First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

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  • First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    Lol, me and a friend were discussing this the other day and... well... thought it would be a fun thing to put on here.

    How was your first snog/kiss/serious relationship?

    Who with + where?? What was it like?

    Juicy details :cool:

    Haa, I'll start, my first snog was when I was 11...
    With someone called Ryan :kiss:
    It was disasterous...
    He didn't know how to kiss
    Obv we're not still together now!
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    Good thread
    My first snog was erm about when I was 13, with my brothers best friend Dan, my brother was trying to get us with a BB gun and me and Dan locked ourself in my room. Then it just sort of happened lol. He was quite a good kisser actually, but he did have a big mouth.
    Then we got together, then Dan and my brother werent best friends anymore lol!

    DomGTR wrote:

    Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

    [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    i remember my first snog was with one of my bestfriends sisters, and me and her are still best friends lol, anyway we were at church one day then she pulled me away and we went behind the church she stepped up on a little ledge so we could be the same height and bam we were making out. she was an awesome kisser. i'll probably never forget that.
    i even remember what she was wearing lol.
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    Let's see ... my first kiss was when I was getting on the bus. I was about to get on then my boyfriend said "Wait! I've built up my resolve!" and then he kissed me XD

    As for first snog, well ... it was in front of the library while waiting for it to open. It was kinda random-ish.

    And this was also my first very serious relationship.

    So basically, I've done a lot with this current relationship of mine.

  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    I was like 12 and to be honest, the kiss sucked. lol neither of us new what we were doing :) and we broke up after like 2 weeks, so not that great!
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  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    I think I'd just turned 13 and it was with this guy I'd been mates with for a few months and haven't spoken to in years. We were hanging out with a group of people round the high shool down the road (I still don't know why it wasn't off-limits at night, but oh well), and we went round the back of these temporary classrooms they'd set up because of building work and improvements on the school, and they were covered in that spiky stucco stuff, and it dug into my shoulder blades and back but I didn't really care. He was a good kisser, and pretty cute, and it was that kind of heavy warm summer night that you don't get very often in the UK, and if I could choose now how I wanted my first kiss to be, I don't think I'd change a single thing. :)
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    First Snog: Mom's bf's son was teaching me how to kiss.
    First Kiss: Don't remember...haha.
    Serious relationship: Lasted a year and a half. Started getting miserable halfway through. Lowered my self esteem more than anything else ever has. When he dumped me, I was relieved. Happened over a year ago and he's still saying he's in love with me and wants me back.
    I'm offensive and creative like handicap porn.
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    I had my first kiss when I was 14. I'm 15 now.
    I Was saving it for somebody who I actually cared about, so I could remember it. =) My first snog, was of course, when I was 14. My first serious relationship is the one I experienced all of these with. :) We've been together for a year.
  • Re: First Kiss / Snog / Serious Relationship... What Was It Like?!

    My first proper kiss was at a house party for a dare with a really close guy friend.

    It was pretty crappy because everyone was watching and i wanted it to be special you know?

    My first serious realtionship, well i'm in it - and loving every second.

    Been together 16 months now and still going strong, the kissing's amazing too - BONUS!