I need major help here.

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    • I need major help here.

      Alright, so I had this girlfriend for 7 months.
      And we were majorly in love with eachother.
      I'm talking, we were choosing our kids names and stuff, ya know?

      But, then I broke up with her cuz I thought my feelings for my ex were coming back.

      And it was rough 5 months after breaking up with this girl. Not for me, but for her.

      And, we got back together in early September. And, she broke up with me a little bit later cuz we'd been fighting so much.

      And, now I really want her back. I believe she's the girl I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. And she's afraid to be with me again, cuz she thinks what happened before will happen again.

      How do I show her it won't happen again? WITHOUT being in a relationship with her?

      What makes it even worse, she's with a new guy who she sees twice a month and it's so fucking dumb.

      And please, don't say "pretend like you don't care" cuz people have already told me that, and I can't do it cuz I DO care and I'll always care.

      Any help?
    • Re: I need major help here.

      GetSomeee wrote:

      Alright, so I had this girlfriend for 7 months.
      And we were majorly in love with eachother.
      I'm talking, we were choosing our kids names and stuff, ya know?

      But, then I broke up with her cuz I thought my feelings for my ex were coming back.

      And it was rough 5 months after breaking up with this girl. Not for me, but for her.

      And, we got back together in early September. And, she broke up with me a little bit later cuz we'd been fighting so much.

      And, now I really want her back. I believe she's the girl I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. And she's afraid to be with me again, cuz she thinks what happened before will happen again.

      How do I show her it won't happen again? WITHOUT being in a relationship with her?

      What makes it even worse, she's with a new guy who she sees twice a month and it's so fucking dumb.

      And please, don't say "pretend like you don't care" cuz people have already told me that, and I can't do it cuz I DO care and I'll always care.

      Any help?

      I think you should take things slow. Just hangout together and keep it casual for a while. Don't put pressure on the situation. Let it play out on it's own. Be yourself and let your actions show her how you feel. If she's with a new guy then maybe it's time to move on.
      hope this helped, good luck :)

      Support Leader,

    • Re: I need major help here.

      Most Vicious Pitbull wrote:

      Fight for your love. Send her a romantic poem that you wrote.

      agh, no, no peoms! unless you really think she's into that. me and my ex were in a very similar situation as you, and he wrote me a poem and it weirded me out sooo much I pretty much ended it right then and there and found someone else. poems are too much for some girls.. makes them sick. :|
    • Re: I need major help here.

      There's not really alot you can do in this situation. Just take it slowly with her. I'd suggest hanging out with her as mates, make sure you're always there for her, stay away from other girls. Eventually she'll see that you really are serious about her and the relationship and she might feel ready to pick it up again.
      All the best
      Support Leader
    • Re: I need major help here.

      I'm in a similar situation. My boyfriend broke up with me a few days ago.
      So, I packed everything up & moved back home with my parents.
      Right now we've both decided to just be friends for now & start everything off slower.
      Just be careful so that she doesn't feel pressured into a relationship.
      Let her decide on her own, & if it doesn't work out then you just have to accept it.
      I know that's a hard concept to grab onto, but you've got to try.

      In the end, if you think things will work out fine, they usually do.
      Doubting anything makes it hard to try to fix things. Trust me, I know.

      Good luck & I hope this girl realizes how much you care for her.

      If you need any advice, you're more than welcome to talk to me.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=3]I'll make your [SIZE=4]<3[/SIZE] jump[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]
      [SIZE=4][SIZE=2][SIZE=3] like you was on c o c a i n e.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: I need major help here.

      adrianajoylambert wrote:

      If you could break up with her in the beginning for someone else, you certainly aren't in love with her.

      Live your live, you have many breaks before you need to be naming children.

      I didn't break up with for someone else.
      I broke up with her cuz it wouldn't be fair to her or me if I had feelings for someone else and was still with her.

      AND, everytime I tried breaking up with her, I'd cry and cry cuz it was so hard for me.

      Everyone's advice is good. Thanks, all.
      But, how do I show her I won't hurt her again?
      I mean, there are so many consequences if I do.
      1. She'll never talk to me again.
      2. There are 4 chicks who would love to kick my ass if I did it again.
      3. I'd feel like such a dick, after trying so hard to get her, and then I break her heart again.

      And others, but I don't know.