Buddy's Mom

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    • Buddy's Mom

      I am not sure what to do here? I am a Sr. & 18 I have already signed a letter of intent so I know where I am going to college. College is far away. Here is the deal...I have a buddy who is a friend, semi-close but part of a group. We have known each other for 3 years and last sumer between soph & Jr year his dad packed up, divorced and moved overseas leaving his mom who has put all of her time into work and my buddy.
      Here is the situation this summer I noticed his mom seeming more friendly to me, I think. Nothing overt but more complimentary to me than others, especially when noone was around, short surprise back scratches, long hugs. If the group goes out and she is with us, she always sits next to me and close if it is a booth. I am not going to lie she is good looking and I think she is a young 40.
      Last weekend at my buddy's house in front of the guys (buddy not there), she said something about hooking up if she were my age and she kinda did that walking fingers from my belly up my chest and winked (man my knees buckled). After she left the guys really started giving it to me on how she wants me and I should go for it until my buddy came back in. Then there was one of those akward quiets before we went out and crashed the pool.
      So here is where I need help...What do I do? I find her attractive, I am single, I am horny and part of me would think it would be fun & hot to have a go with her til I leave for college (there is noone at school I am into).
      I figure if I am wrong on her attraction I am going to be mega-embarassed and never hear the end of it.
      Do I talk to her about it
      Do I just make a move
      Do nothing
    • Re: Buddy's Mom

      Ok so here is the exciting conclusion of never embarassing situation. First I obviously wasn't clear that my buddy is a guy and we are not that close. He is part of a team. We hang at his house cuz of his mom's cool and he has a pool. I also learned that his mom is 38 not that that makes any difference.
      So I decided I couldn't take it anymore and decided to talk to her about it!
      In my blurred memory it went something like:
      Do you like me?:o
      Yes, I like you.:)
      No, I mean do you like like me?:wink:
      I think I like you what do you mean like, like?:confused:
      I mean do you liiiiike me...ya know in the like me kinda like me way....:o
      OOOOOOH :) I think you're a great kid:cool: but if you mean like in a man and woman way like:kiss: I guess Josh (Buddy) didn't tell you I have a girlfriend:)
      :oops:oh no he never mentioned it...well I wanted to make sure I wasn't misinterpreting anything and didn't make a fool of myself (thinking - what a fool I am)

      Well problem solved kinda...now I want to become a voyuer to see if I can catch her with her lover:lol:
      I guess I'll have to watch American Pie again to figure out the MILF thing until then I guess I'm stuck with warm apple pie.

      Thanks to everyone who gave advice