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    • Every time i get upset or angry(which is a lot) i go up to my room and every bit of me doesn't want to cut but that's what i resort to. and idk what to do. yeah i could just be like no. don't do it but it's hard for me. And i already have scares on my wrists and arms. and people are starting to notice. and i don't want there to be perminent scares on me anylonger. but idk what to do.
    • Re: cutting.

      I think that a lot more people have these desires and go through this than we choose to admit.

      Everyone deals with pain differently, and it is imporant to find a healthy method that works for you, but most would agree that harming yourself in order to control your pain or unhappiness is really not healthy, and in the long run not even helpful.

      Having certain desires to do things, even if you know it would be an unwise choice, is ok. Sometimes we cannot always control our desires, and you do not have to put yourself down for thinking this way, but understanding that it probably wouldn't be a good choice for you is important. There is a huge difference between what your brain thinks you want and what you really do want, and especially with an addiction (and cutting can be seriously addictive!) it's hard to tell the difference.

      Sometimes our lives can feel so out of control, and sometimes we feel like nothing we do can stop pain, and I believe that often people harm themselves so that they can feel like they are controling what is hurting them. I'm sure that there are many recovered self-harmers on this forum, and one thing that I seem to hear often from them is that, eventually, they couldn't control their harming anymore, it controlled them. With you, this seems to be a bit of the case.

      There are a ton of things that you can do besides cutting, and there are tons of lists on them all over the forum here:

      It's important to find someway to vent your anger that works for you, that you can rely on and that you can do in the future as well (as you grow, change, and mature, you may find that you need different ways to vent your frustrations, or even different ways depending on WHY you are feeling down).

      I, personally, find writing to be most helpful to me. Sometimes I don't even have to write about what's bothering me, but sometimes I find it helpful to help others with what's bothering them (which is one reason why I enjoy being on a teen support forum so much). I have a blog as well, which I used for some time, and sometimes I just open a new notepad on my computer, blabber on and on, and then close it without saving. Just the act of typing or writing is so helpful to me, so it's a good thing for you to try. :) If you try it and it doesn't work, you can simply move on to the next activity (cooking, painting, swimming, studying, etc.) until you find something that you do enjoy and that works for you.

      It really is a long road to go down, and a lot of people struggle with trying to stop cutting. Often there can be setbacks, you can make mistakes, you can slip, and that's ok.

      Having people support you to help you through this can be very helpful. If you can talk to a parent, friend, or teacher, they could help give you support or even resrouces (books, put you in tough with other teens that may cut that you can gain help from, maybe even a counselor, etc.).

      Trying to get this situation under control really is the first and most important thing, but scars can be very daunting. Many people find that vitamin E can be helpful in reducing scar lines. They will heal and get smaller and less noticible over time, but there are creams and lotions you can use to help speed that process up, so you aren't going to be left with these scars forever in plain sight, so don't let that get you down and give up hope.

      Good luck, you'll get there. There is nothing to be afraid of in the meantime. People go through ups and downs and that's perfectly ok.
    • Re: cutting.

      Ok i understand what its like to feel you have to harm, ive had this. But you do need to gradually get out of the need to do that. It would upset people that care about you. I understand what you're going through. Try and work around whats making you feel like this, try and talk to someone that can help you through it, as you cannot do this alone.
      If you need to talk, come talk to me.
    • Re: cutting.

      You should try alternatives,
      For example sport, I got a punching bag :] that helped me
      Or go for a walk, when you are depressed.
      When i am depressed i go for a bike ride, this cheers me up :]

      shadowedsecrets94 wrote:

      Well What Do You Cut With? Whatever It Is Dont Have Any In Your Room Or Try Not To Have Anything Sharp.

      How is that ever going to work/.?
      You would just find anything
      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]If you think i make a useful/good comment (very unlikely) plz + rep me :)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
      [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]Sorry if my comments are a bit harsh/blunt, Reality hurts[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: cutting.

      PleaseEnterUserNameHere wrote:

      You would just find anything

      Very true. I've used the stupidest stuff, just because there was nothing else.

      You know what, I smoke like a chimney, and I've given up a couple of times, and giving up cutting was indescribably worse than giving up smoking. Smoking is just a physical need, over and above anything else. Cutting gets into your head and into your soul. It's a mental AND emotional AND physical thing.

      You have to go cold turkey on it. Quit, totally.
      Telling someone will be one of the hardest things you ever do (assuming no one knows already) but it helps. I'm not saying you should get someone to check your arms and legs every day or anything like that. But if you tell someone you trust, someone you find it hard to lie to, someone non-judgemental, you can tell them when you're doing well and they can be there for you when you slip up.

      Above everything else you have to WANT to give up. You can't do anything if you don't want to. PM me if you want. I'm always here to talk to.
    • Re: cutting.

      *sigh* Honestly, soo many teenagers have gone through this. You aren't alone. I've fully healed from it. Its got alot to do with mind over matter. You need to let off some steam and sort things out with yourself. Stop cutting.
      Everytime you feel tempted to something GOOD for you, like run, bike, scream in a pillow, whatever it may be.
      Untill the temptations stop (and yes, it wont stop for a very long time.. it took about 6 months for me. ) you need to help yourself before anyone can help you.