Depression Spells

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    • Depression Spells

      So, about a year ago I fell into a major depression. I made it through for the most part anyway. I'm at a stage now where I'm sort of wondering if I'm through it or not. I feel normal again, nowhere near like I was, but I still don't enjoy the good times as much as I should, constantly worrying and such. Besides that, I can get little depression 'spells' that'll last for a short time, and usually over really little things.

      Just wondering if this is like a normal part of the recovery process or not.
    • Re: Depression Spells

      I think it is.

      I've never personally suffered from depression on such a large scale, but I do know what it feels like to be doing through the spells over little things.

      What I usually do is just let them pass, there's nothing wrong with you at all and when you say that you're not enjoying the good times as much is most likely because you're nervous about the after effects of being so happy. Possibly you're just anxious of trying to get yourself to feel better for school that you've kinda rushed yourself a little?

      These things do take time... And I'm sure you'll feel much better very quickly, these little tiffs are just a phase and you will get over them. Just try to focus on the good that you know does make you happy and not so much be wondering when the next spell is going to come along.

      Keep us all posted ok, good luck x
    • Re: Depression Spells

      Javy Dones wrote:

      So, about a year ago I fell into a major depression. I made it through for the most part anyway. I'm at a stage now where I'm sort of wondering if I'm through it or not. I feel normal again, nowhere near like I was, but I still don't enjoy the good times as much as I should, constantly worrying and such. Besides that, I can get little depression 'spells' that'll last for a short time, and usually over really little things.

      Just wondering if this is like a normal part of the recovery process or not.

      I think it is part of the healing process of it all.

      I get them 'spells', too. And, just like you, they are over the smallest things. Although, I don't think i've suffered despression on a medical level, but I do get them 'spells'.

      Maybe just give yourself time? You're not going to recover completely over night, i'm sure you know that, but - just bear it in mind, when you do feel low? Allow yourself to have them spells, they will motivate you to heal completely. You sound like you're doing a really good job at reovering, so keep it up! Give it time, yea?

      Good luck with it all.

      Support Leader,

    • Re: Depression Spells

      It is normal, but you will always remember how you were depresed, it will last you for your life, it will never go away. but it will stop being a big part of your life. You will stop feeling it as much but it will still be there. So far you have done well in comeing out of this depreshion.
      You are a vary smart person and I think you are going to recover from this vary fast and well.

      The Sorrow.
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by The Sorrow: adding stuff. ().

    • Re: Depression Spells

      I'm having an extremely difficult time lately in particular in getting over it because my home life is impossible. School is another story in itself, and is currently what's causing me to have trouble at home. Basically, I want to move out and get an apartment or somewhere to stay.

      As I'm typing this I'm sort of shaking because my mother could just come down and discover that I'm actually home at any second... I just don't know what to do about it besides get a new place to stay. It's this, school and after school, and relationships that cause me to get spells...

      I'm scared because it's days like today that I feel like I'm going to fall back into the major one.
    • Re: Depression Spells

      Javy Dones wrote:

      As I'm typing this I'm sort of shaking because my mother could just come down and discover that I'm actually home at any second...

      Are you avoiding her?
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: Depression Spells


      If you were to move out, could you be comfortable in paying bills and rent? If you think you would be and you're finding that you're home like is impossible - definately consider moving out. If not, then, how about a friend or family to stay with for a while?

      If you'd don't mind me asking, and you don't have to answer this but; what would be wrong with you're mother knowing you're home? If you really feel that finding somewhere new to stay would help you, then I would really consider it.

      Take it one step at a time, first start off concentrating on if you want to move out or stay some place else for a while. Once you have yourself sorted there, then focus on another thing thats causing these spells.. just work at it. It will take time, but, you have plenty of that, right?

      Feel free to PM if you ever feel like a chat about it all.. or anything, okay?

      Support Leader,

    • Re: Depression Spells

      IT is Normal.. but you need to get over it.. you should try to persue a new hobby.. or play a sport.. depression is not good for your.. niether your mind nor body... If it continues.. you might want to c a doctor who might be able to help you out..
