How can you tell if a girl really likes you?

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    • How can you tell if a girl really likes you?

      hiyas, umm... there's this girl i've kinda been wanting to ask out for a while now, but i'm not sure if she feels the same way about me as i feel about her... a while back, i asked her if she had a boyfriend, just out of curiosity, and she started moving within my intimate zone and kinda giving me "looks"... i wanna know if she was just joking, or if she's really into me... i'm very shy and withdrawn so i don't wanna ask her, instead i'm looking for sure signs that she really likes me... can anyone give me hints as to what i should be looking for?
    • Re: How can you tell if a girl really likes you?

      There is no such thing as fear. It's all in the mind.

      When you actually get the courage to just say "to hell with fear" and just go do it, I can guarantee you that you will soon overcome your "approach anxiety", and become more confident in engaging conversations, not only towards the opposite sex, but to everyday people in general.

      So by asking her out, you are actually doing yourself a favor. You can't be shy for all time. You gotta get out of your shell, before it actually becomes detrimental... if it's not already that way.
    • Re: How can you tell if a girl really likes you?

      Jeeez. If you really care about this chick, your fear of social inter-what ever you called it will evaporate instantly when you start talking to her. But a little advice. Take her to one side i.e some privacy. Last thing you want is to blurt it out in front of hundreds of people. And in the very unlikely event that she says "no", don't argue with her or bargain some sort of deal, Just deal with it and walk away. Harsh, but unfortunatly, the truth normally is. And, one last point, a few people have mentioned that the fear is only in the mind. I happen to agree. So, stand up straight, chin up etc. Have a little self confindence. Heck, if you dont like yourself, it's unlikely any one else will. Have a nice day.
    • Re: How can you tell if a girl really likes you?

      You know, sometimes in order to know what one's intentions are, you need to step out of your comfort zone. If you like this girl and want to ask her out, just take a risk. I know you're shy, but you just need to be confident in yourself. If you want this girl to like you, she needs to know that you're happy with yourself.

      However, to answer your question, to find out if this girl is interested in you - you need to look out for body language. Does she flirt with you at all? Does she want to get closer to you? Is she looking for an "excuse" to touch you?

      There's tons of questions to be asked and to answer, however, I do say go with your gut feeling on this one. If you feel like she's into you, go ahead and act on it. Don't be afraid of rejection, because that happens to every one of us. If she says "no", don't let it bother you. Rise above it and just know that you made the effort; just be happy that you made that effort.

      Good luck, my friend!
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