relationship with my boyfriend

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    • relationship with my boyfriend

      hi im new on this forum so plz treat me kindly!
      anyway, yes, i am worried about my relationship with my boyfriend. im 14 and a freshman in high school, and so is he. we've been going out since march last year. we've always had a really good relationship; hes incredibly sensible and considerate and he always tries to make me happy. my parents dont approve of me having a boyfriend so hes been helping me keep our relationship secret (to adults, not our friends at school). because of this we hardly ever get to meet outside of school, but he always tells me he doesnt mind because he thinks its worth being with me, and he'll wait however long it takes. he even entered the high school my parents forced me to go to even though it meant leaving all of our friends behind. but lately, there has been a lot going on in my family, like my grandmother beening very sick with cancer, my family being very deep in debt, and my parents not getting along. so its not really a big stretch to say ive been a bit depressed. ive been pretty inattentive during school, depressed, and ive been spacing out a lot. my boyfriend has been great about it; hes been trying to cheer me up for the longest time, but i think its starting to get to him. he says he gets depressed when i am, and its really apparent in the both of us because we're usually very energetic and happy. however, lately, it seems like hes begun to lose intrest in me. we talk all the time, but its superficial, it sounds very fake and forced, even when we discuss the stupidest and ridiculous things (which we usually do). for the past few days, he has always been mentioning a girl in our school that he has a few classes with. i get extremely irritated when he talks about her and mentions her, but i always hide it and act normally. its probably my fault that he doesnt really want to talk to me so much because i sound so dead, but i just dont want to end it with him because i still care about him so much. if anyone has any thoughts on this, plz give me some help.
    • Re: relationship with my boyfriend

      Yeah, sit and talk to him about how you feel. I can see why you feel like this whenever he constantly mentions another girl.

      Sorry to hear about everything thats gone on though, i really am. Things will pick up for you, im sure it will for the both of you. Im sure your boyfriend is just worried about you and your problems and may not know how to show it in the way us women do. It may be just how he is dealing with it.
    • Re: relationship with my boyfriend

      yeah i will talk to him and thx for the encouragement^^ ive been trying to find the right time to talk to him seriously, but i always gave up when i was about to.

      but just to clarify something, i was kinda vague when i typed up the thread. i am currently going out with him, but we keep our relationship a secret from my parents. my parents think im too young to date, and i never thought i would go out with someone until much later. i dont know if its my "raging teenage hormones" or what but i met my bf at the beginning of eighth grade and we instantly became really really close friends. all of our friends saw before us that we were interested in each other beyond the point of just being friends and always teased us about that until he asked me out>_< race kinda makes it even more unlikely it'll work out in the long run tho.....cause my family's chinese and traditional, so IF i ever dated they always expected him to be a chinese guy. my bf's nicaraguan. im glad that my bf's family likes me a lot tho^^ his parents have even tried to get him to ask me out>_< (they dont know that we're dating either). but i still hope it will work out..... because i love him very very much.

      (btw, i know i sound childish>_<)