Am i completly insane?

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    • Am i completly insane?

      Alright, well my boyfriend, and my bestfriend are really close, and they only became close a while ago, since my boyfriend and i have been together, so i assumed that she was just being a good friend and talking to him. after a while i learned from him that he believed she had a crush on him, i assumed he was just kidding. One day she asked me to use her phone for somthing, i got bored and went through her texts and read some from him about the night before, which i ddin't get because i talked to them both the night before, after i confronted them they both admited to seeing each other but said it was just friendly. afterwards i started believing him about how she flirted with him and how she wanted to hang out with him, he promised he wouldn't see her because it made me uncomfortable. i'm a little afraid that the two of tehm will go behind my back again. i mean, her and i are good, and i wouldn't break up wtih him for many things, but i'm just so uncomfortable about the whole thing. but i felt bad about not letting them because i know that they are friends, even if she does like him as more. and i mean, i trust them, i just am afriad that he'll leave me for her. does that make me jealous and possesive, or just sort of protetive, i'm just so clueless of what to do about the predicament.:confused:
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      Both your boyfriend and your best friend abused your trust and you have every right to be cautious about their behaviour, if it was an innocent meeting as just friends then i don't understand keeping it a secret they should have told you. From just what you've typed, i hope i'm wrong, but it does sound like something is going on between them. It also sounds like he's trying to push it onto her by saying she was flirting with him but he still agreed to meet up so please do not fall into the trap of blaming her because they both lied and went behind your back. It could have been innocent so don't take any harsh measures but be alert and keep an eye on their behaviour in the near future.
      All the best
      Support Leader
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      x-mercedes-x wrote:

      Both your boyfriend and your best friend abused your trust and you have every right to be cautious about their behaviour, if it was an innocent meeting as just friends then i don't understand keeping it a secret they should have told you. From just what you've typed, i hope i'm wrong, but it does sound like something is going on between them. It also sounds like he's trying to push it onto her by saying she was flirting with him but he still agreed to meet up so please do not fall into the trap of blaming her because they both lied and went behind your back. It could have been innocent so don't take any harsh measures but be alert and keep an eye on their behaviour in the near future.
      All the best
      Support Leader

      Yeah, i mean, i know if it was anything it was both of them, but iv'e known them both long enough to know that if she really liked him, she'd trick him somehow, and i know him well enough that if someone told him to do something hed do it (:lol:) and he promises he'll never do it again, my only other concern is her and i havn't spoken about it, everytime i bring it up she changes the subject, like she knows she'd let something slip....:(
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      If you think she might let something slip then keep asking her about it. If she tries to change the conversation just stop and say "no, stop trying to change the conversation, i need to talk to you about this and unless there's something to hide then there isn't a problem is there?", something along those lines just make sure she answers you, if you're as close as you say you are then you'll know if she's telling the truth.
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      yeah, thank you, i'm just afraid if i do confront her too much and she'll tell me soemthing i dont want to hear.:cries: and i dont want to know he did something wrong, but bee afraid of breaking up with him incase she went after him, becaue i know i wouldn't be able to take that....:( they just mean so much to me
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      Look i know if it's true you don't want to hear it but it's always better knowing and if something did happen then you deserve a hell of alot better. No girlfriend/bestmate would deserve to be treated like that and if something did go on then you need to move on and find people who care about you as much as you care about them. Knowing for certain is always going to be better than wondering, if anything did happen then yes it will be heartbreaking at first but you can move on, if anything didn't then you can get rid of the doubts.
      If you ever need to talk about it, just send me a message or if i'm not online try one of the other support leaders, we're here to help.
    • Re: Am i completly insane?

      woahxxx wrote:

      but i felt bad about not letting them because i know that they are friends, even if she does like him as more. and i mean, i trust them, i just am afriad that he'll leave me for her. does that make me jealous and possesive, or just sort of protetive, i'm just so clueless of what to do about the predicament.:confused:

      It makes you both jealous and possesive, but hey, I actually like those qualities in a girl. Unfortunately, I don't think I can say the same for most other guys.

      There's not much you can do. Either accept that they like eachother and trust him not to hurt you, or make him stay away from her and keep a close eye on him.

      Personally, i'd rather my non-existent gf to have taken the second course of action, but again, all guys are different. So I think your bf would more than likely prefer the first.

      i'm just afraid if i do confront her too much and she'll tell me soemthing i dont want to hear.:cries: and i dont want to know he did something wrong,

      You do want to know if he did something wrong. You have the right to know. If he has done something wrong, would you prefer to be kept in the dark, to love a false guy while he constantly lied to you?

      Anyway, good luck with him. A lot of guys can be jerks, especially at that age (knowing more than one girl likes them.)