GOD: real or fake?

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  • GOD: real or fake?

    Hey everyone!

    Here is a question for you: Is God real or not? :confused:

    Write some evidence for your answer if you have one.

    This question is open for all religious/scientific/actual/fact/historical answers.

    Thank you for your time! :)
    It isn't possible to move all of the water in the world into a small cup.
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    God is fake because:

    1. There is no evidence of his existence or reason (beyond pragmatism) to believe he exists;
    2. Although the majority of the world believes in a god or gods there are several clear motives for them to believe this whether it is true or not.
    3. Depending on how you define "God" he may logically contradict the world we see around is. For example if you believe that God is both all-powerful and all-loving, then you run into the problem of evil.

    So in brief:
    1. No evidence
    2. Wishful thinking
    3. Contradictions

    I list all three to be thorough, but the first is sufficient to show that God does not exist or at least is highly unlikely to exist.
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    godless_musician wrote:

    God is fake because:

    1. There is no evidence of his existence or reason (beyond pragmatism) to believe he exists;
    2. Although the majority of the world believes in a god or gods there are several clear motives for them to believe this whether it is true or not.
    3. Depending on how you define "God" he may logically contradict the world we see around is. For example if you believe that God is both all-powerful and all-loving, then you run into the problem of evil.

    So in brief:
    1. No evidence
    2. Wishful thinking
    3. Contradictions

    I list all three to be thorough, but the first is sufficient to show that God does not exist or at least is highly unlikely to exist.

    Exactly right.
    But even being right, some people are going to believe anyway, because they were raised to or they just simply have to believe in something or for some other unsupported reason. But for the people who actually see that there is no eveidence and its just as you said wishful thinking it is alot easier to argue with truth and facts than belief with lack of evidence.
    but yea I personally believe you are right, but thats just me. :) thanks
    [CENTER][SIZE=1]I'm just floating[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][SIZE=1]Trying to keep my head above[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][SIZE=1]From sinking down[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    [CENTER][SIZE=1]Into sand.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    YohanesMC wrote:

    Hey everyone!

    Here is a question for you: Is God real or not? :confused:

    Write some evidence for your answer if you have one.

    This question is open for all religious/scientific/actual/fact/historical answers.

    Thank you for your time! :)

    its called "faith" i think this is subject matter based in your own beliefs. and it comes from religios training you are brought up with
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    jnifw3nloi wrote:

    The definition of God is rather nebulous and subjective and is, despite any effort on the individual's part, always influenced by society. Until a clear and non-contradicting definition can be established, this question cannot be properly answered to satisfy people's curiocity.

    The definition of "life" is similarly elusive and yet people don't hesitate to say that a human is alive and a rock is not. Although grey areas exist (is a virus alive?) a "clear and non-contradicting definition" is not needed in most cases. People who think one is often make me wonder if they are simply delaying a resolution of the issue by trying to make it more difficult than it is. The fact is that God--whatever culture or religion he is described in--is an imaginary idea. He is not real. Even the amorphous "something higher" that Deists et al. believe in is completely arbitrary and without evidence.
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    First you have to define "god" before we can answer...and the fact that most people can't even define it, but will tell you they believe in it anyway...says a lot. Its pretty stupid to say you believe in something while at the same time saying you have no idea what it is.
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Hunnie, you cant find that on a Forum.
    You cant find it in books somtimes or even in a church.
    You have to find it in what you truly believe.
    That's what a god is all about.
    Having something of a higher force to believe in.
    So there is no need for proof.
    You believe; thus there is.

    Do I believe?
    Do I attend services?
    Not usually.
    Does it matter?

    : ]

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Strawberry_Wine wrote:

    Hunnie, you cant find that on a Forum.
    You cant find it in books somtimes or even in a church.
    You have to find it in what you truly believe.
    That's what a god is all about.
    Having something of a higher force to believe in.
    So there is no need for proof.
    You believe; thus there is.

    Do I believe?
    Do I attend services?
    Not usually.
    Does it matter?

    : ]


    I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

    God is real and he is made of pasta.

    I believe, therefore it's true. Do you feel his noodly appendage upon you, sinner?
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    darcied wrote:

    i say god can b real and fake..so people love him and some poeple dont..get over that fact because everyone is diffrent and has diffrent belives

    1. I can't love God or not love him because he doesn't exist.
    2. I won't get over the fact that religion exists because I consider it harmful and want to do my best to put a dent in it.
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Well, this is going to make me sound kina stupid, but...I don't care. I personally believe more in the goddess than the god, but i still believe in both. But if they aren't real, then..so what? It gives me a nice little feeling that there might be someone up there making sure that life isn't just going in random directions with no reason for anything or anyone, but if it turns out that we're really just cosmic mistakes and that all we belive in religion and fate and all that is fake....then so what? In the end it doesn't really matter, what matters is what you think.

    Oh, and btw, I like having knowledge in the different gods and goddesses because....it makes for good lit. :) haha I love useing a war between Lilith (my favorite goddess) and Yahweh as a major plot point in a story that I'm working on. Though I know it's going to offend lotsa people because....guess who wins. ;)
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    godless_musician wrote:

    1. I can't love God or not love him because he doesn't exist.
    2. I won't get over the fact that religion exists because I consider it harmful and want to do my best to put a dent in it.

    I dont think that is fair. I strongly respect your belief, but in no way should religion be pushed away from the world. To some people that is all they have. Now no the other hand to some it is all they can see. But it is always nice to have something to belong too, to know someone to watching over you. Makes you feel not so alone.

    And on your noodle god.
    I would think it perfectly ok.
    I'm Italian.
    I'm like made from noodles.

    : ]

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    In the bible it talks about noahs ark probably the most unbelivable part in the bible talks about the great flood and such well look at this

    1. Scientists say that it took millions of years for the colorado river to carve out the Gand canyon.
    2. The Grand is some 6000 feet high
    3. The Colorado rivers highest point reached is 2800 feet
    4. If there were a great flood for 13 months like the bible says than the ground would be soft.
    5. When the water pured back into the earth then the rushing water could quite easliy created the canyon in a matter of weeks.
    6. Scientists say that each layer of rock is so many millions of years old.
    7. When Mt. St. Helens erupted the hot ash created a damn that held back the Toudil river (sorry if its spelt wrong)
    8. When the water pured over the soft mud that had the river damned up it came so quickly that in 15 minutes small canyons were formed. These canyons.
    9. When Mt. St Helens Erupted chunks of ice were blown off and then the mudslide from the volcano that blew of the side came out and covered the ice.
    10. When ice melts it turns to water when that water melts it expands 1700 times.
    11. It blew up causing the built up ash that was over to go flying and this in turn left diffrent erosion layers.
    12. In 20 years a teacher will be there saying see this kids this took millions of years to form look at the diffrent layers from erosion. Then a kid will say my grandpap saw this he said it only took about 15 seconds.
    13. But anyways look at all that doesnt it seem like a great flood happened and carved out the Grand Canyon.
    14. Or look at Kansas and the entire midewesit if youve ever been there its almost entirly flat now if there was a great flood then it would have covered that and then poured out into the gulf of mexico leaving the plains flat.
    15. Doesnt that seem like a supernatural phenomina
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Strawberry_Wine wrote:

    I dont think that is fair. I strongly respect your belief, but in no way should religion be pushed away from the world. To some people that is all they have. Now no the other hand to some it is all they can see. But it is always nice to have something to belong too, to know someone to watching over you. Makes you feel not so alone.

    And on your noodle god.
    I would think it perfectly ok.
    I'm Italian.
    I'm like made from noodles.

    : ]


    I'm not talking about forcing anybody's belief to change--and mostly I think that if anything only future generations can be influenced to believe something else, as people who are already religious now probably aren't going to change. I don't have an interest in "taking away" anybody's religious belief nor do I think I can. I'd just like to stop it from spreading, especially to children, who are the most vulnerable mentally.

    My point with FSM is that believing something never made something true. False beliefs abound, so it's illogical to say that because you accept something on faith it is true.
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    fumanchu451 wrote:

    In the bible it talks about noahs ark probably the most unbelivable part in the bible talks about the great flood and such well look at this

    1. Scientists say that it took millions of years for the colorado river to carve out the Gand canyon.
    2. The Grand is some 6000 feet high
    3. The Colorado rivers highest point reached is 2800 feet
    4. If there were a great flood for 13 months like the bible says than the ground would be soft.
    5. When the water pured back into the earth then the rushing water could quite easliy created the canyon in a matter of weeks.
    6. Scientists say that each layer of rock is so many millions of years old.
    7. When Mt. St. Helens erupted the hot ash created a damn that held back the Toudil river (sorry if its spelt wrong)
    8. When the water pured over the soft mud that had the river damned up it came so quickly that in 15 minutes small canyons were formed. These canyons.
    9. When Mt. St Helens Erupted chunks of ice were blown off and then the mudslide from the volcano that blew of the side came out and covered the ice.
    10. When ice melts it turns to water when that water melts it expands 1700 times.
    11. It blew up causing the built up ash that was over to go flying and this in turn left diffrent erosion layers.
    12. In 20 years a teacher will be there saying see this kids this took millions of years to form look at the diffrent layers from erosion. Then a kid will say my grandpap saw this he said it only took about 15 seconds.
    13. But anyways look at all that doesnt it seem like a great flood happened and carved out the Grand Canyon.
    14. Or look at Kansas and the entire midewesit if youve ever been there its almost entirly flat now if there was a great flood then it would have covered that and then poured out into the gulf of mexico leaving the plains flat.
    15. Doesnt that seem like a supernatural phenomina

    Scientists have several methods of testing the geological age of layers of soil, sediment etc., that I'm sure would help distinguish a canyon millions of years in the making to one created by a volcano in 15 seconds. So no, it does not seem like a supernatural phenomena.

    There are an infinite number of unsupported, untestable theories that are consistent with all the evidence. None of them is science, including creationism/intelligent design.
    And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
    -Walt Whitman
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    erosion is constantly wearing away the earth when it rains theres erosion and when ever the dirt slides off islands and land and falls into the ocean it goes the whole way to the bottem and settles well if supposdly the earth is billions of years old then by now dont u think the world would be flat from erosion? Because the ocean floor only has a couple thousand feet of dirt but with billions of years of erosion shouldnt the earth be flat?
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    fumanchu451 wrote:

    erosion is constantly wearing away the earth when it rains theres erosion and when ever the dirt slides off islands and land and falls into the ocean it goes the whole way to the bottem and settles well if supposdly the earth is billions of years old then by now dont u think the world would be flat from erosion? Because the ocean floor only has a couple thousand feet of dirt but with billions of years of erosion shouldnt the earth be flat?

    Erosion takes a very very long time. Like you're talking hundreds of years for the layers. I don't understand how Erosion has anything to do with this case anyways. It's not something to prove whether or not there is or isn't a god. It proves that water washes sand.
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    Strawberry_Wine wrote:

    Erosion takes a very very long time. Like you're talking hundreds of years for the layers. I don't understand how Erosion has anything to do with this case anyways. It's not something to prove whether or not there is or isn't a god. It proves that water washes sand.

    noahs ark the great flood thats about god its in his good book
  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    God, is real. Do you really think the world just went BOOM, and here everything was in one beautiful design. If we all evoled wouldn't we all look the same?? Would there really be such beauty around us, and would everything be so utterly different from others of its species. TO say there was not a god who did all this is crazy. The reason there is evil is because God lets us chose what we do with our lives, though he knows everything you will ever do, and if it is something that saddens him, it saddens him. But he will always love you no matter what, you are his child and that will never change.
    I'm probably not going to be here that much so if you wnat to get ahold of me email me or something cause i think i might just stop coming her as much. All the RPG's are dying, i'll come on and talk to some of you at times, just not as much. :(