Big Problem With Family

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    • Big Problem With Family

      Okay, recently I've had a huge row with my mum and her husband (I don't call him "dad").

      This guy who my mum has married, has been with my mum since I was very young, and up until now (17 years old) I've always hated him. For many reasons.
      There's always been ups and downs, arguments and fallouts.
      But I live in care, and I was visiting them to see my brother who lives with my mum and her partner for a weekend. Until the argument broke out.

      It started when I was caught cutting myself (I did it because it was a habbit, I was severely depressed). And my mum laughed at me. Things grew more and more personal, there was yelling and screaming. All this late at night and my brother was upstairs listening and unable to do anything. My mum's husband shouted "bitch" at me, I was shocked, then my mum called me a bitch. I knew they really hated me. Then he said something very personal:
      "By the time you hit 18 you're gonna be raped and a sad single mum for the rest of your sad life."

      This really, really hit me hard. And by that time my brother almost came down and knocked him out. It affected him too. By this time it was past 2am, and I ran away. It was dark and the area was not safe at all, but I didn't care one bit. A while after I was found by him and told me to get in the car, I knew this wasn't going to be a pleasant car ride at all, but I eventually got in the car. We both rowed and screamed so much I almost gave up and wanted to open the door and jump out (we were going at a fast speed at the time).

      This has been biting at me since then, and I want to get over it but I don't know how. I've had a terrible, terrible childhood. I just want to get over it all and live my own life without the guilt and pain. But how can I do that? :(
    • Re: Big Problem With Family

      First off let me start of by saying that he had no right what so ever to say what he said to you. It was way out of line. And, it must have hit you hard, but what right does he have to say that to you? It's ridiculous. He is ridiculous. Your brother should have knocked him flying. Sorry, but that got me quite angry.. lol.

      What do you have to feel guilty for? From what I read, you have nothing to feel guilty for. Pain? yes, definately. It must be awful wanting to get over something which affected you so much, just the constant want to get over things, just wishing and hoping that one day, you won't feel this way. I can relate to that, totally.

      What I would do, is this. I'd first off want to prove to them (them being you're mum and 'him') that what they said was completely and utterly wrong - you don't sound like a bitch, what so ever. And when I do finally hit 18, I will not end up "being raped and end up a sad single mum for the rest of my sad life". I would also let the fact of having a terrible childhood motivate me into having a better adulthood, does that make sense? I know it would be hard, but - you can live your life without feeling guilty and without pain. The pain will be hard to live with, but, you will find a way to deal with it yourself, and not allowing it to effect your happiness. It will just take time.

      You sound like such a good person, don't let them make you think otherwise.

      Stay strong

    • Re: Big Problem With Family

      Thank you SimpleGirl :D
      Well, they make me feel guilty as in the way they blame everything on me, as if almost every problem is my fault. Like "why this family is breaking apart." :( and the fact that everything bad that has happened in the past, I was apparantly the main fault to it.

      Yeah, I really do want to prove that to them, that I'm not like that :( and that I can lead a better life than they think I can. And right now the only way I can think of is succeeding through college and university. From then on... I'm not too sure.

      LOL! Yeah I wish he did too, I would have love to see him being knocked out :D Thanks for help, it's really touched me *hugs* ^^
    • Re: Big Problem With Family

      No problem at all :D anytime.

      Don't let them pile the whole "your the reason this family is breaking apart" reason on you. It isn't you're fault at all, they should start treating you with some damn respect, don't you think? I think you deserve it, 100%!!

      I know what you mean about College and Uni, i'm trying to succeed through them at the minute, it's tough, i'll admit, but if you stick at it, you'll prove them wrong! Piece of cake. Just stay positive on that front. Believe in yourself.

      Lol, me too.. oh well, hopefully he'll get another chance to see him fall to the floor in utter pain :D
      No problem at all, anytime. *hugs*
