What the %$#! am I supposed to do?!?!

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    • What the %$#! am I supposed to do?!?!

      So, I know this sounds lame and everything, but, I have this problem with my eating. Basically, I starve myself all day and then I binge eat at night. Now before you think you have the answer to this problem, let me stress the binging is not necessarily from hunger. It's the compulsion--one I can't control. I've tried for about 2 years now, every single day to eat normally but I just can't do it. I have to eat. I can't ignore it. Even if I eat normal meals everyday, by the time dinner time comes I pig out.

      Also, there's something weird with my body. And I could eat like 1000 calories at a time. I stay full for about 5-10 minutes and then my stomach starts growling again. So I don't know what to do about that? And I've already told my counselor and my mom and nobody really cares. I don't know what to do. I used to throw up in 8th grade, but then I quit because I couldn't do it anymore and I've been dealing with these compulsions ever since. I know it's emotional, but I need some advice on how to control. How not to give in. That's all I want, but food..it's not just food to me. It's my best friend. I personify it. It's more than just energy, or even something satisfying--it controls me.

      If you have any advice, please help!
    • Re: What the %$#! am I supposed to do?!?!

      Have you tried speaking to a Dietitian?
      Or a counselor may have some advice.
      Do you binge eat out of stress or unhappiness?
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]If you want any Support/Advice/Just someone to talk to, PM me.[/SIZE]

      [COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="3"]Please [COLOR="Orange"]Plus[/COLOR] rep me if you think i'm useful[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/CENTER]
    • Re: What the %$#! am I supposed to do?!?!

      First of all- you have to think about the root of this problem. What really causes you to binge eat? Why is it that you like food so much? Are you sure there is not something- some event in your life, perhaps- that caused it? Or maybe you are insecure about your weight or appearance, or something else in your life- be honest with yourself. Once you realize the root of this problem it will be easier to think of a solution for yourself.

      The reason you are still hungry even if you eat 1000 calories at once, is because you still don't eat well enough overall. If you don't eat for the entire day,and then eat 1000 calories suddenly, your stomach will still growl because it still doesn't have all the nutrients and stuff it needs. You need to eat at least fairly consistently throughout the day.