X Factors - Daniel.

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    • X Factors - Daniel.

      is it just me or has the British public gone deaf to him? I cannot believe that Laura went instead of him last night. Infact, I can't believe Laura and Ruth were in the bottom 2 - what a load of poo.

      I can't help but feel that Daniel is just getting the sympathy vote. Notice how Laura didn't have a sympathy story - and she went. It really annoys me when acts get through based on thier past and present goings on in thier personal lives, and not thier talent. Especially when the show is a talent show.


    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      I agree, I don't think Daniel should have even made it to the live shows. He isn't a terrible singer but he's in a completely different league to the rest of them. They could all (minus Daniel) I think make it in stars in this country and a few internationally but he's getting through on sympathy votes. I mean, who is spending money voting for him? It's sad that his wife died yes, but people die and that doesn't mean their loved ones should get an easier ride into an extremely tough industry where he won't be able to make it.

      Diana to win :) I felt so sorry for her this week, it must have been heart breaking for her.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Poor Diana - I felt so sorry for her too, but, she'll be back next week, yay :)

      I know it's sad his wife died, especially in such a heartbreaking way but I mean, it's getting to the point now where he's getting through just because of that. He may well be able to sing, but he's got nothing on the rest of the acts. The standard of talent this year is really high, excluding Daniel and yet, he's still getting votes.

      Gutted Laura went :(
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      I agree, I feel sorry for him having his wife die but this isn't a sob story contest it's a singing contest and his talents just don't match those of the other contestants. It's not fair on them and on him for people to vote for him if they feel sorry for him. I don't want the X Factor to turn into Eurovision where countries vote for more political/friendship reasons than about talent and have people voting for the person with the best sob story.

      It might sound harsh but this industry is harsh. He would be good as a singer on a cruise but not for the world stage.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Tomski wrote:

      It might sound harsh but this industry is harsh. He would be good as a singer on a cruise but not for the world stage.

      Well said, Tom.

      And yea, I have no idea who is voting for him. Fools. It's just a real shame because Daniel first took the place of a young girl who was really good, miles better then him. Then he got through and knocked Austin, Scott and now Laura out.

      What the hell? He hasn't got the voice, but it seems he has one heck of a sob story.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Yet again another great singer has been kicked out =/
      I wonder if Daniel will somehow win it, if he does i can't see him going very far tbh.
      I don't know why i still watch it because all my favourite singers keep getting kicked out.

    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      If he wins it, then that is ridiculous. With the talent in it this year it would be a sad sorry state for the x factor.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Daniel really shouldn't be there, i've heard better pub singers than him, i can understand Laura going against Ruth judging by their 2nd songs but neither of them should have been there in the first place. Daniel & Rachel should go, either that or change it to a competition of the best sob story instead of voices.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Hear, hear!
      We should write an angry let to ITV from TH telling them not to listen to anymore silly people voting for him :p
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Haha, thinking about it that's mean :p But oh well.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      I don't hate him ... I would just like him out of the competition :p
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      I put this question to my form today and 12/14 of them agreed with us :)
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: X Factors - Daniel.

      Oh i dont understand why he's still in the competition either. I dont like him tbh, hes more old fashioned in singing, they need someone more modern like alexandra, or ruth, diana maybe. Laura was one of the best in the competition, i nearly cried when i saw her going, she was the best. I hope ruth or alexandra win the competition because they're brilliant.