dissing parents to look "cool".

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    • dissing parents to look "cool".

      one of the things that REALLY annoy me is how people, especially around my age diss there parents infront of their friends to try make themselves look "cool". sure i used to be one of those kids who did that all the time, but holy moses - have things changed.

      since my dad died, everytime i hear people talk bad about their parents, i just want to smack em one in the face. they have NO idea how lucky they are to have both of their parents around. i guess if they had a reason, like if their dad was a suicide bomber involved in 9/11 or something, sure i wouldnt really care what they said, but when people have NO reason to diss their parents .. far out it is the hardest thing to listen to.

      just appreciate your parents, and tell them you love them.
      its so terrible to lose one - i wouldnt wish it on anybody ever.
      the saying you really dont know what you have until its gone or whatever it says is so true.
      i treated my dad so bad, we fought so much day in, day out.
      so its made me realise, i missed out on the chance of loving my dad and having fun with him etc ..
      i wont let that happen with my mum.


      [CENTER] [SIZE=1][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]He was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; He was lashed and we were healed.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=1][SIZE=1][SIZE=1]Isiah 53:5.[/SIZE] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      --Cupcake-- wrote:

      one of the things that REALLY annoy me is how people, especially around my age diss there parents infront of their friends to try make themselves look "cool". sure i used to be one of those kids who did that all the time, but holy moses - have things changed.

      since my dad died, everytime i hear people talk bad about their parents, i just want to smack em one in the face. they have NO idea how lucky they are to have both of their parents around. i guess if they had a reason, like if their dad was a suicide bomber involved in 9/11 or something, sure i wouldnt really care what they said, but when people have NO reason to diss their parents .. far out it is the hardest thing to listen to.

      just appreciate your parents, and tell them you love them.
      its so terrible to lose one - i wouldnt wish it on anybody ever.
      the saying you really dont know what you have until its gone or whatever it says is so true.
      i treated my dad so bad, we fought so much day in, day out.
      so its made me realise, i missed out on the chance of loving my dad and having fun with him etc ..
      i wont let that happen with my mum.


      I agree, that's also one of my pet peeves. It's tough, because we don't realize that our parents won't be here with us for the rest of our lives, so we don't appreciate them often. We don't know what we have until it's taken from us, that's for sure.

      Sometimes, I do get angry with my mom. Even if I did something horrible, I argue with her. Most of the time, it's because I'm really stressed out and some part inside of me always know that even if I do argue with my mom, she'll still love me. I try not to argue with her, but it's hard to keep track of my emotions.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by armyforthebroken ().

    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      Well, I do agree, even though sometimes I see/hear myself being a bit less respectful to my parents than I should be in public. It's not that I, or my friends, have ever openly been rude or put-down our parents to try to prove that we are better than they are or something though.

      I've found that as I get older and gain more experience in my life, my parents both respect ME more and I respect them more. We just have a better understanding of each other and we each allow the other party to run their own lives as they see fit. It's a much better and more enjoyable understanding between us than we had in high school. I actually *GASP* ENJOY spending time with my parents now and will choose to eat dinner with them and stay over at their house. It's great, and I'm happy that I seem to have lucked out with this relationship (many of my friends either live too far from their parents or STILL do not get along with them).

      My boyfriend's father died when he was about 16-17, but I think it's a little crazy to get angry at someone for not appreciating their parents as much as you think they should. Knowing that "other people have it worse" or any other cliche you want really doesn't make that person's situation any better. Knowing that you lost your parent doesn't automatically make anyone love their parents any more.
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      I agree with 100%. I never dissed my parents to look 'cool' but I have taken them for granted one too many times. I now wish I could take back all the hurtful things I said and did because then maybe they'd trust me a little more or look at me in a better light. But what's done is done and all I can do from this day on is prove to them I've changed and I really do appreciate them.

      And I'm sorry about your dad. :hugs:
      [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]baby you the fuckin` best. ツ[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      --Cupcake-- wrote:

      one of the things that REALLY annoy me is how people, especially around my age diss there parents infront of their friends to try make themselves look "cool". sure i used to be one of those kids who did that all the time, but holy moses - have things changed.

      since my dad died, everytime i hear people talk bad about their parents, i just want to smack em one in the face. they have NO idea how lucky they are to have both of their parents around. i guess if they had a reason, like if their dad was a suicide bomber involved in 9/11 or something, sure i wouldnt really care what they said, but when people have NO reason to diss their parents .. far out it is the hardest thing to listen to.

      just appreciate your parents, and tell them you love them.
      its so terrible to lose one - i wouldnt wish it on anybody ever.
      the saying you really dont know what you have until its gone or whatever it says is so true.
      i treated my dad so bad, we fought so much day in, day out.
      so its made me realise, i missed out on the chance of loving my dad and having fun with him etc ..

      i wont let that happen with my mum.


      I understand what you mean. I lost my dad when I was 9. That was 7 years ago. It still hurts though when I hear people talking the way they do about their parents. If their parent abuses them or something of the sort, then it doesn't really bother me. But if their parent grounds them because of something they did and they're like, "I hate my dad/mom." It really bothers me. Because they don't know what they've got until it's gone. Since my dad's death my mom and I have become really close. I couldn't imagine losing her. Yeah, she does make me mad sometimes, but I'll never go as far to say I hate or anything of the sort.
      [CENTER]Proud mommy and wife![/CENTER]
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      "My parents suck, look at me I'm so cool now"

      Just kidding

      Yeah I hate it when teenagers do that like at school I will hear people say horrible things such as "OMG I'm so pissed at my mom she won't buy me a new cellphone she is such as *****". I have gotten really mad at my parents before but I never will say horrible things about them to my friends just so they think I'm cool.
      They provided me food, clothing, and many other things so unless your parents abuse you everyday, do not care about you at all, don't care if you live or die, then you should be thankful you have parents who care about you. I know what it feels like to lose a parent, I lost my dad when I was very young like 4 or 5 years old, I remeber when he did die I didn't cry or anything I just didn't feel anything. But when I visited my country of birth again and visited his grave,when I was 15, I was like I don't think I'm going to cry because I didn't really know him but once I got there I cried so much I cried for the rest of the day knowing that I barely rememered him but I knew he loved me because I have past images in my mind of him carrying me on top of his shoulders. Everyone should be really thankful for their parents when they care for you.
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      Not to say that all parents are perfect--some are truly inadequate--but in general I see it as a sign of teens' inability to relate to adults. It really does get on my nerves, because I love my parents a lot and I have heard from them and many grownups about the pain of having your own child "hate" you and not even want to be seen with you. It is heartbreaking for parents who love their children! Just thinking about it almost makes me cry because I love my parents (esp. my mom) so much...

      I'm so sorry about your dad. I bet he didn't leave this world thinking of the hard times you'd had though--I bet he remembered the good times and how much he loved you. That's what my parents told me when I felt bad about not having shown enough love to my grandmother when she passed.
    • Re: dissing parents to look "cool".

      Personally I can't say that I have openly said anything negative to my parents (and meant it) in front of my friends. I guess that is just 'cause of the relationship we have. We call eachother names, we are harsh about most things but no one really means it and it just works that way. I guess from the outside it could seem strange but I don't really care. I know I am lucky to have both of them and I know what they expect from me, just our love translates in some weird ways.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]What's the world coming to?[/SIZE][SIZE=2]
      [/SIZE][SIZE=2] What they say isn't true[/SIZE][SIZE=2]
      [/SIZE][SIZE=2] You can't plant no seed[/SIZE][SIZE=2]
      [/SIZE][SIZE=2] Where there's only greed[/SIZE][/CENTER]