A little snag..

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    • A little snag..

      Alright, so.. I had moved from Chicago to the Suburbs 3 months ago. Im now living with my aunt, and going to school out here. Well, its been a good 3 months since ive moved out here.. Even though, i had left some of my friends behind. I try so hard NOT to be this guy who can just leave his friends, and stop contacting them all together. So anyway, i met this girl 3 days ago, shes in my Chemistry class, i knew her name from her friends, so i was okay in that region. So.. im sitting at lunch, eating pizza with my friend Jenette, and shes like "Where's this girl you like?" and i respond "I dont know.". So i wait, and when i finally see her, i tap Jenette on her shoulder, and Jenette like flips off. Shes like "STOP HITTING ME, I DONT CARE WHO THE F*** YOU LIKE!" And at that time, i got quiet, and stared at Emily (the girl i like). I looked away every few seconds or so, trying not to take the role of a stalker. I look at her, and she looks at me, i let out a small grin, and look the other way. After lunch, i walk up behind her as shes walking also. I think of what to say, i approach her on the right side and ask "Do you know what the homework was for Chemistry yesterday?" (Even though i already knew the answer). She replied and said "Im pretty sure it was to study." And i respond back "You sure? Because i dont want to find out we had homework and get an F. Im already failing TWO classes (joking)." She smiled as we walked down the hall, she often laughing at my idiotic jokes and phrases. Well anyway, after school, i walk home, thinking about Emily, and how i finally have a reason to go to school. I smile, just at the thought of her, awaiting the next day. In the morning, i awake at 5:30, school starting at 8:30. I take a shower, trying to look my best for the next day, brushing my teeth 5 times, and making sure my braids were tight and shiny. I get to school, as i look for her at her locker. Not finding her, i go to class, this happens for about 3 more periods. Till lunch, i see her, me sitting down to my table, and Emily sitting down at hers. I stare, as i take a bite of my pizza. After lunch, i walk up to her, as we proceed down the hall. Our conversation was great, i asked her about her hobbies, and listened to what she had to say. I tell Emily about how i play baseball, she smiled and told me it was one of her favorite sports. She commented she was a White Sox fan, and i replied with a "Im a Cubs fan all the way!" We laughed, and joked our way to Chemistry. In Chemistry, i sat 3 rows and 2 seats behind her. Me, staring at her again, our eyes met, as she gave me a warm smile, and looked away. Our eyes met again, this time us both smiling at eachother. After class, i walk past her desk, slipping her notebook into my hand, we begin to walk. I walk her to her locker, and we depart, (her next class being on the first floor and mine on the second) i walk her to her class still. Even making it back to Algebra before the bell rings. I step into Algebra, looking at Charles (my new Philipino friend). I slide into the desk next to him, and say "Hey Charles, look, i have a goal today.. Get Emily's number." Charles smiles and says "'Ey Man! Thats awesome!" As he high-fives me. After Algebra, i look for her, we both walk down the stairs, us both exchanging comments on eachothers past. I tell her, one of my regrets is not getting all my new friends' phone numbers, and i ask her for phone number before we part ways. My heart rushing, and pounding in my insides, she says.. "Okay, sure." And i smile inside, her grabbing a highlighter and writing it down on a scrap sheet of paper. I look at her number and say "Thanks" as i walk out the school doors.

      Now.. Heres where the problem is. I call her, no answer.. I call her AGAIN no answer. I have had problems in the past with that.. So im pretty much panicing, thinking "What if Emily doesnt want to talk to me?" I dont know what to do.. Is it possible for her to like me? Even though she is Portuegese, and me African American/Caucasian? I dont know anymore.. For the longest time i havnt fit in with neither the African American kids or the Caucasian ones... I dont know if this Emily girl could become the girl i can trust..
    • Re: A little snag..

      i dont think you should jump to conclusions. she could have been busy or out. its very possible that she likes you, race doesnt matter unless she thinks it matters in which case you should move on cuz shes not worth your time. if she didnt like you she wouldnt have give you her number. just relax and dont worry about it. there are plenty of reasons as to why she didnt answer. you met her 3 days ago, you cant expect it to move quickly.

      Support Leader,

    • Re: A little snag..

      BoyWonder wrote:

      I know.. But its hard, i find myself trying so hard not to mess up in this friendship.. Like i did to all my other ones.

      well thats understandable. just relax and use the past to learn and make the present and future friendships better. dont stress about it too much, enjoy what you have and dont worry about messing things up. if you try too hard to not mess things up that might ultimately mess things up for you. it would be like trying to fix something thats not broke, ya know what i mean? just see what happens and dont stress yourself out. sorry if that was confusing :)
    • Re: A little snag..

      jasmine328 wrote:

      well thats understandable. just relax and use the past to learn and make the present and future friendships better. dont stress about it too much, enjoy what you have and dont worry about messing things up. if you try too hard to not mess things up that might ultimately mess things up for you. it would be like trying to fix something thats not broke, ya know what i mean? just see what happens and dont stress yourself out. sorry if that was confusing :)

      So you're saying i should sit back, and let things run its course?
    • Re: A little snag..

      BoyWonder wrote:

      Sooo i shouldnt call her again?

      no, you can call her again. although since you've called her twice you might want to wait til another day cuz you dont want to come off the wrong way. wait til you talk to her again at school to see how she acts. if shes still the same and not trying to avoid you then you can call her again.
    • Re: A little snag..

      jasmine328 wrote:

      no, you can call her again. although since you've called her twice you might want to wait til another day cuz you dont want to come off the wrong way. wait til you talk to her again at school to see how she acts. if shes still the same and not trying to avoid you then you can call her again.

      Well i cant wait for school! Tomorrow is the start of our schools 3 DAY WEEKEND. I dont want to wait that long to speak to her again! I wish she would call though..