Assulted And Left To Die

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    • Assulted And Left To Die

      Yesturday, I was surrounded by 10 guys in the park.
      I am 15, they were all 17 - 21. I have seen these guys around, but I can't name any of them.
      They attacked me violently. It was furosious. I was whipped nemerous times with a bamboo cane, smacked, and kicked while I was on the floor.
      My neck was bleeding and I have scars and bruises all over my body.
      These guys did have a reason for attacking me, and they told me. They told everyone, all my friends (who just watched, then again, would you stand up against some 21 yr old nutter?).
      They claimed I was a rapist. They think I raped a girl.
      It is not true. I am telling you now.
      These guys believed this rumor, and now all my friends do. Everyone does. I get called "rapist" and nasty names all the time.
      How would they know? I didn't do anything!
      I'm in so much pain now, physically and now mentally. I am having continus thoughts of suicide and am slowely dieing inside. I can't remember the last time someone told me they loved me, not even my parents. I don't have any close friends. No-one I can talk to. I'm alone.
      Please, members of Teen Hut. Talk to me. Please :(
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      the guy who started the rumors fancies the girl who i apparently raped
      (me and her are very close)
      tbh he just hates me, and people believe him.
      i dont know what to do. i can't get anyone to believe me.
      well thats not true. more and more people are starting to beleieve me, but getting beaten up for the first time in my life was horrific!
      i had a sleepless night last night!
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      First of all, it's always smart to go to the authorities when things like this happen, especially if it's over a rumor. I mean, that's something you should do if it's a rumor, right? Also, I don't know about your friends but I'd jump in in a heart beat if I ever saw one of my friends getting jumped, I wouldn't really care by who it was.

      Concerning matters about people not believing you, you need to step up to those who think you're a liar with your friend who you're close to, and tell people the truth, that way if she vouches for you, things can get cleared up a lot better, not to mention the fact that if a girl was really raped it'd be a bigger deal than just people trying to jump or jumping you, you'd probably have the law on your back.

      Sounds to fishy to me.
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      wow i am sorry that happened to you.
      if you and this girl are close she should speak up and say that its not true.
      your friends should have helped by either going to get help or by fighting with you. i would never just watch my friend get hurt like that no matter how much older the other people are. just hang in there and let people know the truth.

      hope things get better for you
      good luck :)
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      Edge wrote:

      First of all, it's always smart to go to the authorities when things like this happen, especially if it's over a rumor. I mean, that's something you should do if it's a rumor, right? Also, I don't know about your friends but I'd jump in in a heart beat if I ever saw one of my friends getting jumped, I wouldn't really care by who it was.

      Concerning matters about people not believing you, you need to step up to those who think you're a liar with your friend who you're close to, and tell people the truth, that way if she vouches for you, things can get cleared up a lot better, not to mention the fact that if a girl was really raped it'd be a bigger deal than just people trying to jump or jumping you, you'd probably have the law on your back.

      Sounds to fishy to me.

      Same here :)

    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      I agree don't, whatever you do don't carry a knife. You will end up using it, and the attacker will be another one of those dead teenagers on the news.

      Knives always lead to worse things.

      Secondly, I feel your pain mate. I was beaten up a few years back by a gang of thugs, and burnt with an aerosol can and a lighter. But I also don't know what it's like for a rumour to be made up like that. It must really hurt for your friends to do that to you.

      Contact the police, even if they don't end up being convicted they will be interviewed and it will be a major headache for them, aswell as if they know that you will contact the police they will be less likely to do it again.

      Have you talked to the girl and asked her to tell people it's not true?
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      Well i've got the say that's really strange. The guy who made the rumour up... does he know you got beaten up? You could try appealing to his better nature. make him feel guilty and tell people you didn't rape her.

      Make sure you contact the police and get the girl to try and clear things up.

      Infact, i just thought. If you do contact the police, they'll ask the people why they did it - they'll say because you 'raped' a girl. They'll investigate, find out it was not true at all. They'll interview the girl who will tell them it's not true, and interview the guy who lied, who will have no choice but to tell the truth, if he lies then they'll know and he'll be in a lot of deep shite.
    • Re: Assulted And Left To Die

      Actually, with the exception of carrying a gun or knife, Edge's advice to me was just like AssaultRifle's. He (Edge) recommended I take Kung Fu.

      In any event, you got to be licensed to carry a gun, in the U.S., no clue about the U.K.

      But don't shoot, though. That would dig you a deeper hole.

      I'm really curious to know what the girl that you were accused of raping, thinks. I even wonder if she knows about your situation.

      When older guys gang bang me back when I was in middle school, where I got blood, scars, etc. My Mom takes photos of me, legs and arms and such. She then could use that as evidence.

      You should do the same.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.