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    • OK here's my story, during last semester i dated this girl she was cute and all and could get real freaky in the movie theater. It was bout time for us to go on summer break so we went to the movie theater before summer break and it was niccccce. So after that summer starts and blah blah blah etc etc etc. SO after summer i come back to school thinking me and the girl are still together cause we talked over Myspace. PS. I'm not really the type to talk over the phone i would rather text but I'm goona have to someday. But anyways we talked but as i go to school i see another boy hanging with her so im thinking he's just a friend:confused:. ANd yes i know this is denial but he is hanging with her alot. So I didn't mind days later i dicided to go on her myspace i see him as her #1 but im not there anymore and hell i wasn't even number one. So i check his out and turns out she's his number one. So i think to myself and say they must really be some good ass friends to be doin that:(. Big case of Denial right there just to let yall know so i know myspace doesn't really determin friendship or a relationship so i check his blog. And son of a female dog that mother fecker wrote her a poem now i scaned that and saw her respone saying that shes will always be with him and all that other bull. Now I'm :mad: mad not cause of the poem but because we broke up and i didn;t even know about now people please tell me why would she do that. I never got a phone call, text, or message or anything why would she do that?
    • Re: confused

      Maybe she assumed that you guys weren't together anymore because you didn't hang out much during the summer?
      I would confront her on this one, maybe not in a harsh manner, because that won't get her to tell you anything.
      She did something wrong, so there is no wrong in confronting her.
    • Re: confused

      Well I am going to tell you what I think on this, although it is kind of harsh. I think that this girl just saw you as a guy to mess around with. You guys had fun in the movie theater, then you didn't see each other for awhile. I think she took this as you were done with each other. She moved on from messing around with you. The best thing I can suggest is to just move on. You don't want to start shit between her and her current boyfriend, that would only make things worse. Good luck with it.
      [SIZE=5]Forever Ends When Everything Becomes Nothing[/SIZE]
    • Re: confused

      Yea, I'm sorry. I guess she probably did just think it ended over summer, I mean you have to keep in contact with girls or else they get so distant from you, I'm not sure if texting would do it. Definitely talk to her, because if you don't you're going to be upset every time you see her, but don't be too harsh. Just try and figure out what's going on.
    • Re: confused

      yeah bro, if you could've, you really shouldve hung out during the summer.
      seems like she moved on.

      just move on, like the others have said.

      now my thing about txt vs phone.
      thing with txt is, you have time to think of a response when someone says something, but in person you dont, and same thing on the phone, you dont have time to think, or it gets awkward.
      so thats why i stopped txting girls, and started calling, practice for real life :D

      eh just had to say that :D
    • Re: confused

      Hate to sound harsh, and no offense but, your problem is girls. No one understands them or ever will. They do things that they think are intelligent, when in reallity, it's probably the dumbest decision they'll ever make. If I were you I would go up to her and question her about what has happened and make sure you tell her how you feel. A bit of guilt never hurt anyone :wink: