sigh...stupid parents

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    • sigh...stupid parents

      ok i was just having an argument with my parents about a maths test i did at school...they asked me how i thought i went and i said reasonable, but then i was stupid enough to say there was one question i didn't understand so i left it. Then they went nuts saying stuff like "What?! why did you leave it didn't you study?" i said i did but it was just that question i didnt get, so they start saying how i have to study everything in detail.

      Then my dad started on a life story of how he flunked out of school in year 11 because he didn't study enough and saying that was what would happen so then i said that was his fault and i study like 2 hours a day, then he spent about 20 minutes repeating the same message over and over pretty much saying "well you obviously didn't study enough" and that he never see's me studying...then i say that hes always at work or asleep and i do my study in my room (which i do) so he starts accusing me of lieing and grounds me for a week...

      so now im really pissed off and im grounded for doing nothing but talking back to my there anyway you guys know of to stop them talking? it happens like every second day and im tired of taking all their crap.

      This arguement went for like an hour...i was trying to just agree with everything they said but they have no clue.

      anyway what can i do to stop them from lecturing me 24/7? and does anyone have any methods on how can i relieve stress?
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    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      My method is easy and simple. Well no actually it's a horrid method but like I've said somewhere else it varies with parents. My parents are cool about things and if we're in an arguement I literally throw every swear word in my vocab, I know it's not right but when I get lectured I really can't be arsed. If that'd happen to me, I'd personally say.

      "Look dad, I don't give two shits about your past it's your own fucking fault so stop trying to fix your mistakes through me and stop me a fucking liar because I ain't. I'll prove you wrong with my results that I do fucking study and when I do you better fucking apologise cause I'm seriously getting sick of this shit. Seriously, if you really do truely love me then atleast treat me with a little bit more respect and more like an adult. I'm not a kid anymore, my life is my own responsablilty. Sure tell me right from wrong but don't fucking accuse me of shit when you don't even know jack all."

      Yeah, Like I said I get a swear chaos threory going on. It's pretty funny, but you know your parents better than I do and my method will most likely not work; especially if they're strict. I haven't been grounded in AGGESS.. In fact that word doesn't even apply to me anymore, and hasn't for a long time xD

      I don't know to be honest, the best way is to prove him wrong. Though I do actually think he's trying to fix his mistakes through you unless he just wants you to do well but you really need to talk to them. Preferably you're mum since you're female. unless you get on with your dad more than your mum, depends I guess. But they seriously need to give you a break.
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      "Look dad, I don't give two shits about your past it's your own fucking fault so stop trying to fix your mistakes through me and stop me a fucking liar because I ain't. I'll prove you wrong with my results that I do fucking study and when I do you better fucking apologise cause I'm seriously getting sick of this shit. Seriously, if you really do truely love me then atleast treat me with a little bit more respect and more like an adult. I'm not a kid anymore, my life is my own responsablilty. Sure tell me right from wrong but don't fucking accuse me of shit when you don't even know jack all."

      if i said that i would get murdered lol...and i have tried telling him that constantly harrassing me about school isnt gonna make me do more work, and even if i do good in everything else theres always something they arent happy about. but thx
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    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      To be honest they need to be less strict with you, you're older now. You're more aware of life and you're surroundings. Them pounding you just because you missed one question is a really stupid thing to do. I don't really know what else to do to be honest, though if I said that to my parents I'd be alright lol

      I just wish your parents were more cooler -.-"
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      haha well in future im not telling them my results, but my school has this "assesment calendar" that they send to all the parents at the start of the year, so my parents have a rough idea of when everything is on so then they hastle me...
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    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      Laura wrote:

      haha well in future im not telling them my results, but my school has this "assesment calendar" that they send to all the parents at the start of the year, so my parents have a rough idea of when everything is on so then they hastle me...

      Our school does that too, but my parents never got it...

      Anyways, I know it's tough to have parents that hassle you and lecture you all the time, but that's pretty much how parents are. They just want what's best for you and they just want to give you what they didn't have. You know the story about how your dad dropped out? He's telling you this so you will be motivated to work harder than he has; he just wants to give you a better chance than the one he's been given.

      If I were you, I'd acknowledge the fact that they just want to make me successful in school, but tell them that you're responsible enough to be in control of you.

      Hope this helped some.

      ~ armyforthebroken
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      BrokenBallerina wrote:

      I wish I would have listened to my parents more, actually.

      Maybe you should just suck it up and deal with it... and one day you'll find that they were right about most of the shit they lectured you about.

      Fair point but if she is actually studying and they don't believe her then that is bullshit.

      You should tell them that you are really upset that they don't believe you and that in the future you will try to study absolutely everything and that you have learned your mistake. Generally if you admit you were wrong (even if you don't think you are) parents won't be as harsh on you. And maybe next time do try to study everything. But that's your choice. I know I don't but I still do very well in subjects I'm good at (don't mean to sound arrogant). Just some advice, dunno if it will help.

      - Ben
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      You should tell them that you are really upset that they don't believe you and that in the future you will try to study absolutely everything and that you have learned your mistake

      i think they could tell that i am really upset about it, and i did study everything i had learned, and everything more in depth (because of them) they say when u learn something u should follow through and find out everything about that subject. Not those exact words but yea...i studied but just forgot how to answer one question..

      btw i got 96% in this test...i got my results yesterday
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    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      Laura wrote:

      i think they could tell that i am really upset about it, and i did study everything i had learned, and everything more in depth (because of them) they say when u learn something u should follow through and find out everything about that subject. Not those exact words but yea...i studied but just forgot how to answer one question..

      btw i got 96% in this test...i got my results yesterday

      Well then I'm sorry for insulting your parents but they are cunts.
      That is an amazing test score!!! And if they tell you to study so that you get more than 96% they are fucking nuts. I mean if you wanted to get more you could but somehow I think that anyone would be pretty fucking happy with that mark. Congrats!
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      My dad was like this as well when I was in elementary, middle school. Once high school started, I didn't say a word about anything that I did. They didn't question me, thankfully.
      I was always a good student and did all my work, all the time.
      Then sr. year in high school started and I decided to take a class which I probably shouldn't have taken. I did terribly in it. It lowered my GPA incredibly. I spoke with the instructor of the class and my guidance counselor. All they did was tell me to study more. It was recommended to me that I study 1 hour per night for that particular class. When I told the instructor that I study for a minimum of 1.5, my father backed me up as well. It was the truth. Now, my dad used to always tell me to study as much as I can. My life revolved around my books (which caused some social problems, unfortunately). He thought that anyone could do well in a class if they studied hard. I came to believe the same.

      It wasn't until I took that class that my dad learned his lesson; that studying doesn't always guarantee that you will know everything. Now that I am in college, he still tells me to make sure that I study and do well; and I do.

      In college, my professors have told me, and the class, that in my field of study and work, one cannot and should not be perfect. Good enough is OK. I'm not saying that you should just 'get by', but perfection isn't always the best thing to do.
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      my fucking dad does the same shit, acts like school is a breeze and just because im young i have the potential to perfect everything.

      he goes on about all this bullshit on how i can do w/e i want if i try, THAT IS WHAT IM DOING.
      He thinks that i should give up everything just to study.

      bullshit dad doesn't know shit, he doesn't know the stress of Canadian schools, the pressure to fit in, have friends, look good, keep a good reputation and top of that study.

      My mom on the other hand understands, my dad is just a fucking cunt i don't really like to talk to him.

      He starts little shit over the littlest things, he gets all angry and starts waving his hands around like hes the boss, fuckin asshole, i just ignore him after a fight

      when i ignore him 23023123 tons of stress just fall off my chest. Hes not a dad hes just a lump of stress
      Not a jealous man, but females lie, But I guess that's just what you do, How could it ever be just us two?
      Never loved you enough to trust you...
    • Re: sigh...stupid parents

      omg, i know how you feel, my parents badger me, then, it doesnt matter if its them being hypocrites, or something theyve done, they always turn it into my fault, and if i prove them wrong, they wont listen, just because they cant be wrong!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::drool: