Questions For the Girls

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    • Re: Questions For the Girls

      Just strike up a conversation with her - Little questions like "Are you settling in okay?" or maybe ask her from where she's come from? Or even just quick questions like what the time is? Just something light hearted and simple to spark some conversation - then go from there. Get to know her and build up a little confidence between you both, then see how things go?

      Good Luck!

    • Re: Questions For the Girls

      Hey Teddy - all Greeks love blondes - didn't you know that? :wink: So get started on getting to know her first - as a friend. Girls usually sense they're being sought after and if you play it right, I reckon you'll succeed just fine.

      I'm Greek - American-Greek actually. What part of Athens are you from? I used to live there above my mum's fashion outlet close to Piraeus docks. But I was born on Kalymnos. Going back there next Wednesday for 4 weeks so if you're around in Pothia, ask George Themalakis at the Oasis cafe (Commercial Road South) for Poppi and he'll gladly call me, and I'll come on over. Big George is like the dad I never had.

      Good luck!
    • Re: Questions For the Girls

      haha, that reminds me of the sisterhood of the travelling pants... dont hate me for saying that =]

      just be cute, lots of times girls are alaways attracted to foreign boys anyway. just offer to show her around or ask her over and show her some of your culture, or take her up to the ruins or something. I was in Athens last year, it's beautiful. and i would have loooved if one of the guys there offered to show me around... go for it!
    • Re: Questions For the Girls

      AccessDenied wrote:

      ]Hey Teddy - all Greeks love blondes - didn't you know that?

      :lol: Now, seriously, I never expected to hear that from a Greek that doesn't leave in Greece. I mean, you are soooooooooooo right. I can't resist blondes at all. And I don't mean greek blondes but "original" blondes from the west :D.

      I live in a city next to Piraeus called Moschato.I haven't been to Kalymnos yet but I know it's a nice island.

      Anyway, on-topic again. Tell me where your school is. I'm an expert on those things :p.
    • Re: Questions For the Girls

      Teddy, why not take her to an ice cream parlour and treat her to the BEST Greek ice creams. All American-Greek girls go batty for ice cream (and I'll have strawberry, please) and with those long sundae glasses you can really stack it up! :) And then get talking to her. She'll know of course. Know you're keen on her. Just go and try. You see, if she refuses you, (1) she's daft and (2) doesn't like ice cream. In which case, she'll live up to her blondeness. ;)

      Vagos, come at Easter and I'll take you up St Nag's Monastery up behind Johnny's Apartments and I'll "go blonde": teach you to throw 3-5 kilos of dynamite down the mountain. :lol:

      Joking. Only the men and boys do it. Never worth the risk. But bring ear plugs.

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