How can I ever find a gf?

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    • How can I ever find a gf?

      I'm 14, but I look like 10. I'm 145cm heigt and 32kg weight. I'm very shy. I'm parkouring and programming a lot. I have no problem finding friends on the internet. But how in the world I can find a girlfriend which I can hug, tell my secrets and stuff? I'm just a small, ugly guy. So how?
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      ur too young for a gf. u have to be very mature for a girl to get one. alot of girls just want sex, ur money, or ur cars. most girls dont love a bro for his personality. i feel the same pain u do man but im older and much more maturer and too real for most of theses girls out here. don't worry about it man keep ur head up high and get ur education thats the most important thing girls will come later when u get money they always do trust me. u can't really trust most of these girls outhere because they will do stuff behind ur back and lie straight to ur face about it once u find out about it. so relax do ur work anf if a girl really wants u let her come up to u because they want u to make the first move becuz they are scared of rejection so let them do all the work for once.
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Th0rn3 wrote:

      I'm 14, but I look like 10. I'm 145cm heigt and 32kg weight. I'm very shy. I'm parkouring and programming a lot. I have no problem finding friends on the internet. But how in the world I can find a girlfriend which I can hug, tell my secrets and stuff? I'm just a small, ugly guy. So how?

      Now come's not the right attitude to have!

      Some people develop later - i've seen it with friends, and a cousin of mine, who were tiny and now are taller than me....I still think of them as being 'small'...probably denying the fact I look up to that person who I used o think of as a titch before!!

      I didn't really start socialising with friends regularly until I was about 15! Not further than the park anyway! And it wasn't until I was 16 that I started getting any form of female friends and female attention...I used to rely on the internet a lot too, but you soon find the social interaction outside of the computer world develops soon enough, it just takes a longer time in some than others (and I was definitely in the longer catergory!)

      Many girls like dating guys who aren't that much taller than them!! I often find my smaller mates get with girls easier than I do, I guess it hurts your neck less with kissing and everything else! You'll probably find girls find you pretty cute either way, and then as you get older the cuteness develops into a more desireable look to the opposite sex - you'll have the growth spurt and everything will fall into place, I didn't have the height problem but was damn ugly at your age, now I do get compliments for the way I look and am quite happy with it! It just takes time!!

      So stop feeling sorry for yourself and just have faith!
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Well, you're still growing up, but don't rush into finding a girlfriend. First, try to find a girl that's willing to be your friend and try and get to know her and learn about her. Be yourself, always. We don't like guys who are pretending to be somebody they're not.

      Your body is still developing and so will your physical assets. Just be patient for it to come. You need to be positive and you need to be confident with yourself ;) I can see you lack confidence, it'll help if you worked on your self-confidence a bit.

      And don't be inside all day behind a computer. If you want girls to start noticing you, you need to get outside and do something productive. I'm assuming you're in high school, so if you're into sports - try out for something. Meet people that have the same interests as you, etc.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Th0rn3 wrote:

      I have no problem finding friends on the internet. But how in the world I can find a girlfriend which I can hug, tell my secrets and stuff?

      What does finding friends on the Internet have to correlate with finding a single girlfriend in real life?

      If you can find friends on the Internet (but you probably meant 'make' friends on the Internet), try doing that in real life.

      The pre-requiste to having a girlfriend is to be a friend with her (even if it's 5 minutes). Why jump straight to a girlfriend if you don't have any friends that are female? That just makes it tougher on you.
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      You need to adventure and get chatting to people. That's the only way you can get friends. Once you've found some friends, get to know them well. You never know, a girl might like you. At the end of the day, it ain't all about height and looks. Not all good looking, tall people are decent. In fact I can name many people that aren't. Self belief is another thing too. You don't get anywhere thinking negatively. I agree with the person above too, be yourself. Fake people are no way attractive, just desparate.
      [SIZE=3]Just Be Yourself :thumbsup:

    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Well I have friends. But for me thats just too hard to come to a girl and say: -Hey, hello.
      I loved a girl from my class since 2nd grade. I loved her for 6 years. And i never told her. And when I told I like her, she was like: oh f***. I hate you, I wanna kill you, etc, etc. So I think that kinda spooked me.
      I always try be myself...
      And some better news. Im making a party (with lots of light effects, smoke and VIP room) and I think there will be like 30 people and like 18 from them gonna be girls (my friend told em about my partys). I'll try to find luck there.
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Th0rn3 wrote:

      Well I have friends. But for me thats just too hard to come to a girl and say: -Hey, hello.
      I loved a girl from my class since 2nd grade. I loved her for 6 years. And i never told her. And when I told I like her, she was like: oh f***. I hate you, I wanna kill you, etc, etc. So I think that kinda spooked me.
      I always try be myself...
      And some better news. Im making a party (with lots of light effects, smoke and VIP room) and I think there will be like 30 people and like 18 from them gonna be girls (my friend told em about my partys). I'll try to find luck there.

      lol wtf..
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      You lack confidence and come across as desperate. That's why you don't have one.

      Girls are REALLY turned off by the whole "I NEED A GIRLFRIEND!!!!" Thing. I know from experience...I was like that during my early teen years when I wasn't all that experienced with being attracted to girls yet. They view it as creepy. They like a guy who more of a "whatever happens, cool. No gf? so what?" attitude. It's called confidence.

      And don't worry about what you look like. I was ugly as hell when I was 14. I was fat, had excessive facial hair that wouldn't go away no matter how much I tried, drenched in acne, and my hair was extremely greasy (not to mention it grew like 2 inches a week).

      You're right in-between changing from a child to a man. It happens to everybody and affects people more than others. Don't worry about it. 2 years from now, you'll proably be a stud.
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      Agreed with Oberheim. Girls, from my friends (who are girls!) experiences, are definately turned off by those kinds of guys who are all "I AlWAYS NEED A GIRLFRIEND"/on the look for a girlfriend or just desperate. No one wants to be with someone like that I don't think anyway!

      And you are kind of young for a girl friend...I have no idea why people always want to rush these things. Like the others said, you will be ready when the right girl comes along!
      Oh Pimpy how the Frenches do emplore you!

      [LEFT]--Greg :)[/LEFT]
    • Re: How can I ever find a gf?

      well im a girl and i was reading some of the above posts and to clarifyy
      gosh. just because we LIKE sex doesnt mean thats all we want.

      now normally a girl goes for a hot guy so that may be a problem for you but hey you might be really good looking and not know it. just beleive in yourself. otherwise no one else will. just be cool around. girls. make lots of friends who are girls and mabey later on a friendship will grow :)