6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

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    • 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      okay people from UK will know what im on about but if anybody else from another place wants to comment feel free to advise! :)

      anyways im in a dilemma. its my last year in school year 11 and i dunno what i should do i mean i wanna carry on studying but i dunno where to go.

      i really wanted to go to college but im unsure now because of all the stuff i hear that college doesnt support you as school would and that it (please excuse my language) fucks you up!? its kinda put me off.

      i dont really wanna return to my school sixth form because i dont like my school anymore for some reason im very negative about it. probably because seeing the same people for 5 constant years starts to take its toll on you. what i find most annoying is that people are still so immature. but i have my friends there!?

      and im not sure where i should go to another school to do sixth form.

      so people what do you think i should do?

      i'm so confused i seriously have no idea whatsoever on what to do!

      plus people i have become very mature since last year and most of the time i cant bear to be around immature behaviour but im still up for a laugh. anyways just thought this'd help.

      anything else you wanna know just ask :) please help.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      My school didn't have a sixth form, so college or antoher school were my only options. I know what you mean about getting negative about your school, the last year or so I was there I hated it; couldn't wait to leave.

      I opted for college, and am very glad I did. The freedom you get compared to that of a school environment is fantastic. I'm not sure what you mean about college not supporting you... I still get homework to check on my progress and the lecturers are always avaiable for help.

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    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      well one of the connecxions advisers said that the support isnt much compared to the kind of support you get in school!?
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      I'm in my last year as well and i am definatly going to college.
      I can't stand to be in my school anymore and see the same people is starting to annoy me.
      If you think you have matured a lot then going into 6th form is kinda putting you back i think anyways. College is so much more grown up and you get to meet new people and teachers and i think they treat you more grown up at college's. Just have to pick the right one.
      I am going to miss some people though because i doubt i'll keep in contact with most people i know now :(.

    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      DontBother wrote:

      I'm staying into 6th form. Last year for me too. College's by me are just shit crappy things for chavs to go to to say they got some kind of crappy education.

      Oh dear =/. Yea city of Bristol college can be like that but i want to go to Bath college and it's nice there with nice people lol.


    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      I ain't saying where I live, but every city near me (not many close enough) is shit too lol. Most of my mates are staying in 6th anyhow. I know that shouldn't influence your choices, but it makes things one hell of a lot easier.. Unless you're looking for the whole "fresh start" kinda thing.
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      hmmmm.. i was so up fo college i wanted to go manchester college but everyone has different views about it. i did want a fresh start get away from where i am now but its just so confusing.
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      Generally speaking most people view colleges as better for vocational courses due the fact they have better resources to teach those courses then a school does and likewise a 6th form is better at academic courses such as A-Levels because schools channel their funding into the academics.

      Firstly if you are planning on taking A Levels you need to make sure they are right for you (I'm not trying to put you of but give you a realistic sense). A Levels are going to be tough no matter where you go to study them and you need to make sure you will enjoy studying them, that you will enjoy the environment and that you will put in the hard work. The step-up from GCSE to A Level is (according to the majority of professional people I have met who have been to university) the hardest and you'll be thrown in the deep end (at least we were). The gap between A Levels and University/A management training position is far smaller for the A Levels teach you and make you familiar with the tools you'll be using. If you think A Levels are for you then keep reading however if you want to take A Levels because you don't really know what else there is to do and you're delaying time then I'd advise you to find out about other routes.

      You then need to make decisions on which A Levels you are interested in taking. Make a list of all of the subjects you like the sound of. Also look to what you might think you want to do at university, if you want to do sciences at uni you will need to take sciences (usually including maths) at A Level. If you want to do languages you will need a language at A Level (If you are taking an ab initio course that allows you to study a language from scratch note that it is not possible to do this with French, you will need a French A Level to do French at uni - at least to my experience). If you don't know what you want to take at uni, leave your options open! Don't close doors! Make a list of subjects you might want to study - you won't need to narrow them down yet don't worry :)

      Once you have a list of subjects you're interested in find out who is good at teaching them! Your 6th form may be fantastic at teaching English at A Level but rubbish at it at GCSE, so find out. Likewise the local college may not be brilliant for certain subjects that you want to do so find out.

      You should also think about what type of environment you want to be in. You've been at your school for a long time, you know your way around it, the people, your friends, the teachers and so you don't need to spend the first half term finding your way around and fitting in but instead can concentrate on your studies. Perhaps though, for this reason you want to move, you know you won't like studying at your school and what a change of scenery. Make sure it's to a place that you'll be comfortable in because you don't want to move and then wish you were back at school and hate where you currently are.

      It's early days yet but it's good that you're thinking about it. Really the best advice I can give you is to look into all of the possibilities at your doorstep, and make decisions based upon that. Remember, you're the one who is going to have to go there for two years if you choose it so make sure you go for you and because you made the decision.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      ^Good stuff.

      You'll be surprised just how easy it is to make new friends and get in with the crowds at a new 6th form, people seem to be a lot nicer and welcoming. That's not to personal experience but I've seen it with people coming in.

      I think a lot of it depends on what you wanna do. If you want to go to university, going the A level route is probably best. If you literally have no idea whatsoever on what to do, I'd still suggest A levels. Colleges will offer vocational courses that will be more in line with people who, doing those courses, know what they want to do. You can still go through your A levels with more-or-less no career choice, just well informed decisions on course choice.

    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      College is better than school, more relaxed AND they offer more support.

      Without A-Levels, you can't get a good job nowadays - you also meet friends for life at 6th form.

      What's the difference between 6th form and college? :D

      6th form = road to good job. College = road to shitty jobs?

      I've been at college(Well, 6th form then) for around 7 weeks now - and i can say it's far better than high school. It's not near my old school for one ;)
      News of Stoke's 2-1 win over Arsenal has just reached Michael Phelp's swimming pool, spark mass celebrations
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      Without reading much of this post i will just say, i went to college in another town, although my school offered six form it didn't offer the course i wanted to do so i had to think about my education. Doing this meant leaving behind my friends as they either stayed at six form or went to different college's, it sucks because you have to leave your friends, but education is more important, and if you are planning to go to university you will most likely have the same dilemma.

      Lol are you serious, the only differences are that:
      The tutors are not like your school teachers, they are normally more relaxed and you can talk to them easier.
      In college you are treated more like a adult, and (in mine anyway) we are told if we don't want to be here then go home.
      The main difference is that college's are normally built for a-levels were as most schools normally just have six-form added on as an extra. This means the resources,courses and facilities differ and may not be as good or as wide.

      6th form = road to good job. College = road to shitty jobs?

    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      well im definatley doing A-Levels because to me education is more important than anything. but im just worried about where im going to do my A-Levels...
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Courage is when you stand up for what's right, even if means being an outcast! [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      6th form college- a sixth form with no 11-16 school atached

      imo its the way to go.
      teachers there are better trained to teach A-levels, rather than teacher ks3 and whatever.
      also- they treat you more adult, and give you more independence...

      im in the same position as you, so pm me or whatever :)
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    • Re: 6th Form, College or 6th Form in another school?

      crazyemoguy wrote:

      Without reading much of this post i will just say, i went to college in another town, although my school offered six form it didn't offer the course i wanted to do so i had to think about my education. Doing this meant leaving behind my friends as they either stayed at six form or went to different college's, it sucks because you have to leave your friends, but education is more important, and if you are planning to go to university you will most likely have the same dilemma.

      Lol are you serious, the only differences are that:
      The tutors are not like your school teachers, they are normally more relaxed and you can talk to them easier.
      In college you are treated more like a adult, and (in mine anyway) we are told if we don't want to be here then go home.
      The main difference is that college's are normally built for a-levels were as most schools normally just have six-form added on as an extra. This means the resources,courses and facilities differ and may not be as good or as wide.

      Still don't see the difference between a sixth form and a college :D I go sixth form college and it's nowhere near a school :) Yet people say they are two different things ,"College better than sixth form" etc. Same thing aren't they?

      I was joking before btw :p:cool:
      News of Stoke's 2-1 win over Arsenal has just reached Michael Phelp's swimming pool, spark mass celebrations