how do i talk to him?

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    • how do i talk to him?

      im 16 and my bf is 17. we have been together for around 3yr
      just lately hes acting wierd. its like he keeps switching on and off our relationship to suit him. sometimes he will be all over me and yet others he wont even say hi.
      i want to talk to him about this problem but dont know how to go about it coz it is really upsetting me when he wont achknowlage im there.
      i really dont want to loose him coz he is the best bf ive had its just this last few week.
      we are sexually active and im begining to wonder if he is bored with me and wants someone else
      plz help me
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      its always like that, i mean from what ive had. And you just cant seem to get it out once in a while. And then the other person is busy, and so the other person thinks you lost interest, witch probably didnt happen, not it cant, but maybe they didnt.

      And so there are mini fights. And yeah.. thats how it gores down.
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      If you are having troubles finding the rigth words. Say something like, 'Hey, we need to talk about something important. Lately, I noticed you are bit disturned. Is everything alright?'

      If he ignores that, then be normal and let it go for 2/3 days. Even after that he still behaves odd then, ask again and this time sound bit more serious and worried.

      I hope you two sort things out.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by roosevelt ().

    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      Wow. This principle is really that simple.

      If a guy all of a sudden starts acting weird, ask him why he's acting weird.
      If a guy all of a sudden starts acting unusual, ask him why he's acting unusual.
      If a guy all of a sudden starts acting like a dick, ask him why he's acting like a dick.
      If a guy all of a sudden starts acting [synonym], ask him, you get it, but also ask him why the sudden change.

      If a guy that you think likes you is randomly rude or mean to you, ask him why that too.

      How else will you figure him out?
      Nice guys talk because they have something to say; pick-up artists talk because they have to say something.
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      I AGREE WITH WHAT assassinrow says. YOu two have been together for quite some time. But statistically most teenage boys just date some girls for sex because the girl feels uncomfortable or unwanted because either bad relationships or father left them and the girl will feel that "if i dont hav.e sex with him he will leave and i dont want that to happen." But since you have been togehter soo long it does not seem like that is the problem. Just tlak to him and if doesnt let you break up with him it sounds like you are sweet and dont deserve to be treated like that. He could be feeling uncomfortabloe about having sex with you
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      3 years and you can't even sit down with him and talk about a problem? Just sit him down and simply ask him how he feels about you. If it's been that long chances are he might actually be getting bored of you, but he may have some family issues that you don't know about. You should always find the source of the problem before making any assumptions that make you look like the bad one.
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      it is really upsetting me when he wont achknowlage im there.
      i really dont want to loose him coz he is the best bf ive had its just this last few week.
      we are sexually active and im begining to wonder if he is bored with me and wants someone else

      Tell him these exact things and see how he reacts
    • Re: how do i talk to him?

      Well since you guys have been together for 3 years, maybe he is getting too comfortable and needs some excitement. Try something new together, like take a fun class together or learn a new instrument or art class together. Having a similar interest and new challenge you can go through together can really help refresh a relationship.
      Maybe he doesnt even realize he is being so hot and cold with you. Talking to him may help, but if he doesnt know he is doing it, he may not understand your concern fully. So dont nag him about it or positive and try to improve the situation proactively. Dont point out all of the negatives, this will just give him more reason to want to stray!
      Good luck!