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    • Re: afraid!!

      knuckels17 wrote:

      im pretty sure im going to die alone because ive established im ugly but lately ive been depressed about it what should i do :(

      You're not going to die alone!

      What you think someone looks like, or what you think you look like is you're own personal preference. You could be "ugly" to yourself, but, to someone else you could be amazing.
      Appearences aren't everything, you know? You may not be "stunning" or "mind blowingly handsome" but, I bet you aren't "ugly". And, I also think that you'll have a good, friendly personality to go along with you're looks.

      Try and learn to love who you are and what you look like. One thing, try not to get depressed over it, think of the postives about yourself!

      Hope this helped a little.

      Support Leader,

    • Re: afraid!!

      Self confidence is a massive thing nowadays.
      I get it, I think everybody gets it at times.

      Everything has beauty, and even you do, even if thats hard to believe.
      Someone will love you for who you are, and will be beautiful to him even if you dont think you are.

      You see yourself different as what others see you. Remember that.

      Take care Hunni

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • Re: afraid!!

      I aint the best of looking guys either however never put yourself down, be yourself and someone will see who you really are if a girl doesn't want to speak to you etc because of your looks then she is shallow and probably has a STD and gave her first BJ at 12, as now adays everyone is now realizing that looks aren't everything!

      [CENTER][COLOR="Red"]The blog of DaveTaylor![/COLOR][/CENTER]
    • Re: afraid!!

      Best thing you can do is think positively and not try to put yourself down about it. In my oppinion anyone can look good if they put effort into it. If theres things you dont like about yourself, Motivate yourself and change them. play sports/work out and get in shape. Etc. Regardless theres always someone out there that will find you attractive the way you are. So dont worry about it.
    • Re: afraid!!

      Hey knuckles17,

      First of all let me start by telling you that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not one single person is ugly on this earth.

      Ugly is just an opinion created by other people, and quite frankly, if that's what they think let them think it - they're really not worth the worry.

      It kinda' seems like you're not very self confident, and i do wonder why?

      Perhaps you could tell us why you feel this way?

      Support leader,
    • Re: afraid!!

      SimpleGirl. wrote:

      You're not going to die alone!

      What you think someone looks like, or what you think you look like is you're own personal preference. You could be "ugly" to yourself, but, to someone else you could be amazing.
      Appearences aren't everything, you know? You may not be "stunning" or "mind blowingly handsome" but, I bet you aren't "ugly". And, I also think that you'll have a good, friendly personality to go along with you're looks.

      Try and learn to love who you are and what you look like. One thing, try not to get depressed over it, think of the postives about yourself!

      Hope this helped a little.

      Support Leader,


      YOU GO GIRL! oh yeah! oh yeah!



      you just need to have more confidence in yourself. look at my step-dad, now HE'S ugly. XDDD but my mother fell in love with him. you'll be fine. hehe
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: afraid!!

      let me offer another perspective here....

      first of all listen to what everyone here is saying you have to have learn to love yourself before you can love anybody else.....

      but this is were i am going in another direction than everone else (and i might get pissed on for it but here is goes)...not every one will get married and i think (again this is just an opinion if you dont agree by all means dont listen to it) that most people are caught up in the fairytale life that hollywood has so famously branded. Think about it every tv show or movie that has to to with relationships always has the same formula...guy is single and doing good then he meets a girl (there a thousand variations but all basically the same premiss) and he likes her alot but she or he does something dumb and they break up (eveyone get sad now lol) but the guy/girl realizes that they are miserable now that they are single and get back together with the other person and everybody lives in a kingdom of gumdrops and rainbows...right....not so in real life.

      Just because you are not married/ or dating someone (lets just say single) just because you are single does not mean that you can not live a fullfilling life...Many of the worlds greatest people were single, Einstien wasn't married (or at least i dont think he was) and he was very successful...Davinci single very successful...Jesus was single (that is if you believe in Jesus) I guess what i am saying is that there are so many things you can do with your life why waste it worrying aobut wether or not you will die alone or not...I say find something that you really love doing and dedicate your self to that and if you are meant to have someone special in your life you will but if not take it with a grain of sand and realize that even if you dont have a spouse you have still led a very fulfilling life. Hope that made since to you...keep your head up you only get one life why waste it worrying about what might be or what could have been.
    • Re: afraid!!

      JayVee wrote:

      :lol: That's probably the last I would've ever wanted to hear in his situation. But all jokes aside, Dw about it bro your not gonna die alone, Are you sure you dont just have a depression coming from a source somewhere else?

      oh no im not kidding

      Einstein married his cousin Elsa Loewenthal on June 2, 1919. Elsa was Albert's first cousin (maternally) and his second cousin (paternally) and she was 3 years older than Albert. There were no children from this marriage.

      i cant belive you didnt know that
      also it wont let me post the link to the site were i got that info from but if you dont belive me google it