
  • i'm a guy. i'v cross dressed since i was a baby pretty much. two older sisters who were at that age where they wanted a little sister. so they made me that...

    anyway now i still really like wearing girls clothes, sometimes more then guys, except theres really nothing to a guys clothes to not like. so i do like them, but i like mini skirts and bra's and pink socks, and just anything girly.

    thats just the outside. inside i feel like i really should be a girl. but i like girls, so if i was a girl, i'd be bi. well im bi now so that wouldnt change. but i think like a girl and dont act like a girl when other people are around but when im a lone and dressed up i deffinitly can act like one.

    right now i just found a weave in the back bedroom where its like a tornado, so noone will notice that i opened it and took it. and i have my sports bra on and a mini skirt, hence they were the examples.

    i used to have this CUTE little pink dress with white flowers, but i had to get rid of it before i moved bc i didnt want anyone to see it in my baggs. ugh. (that just popped in my head, so i typed it)

    annyy way. i dont know what anyone will say to this but what ever u want to say is ok. i just wanted to "tell the world" but im not ready for all that just yet, so thisll do. :)

    edit: oh and my one ballet shoe. i cant find the other one. its somewhere in that tornado.
  • Re: girlllllll

    I look up to you for picking what you want to be in life and sticking besides that. Most people would refuse to tell people that they cross dress because to society it's completely wrong. But it seems like you don't even care about that. It takes guts to decide to be different than everyone else.

    I will back you up with anything that you decide to do with your life. Because if cross dressing makes you happy than I am happy for you. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't belong because you are different. I think you are amazing for coming out and telling us. It's great.
  • Re: girlllllll

    so u're a guy,but u like to dress like a girl..well, I gotta admit, u remind me of my self when I was about 8-9, I used to refuse to dress like a girl,all I wanted was to dress like a boy, u see I have two brothers and I think they influenced my behaviors a lot..but now I don't have any problem, and I think the best solution is to socialize more with boys ur age..
    but I think it's cool if u don't wanna change that!cuz appearances don't really matter, all that matters is the way u treat people and the way u talk to them, so first make sure ur inside is pure, then take care of ur appearance.
  • Re: girlllllll

    fay is absolutly right. just do wut makes u happy and fuck wut everyone else thinks. life is too short to worry about wut society thinks of u.
    Your tongueis a rudder, it steers the whole ship Sends your words past your lips and keeps them safe behind your teeth. But the wrong will strand you[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]