      Thats like me saying Im right cos I say I am, it means nothing. Fact is people have told you you are wrong you just chose to ignore it as you think you are some kinda expert on evrything.

      Ah yes, the consensus.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Just be yourself, act confident and compliment them.
      Ask them about themselves and make subtle gestures like touching their arm or brushing against them (take note of the subtle there).
      Watch your body language too, turning your body towards them, not crossing your arms, stuff like that makes you seem more open to them.
      And another quick tip would be to ignore neal, flirting with random girls doesn't always fail, it's a great way to meet people.
      Good luck x x
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Just chill. Girls don't like guys who are all uptight, and think the worlds gonna' end.

      Here are some "Cause and Effect" precautions. Your action towards the girl is on the left, the girl's reaction is one the right. If you do not agree with these, please don't give me shit, I have tried these and they hae worked quite well.

      Give Compliments ---> Is repelled
      Notice flaws ---> Feels affection

      Act humble ---> Feels repelled by you
      Act arrogant ---> Feels attracted to you

      Call often ---> Doesn't call you often
      Don't call often ---> Call you often

      Ask her to decide ---> Thinks of you as insecure
      Always decide ---> Appreciates it

      Act unselfishly ---> Doesn't like being around you
      Act selfishly ---> Likes being around you

      Accept her drama ---> Doesn't respect you
      Never tolerate drama --> Respects you

      Express feelings ---> Needs space
      Show no emotion ---> Expresses feelings.

      Do these, and you'll see success, guarenteed. They won't work however, if you do not show confidence. You can't be a little pansy hiding in your underwear. Stick you head up, and use your confidence lever.
    • Re: how to flirt with girls...

      Whiskey is the way forward. It's a well known fact alcohol makes you more talkative and forward.. drink too many pints and you start talking utter crap, whiskey is very strong but at the same time a single shot of it is equivlant to 1/3 of a pint of most lager.

      Assuming you don't have about 20 shots you'll be happy as larry talking to everybody but you won't be drunk talking utter crap and scaring them off.

      One thing to do, if you have a cocky friend who shows off and girls laugh at him or whatever, don't try to out do him in cockyness.. you'll end up looking stupid. It's what humans do, we just love to show off anything that may get us "approval", avoid it at all costs... nobody likes a show off.