Random Life Survey

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    • Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 7:35 pm
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: july 26th
      4. Siblings: one older brother
      5. Eye color: dark brown
      6. Shoe size: 8
      7. Height: 5'2
      8. What are you wearing: clothes, duh perv
      9. Where do you live: under your bed
      10. Righty or lefty: lefty :cool:
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: i sure can
      12. Who are your closest friends: not you
      13. Best place for a date? the movies
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: the mall
      15. Favorite kind of plant: the kind with pretty flowers :p
      16. Fave Color: purple
      17. Fave Number: 3
      18. Fave Boys Name: i like a lot
      19. Fave Girls Name: jasmine :p
      20. Fave Sport: baseball
      21. Fave Month: december
      22. Movies: i don't have one
      23. Juice: apple juice
      24. Finger: ring finger
      25. Breakfast food: honeynut cherrios
      26. Favorite cartoon character: tommy from the rugrats
      27. Given anyone a bath: my baby cousin
      28. Smoked: nope
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: o.o
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: ha no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: nooo
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: ha yes :cool:
      38. Been on a plane: mhm
      39. Come close to dying: uh kinda
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: nah
      44. Fell off your chair: yeaa
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: pfft no i go to sleep
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: mhm
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
      50. Used someone: never
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? i dont have one.
      55. Best song you ever heard: i dont know, there's a lot of good ones.
      56. What's your bedroom like: lame
      57. Last thing you said: "i couldn't find it"
      58. What is beside you? my pillows
      59. Last thing you ate: a sandwich
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: head and shoulders
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: a lot of things <3
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: losing someone
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yep
      67. Sore Throat: psh yes
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: nah
      74. Like school: not really
      75. What schools have you gone to: ones you dont need to know about.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: ew no
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: a rescuer to get us back
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my friends
      79. What makes you smile? lots of things.
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: i don't remember
      84. That called you: my mom
      85. You yelled at: my brother
      86. Who broke your heart: well...
      87. Told you that they love you: nobody
      88. Is your loudest friend: lauren
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? meh, passes time
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: mhm
      95. Do you get along with your family: most of the time.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: nah
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? nope
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? music
      104. What did you do yesterday: went to school
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yup
      107. What car do you wish to have: mustang or bmw
      108. Where do you want to get married: dunno
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: meh
      110. Good driver: can't drive yet
      111. Good Singer: decent
      112. Have a lava lamp: no
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a lot
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: why do you care
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: psh i dont know, i take showers
      118. Scary or happy movies: both
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: erm...
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: coffee
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 8:13 pm
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 9:27 pm
      2. Sex: M
      3. Birthday: May 16
      4. Siblings: one older brother
      5. Eye color: dark brown
      6. Shoe size: 10.5
      7. Height: 5'11
      8. What are you wearing: clothes
      9. Where do you live: in a house
      10. Righty or lefty: righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: no
      12. Who are your closest friends: these people that you wouldn't know
      13. Best place for a date? movies
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: mall
      15. Favorite kind of plant: idk
      16. Fave Color: red
      17. Fave Number: don't have one
      18. Fave Boys Name: idk
      19. Fave Girls Name: idk
      20. Fave Sport: none
      21. Fave Month: december
      22. Movies: too many to name
      23. Juice: apple juice
      24. Finger: travis
      25. Breakfast food: crepes
      26. Favorite cartoon character: idk
      27. Given anyone a bath: yes
      28. Smoked: no
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: a hot dog?
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: no
      35. Played truth or dare: yes
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: no
      38. Been on a plane: yes
      39. Come close to dying: yes
      40. Been in a sauna: umm i don't think so
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: no, i don't talk on the phone
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: yes
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
      50. Used someone: yes, only once
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? nothing
      55. Best song you ever heard: idk
      56. What's your bedroom like: messy
      57. Last thing you said: "ok i'll eat some later"
      58. What is beside you? my ipod and cellphone
      59. Last thing you ate: cheesecake
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: head and shoulders
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: idk
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: idk
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: yes
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: no
      74. Like school: sometimes
      75. What schools have you gone to: the stupid ones
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: nooo
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: idk
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my friends
      79. What makes you smile? my friends
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: my friend
      84. That called you: my mom
      85. You yelled at: my mom
      86. Who broke your heart: an idiot
      87. Told you that they love you: an idiot
      88. Is your loudest friend: idk, they're all loud
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? i guess so
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
      94. Do you like yourself: yea
      95. Do you get along with your family: sometimes
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? no
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? music
      104. What did you do yesterday: school
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yea
      107. What car do you wish to have: idk, a nice one?
      108. Where do you want to get married: somewhere nice
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: idk
      110. Good driver: no
      111. Good Singer: no
      112. Have a lava lamp: yes
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: idk, i'm too lazy to go and count
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: idk, i really don't remember them
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: i don't remember
      118. Scary or happy movies: happy movies
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr.pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: both of them sound like fun but at least you can eat the jell-o
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
      123. Summer or winter: winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunrise
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: tea
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 9:37 pm
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 3:03pm 2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: October 28th
      4. Siblings: 2 sisters
      5. Eye color: green
      6. Shoe size: 8/9
      7. Height: 5'9
      8. What are you wearing: clothes:)
      9. Where do you live: in Sunny Nunny
      10. Righty or lefty: lefty :cool:
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: yee
      12. Who are your closest friends: Rach&Vicki
      13. Best place for a date? the movies& pingles;)
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Cov
      15. Favorite kind of plant: erm..love thing i cant remember name
      16. Fave Color: red/pink
      17. Fave Number: 8
      18. Fave Boys Name: Darren
      19. Fave Girls Name: Carys or Summer
      20. Fave Sport: Football
      21. Fave Month: october;)
      22. Movies: titanicc
      23. Juice: pineapple
      24. Finger: ring finger
      25. Breakfast food: not cereals
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Hm..Stitch!
      27. Given anyone a bath: cousins
      28. Smoked: nope
      29. Made yourself throw-up: yes
      30. Gone skinny dipping: yes
      31. Eaten a dog: No
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yees
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: nooo
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: nah
      38. Been on a plane: mhm
      39. Come close to dying: uh kinda
      40. Been in a sauna: yees
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yeaa
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: sort of
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: mhm
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: no?
      50. Used someone: never
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? Gold bracelet.
      55. Best song you ever heard: i dont know, there's a lot of good ones.
      56. What's your bedroom like: pink!
      57. Last thing you said: "it looks nice"
      58. What is beside you? my phone&water
      59. Last thing you ate: soup
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: 2 in one, wash & go
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Romeo <3
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: depression..
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yep
      67. Sore Throat: psh yes
      68. Stitches: yes
      69. Broken nose: nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: nah
      74. Like school: not really
      75. What schools have you gone to: good ones;).
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Romeo, Rach & clever people haha
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my friends & Romeo
      79. What makes you smile? lots of things <3
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: i don't remember
      84. That called you: my mum
      85. You yelled at: my sister
      86. Who broke your heart: Danny
      87. Told you that they love you: Romeo
      88. Is your loudest friend: Rachael
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? meh, passes time
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: yes
      95. Do you get along with your family: sometimes.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: nah
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: depends
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? nope
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? the telly
      104. What did you do yesterday: shopped
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: yes
      106. Got any awards: yup
      107. What car do you wish to have: fast one
      108. Where do you want to get married: in a church
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: legs or tummy
      110. Good driver: can't drive yet
      111. Good Singer: nope
      112. Have a lava lamp: no
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a lot
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: why do you care
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: psh i dont know, i take showers
      118. Scary or happy movies: happy:)
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: both
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr.Pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: mud
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:both
      128. Coffee or tea: teaa
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: both
      131. End Time: 3:22pm
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 10:24 AM.
      2. Sex: Female.
      3. Birthday: October 6th.
      4. Siblings: One (older brother).
      5. Eye color: Brown.
      6. Shoe size: 5-6.
      7. Height: 5'1.
      8. What are you wearing: Sweat pants, and a sweat shirt.
      9. Where do you live: In my house.
      10. Righty or lefty: Righty.
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: Not unless I go in the other room, or upstairs.
      12. Who are your closest friends: Sara, Lindsey, Kelsey, I guess..
      13. Best place for a date? Dairy Queen. Everyone loves ice cream.
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Mall, I guess.
      15. Favorite kind of plant: The kind that's pretty.
      16. Fave Color: Light green.
      17. Fave Number: 9.
      18. Fave Boys Name: Sebastian. And a lot of others.
      19. Fave Girls Name: Lily.
      20. Fave Sport: Tennis.
      21. Fave Month: October.
      22. Movies: Pride and Prejudice.
      23. Juice: Apple.
      24. Finger: Pinky.
      25. Breakfast food: Bacon.
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Snoopy.
      27. Given anyone a bath: No?
      28. Smoked: Nope.
      29. Made yourself throw-up: No.
      30. Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
      31. Eaten a dog: ..No.
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No, haha.
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No.
      34. Broken a bone?: Nope.
      35. Played truth or dare: Yep.
      36. Been in a physical fight: ..Kind of.
      37. Been in a police car: No.
      38. Been on a plane: Nope.
      39. Come close to dying: Not really.
      40. Been in a sauna: Yes.
      41. Been in a hot tub: Yes.
      42. Cried when someone died: Yes.
      43. Cried in school: Yeah. =\
      44. Fell off your chair: Yeah.
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yeah.
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yeah.
      47. Saved e-mails: Yes.
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: Yeah.
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
      50. Used someone: Sort of.
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? I don't have one.
      55. Best song you ever heard: I don't know? There's a lot..
      56. What's your bedroom like: Purple.
      57. Last thing you said: "Oh jeez."
      58. What is beside you? Books? iPod? Coke?
      59. Last thing you ate: Pop tarts.
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Dove.
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Um, I don't know.
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Just one?
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: No.
      67. Sore Throat: Yes.
      68. Stitches: No.
      69. Broken nose: No.
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: No.
      74. Like school: Nope.
      75. What schools have you gone to: Like, five, all in the same district.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No. =[
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Fun people? Who could help us survive?
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: Funny stuff.
      79. What makes you smile? Happy things.
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: My cousins husband?
      84. That called you: Jake?
      85. You yelled at: Lindsey.
      86. Who broke your heart: ..
      87. Told you that they love you: I don't remember.
      88. Is your loudest friend: Lindsey.
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Kinda.
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses.
      94. Do you like yourself: Eh.
      95. Do you get along with your family: Kind of.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: No.
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: Yeah.
      98. Anorexic?: No.
      99. Suicidal? No.
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? The TV.
      104. What did you do yesterday: Nothing?
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Yes.
      106. Got any awards: Yeah.
      107. What car do you wish to have: A good one?
      108. Where do you want to get married: I don't know.
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: Um..
      110. Good driver: Nope.
      111. Good Singer: No.
      112. Have a lava lamp: Yes.
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: Like.. a lot.
      114. Are you double jointed: No.
      115. What do you dream about: Stuff.
      116. Last time you showered: Um, Friday?
      117. Last time you took a bath: Today.
      118. Scary or happy movies: Depends on my mood.
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate.
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: ..Root Beer.
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud.
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate.
      123. Summer or winter: Summer.
      124. Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise.
      126. Sprite or 7up: Sprite.
      127. Cats or dogs: Cats.
      128. Coffee or tea: Coffee.
      129. Phone or in person: In person.
      130. Indoor or outdoor: Indoor.
      131. End Time: 10:39 AM.
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 18:23
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: 13th October.
      4. Siblings: Older Sister.
      5. Eye color: Browny, greeny, weird colours.
      6. Shoe size: 7/8
      7. Height: 5'6 7ish
      8. What are you wearing: Nothing. :p
      9. Where do you live: On the moon, around the bend.
      10. Righty or lefty: Rightyyy.
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: No, because i'm not American.
      12. Who are your closest friends: Well, not you.
      13. Best place for a date? Anywhere.
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Topshop.
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Something.. nice.
      16. Fave Color: Blue :cool:
      17. Fave Number: 7.
      18. Fave Boys Name: Pfff..
      19. Fave Girls Name: Anna. Why not..
      20. Fave Sport: Just keep swimming, lalala..
      21. Fave Month: October.
      22. Movies: Loads.
      23. Juice: Apple!
      24. Finger: What about them?
      25. Breakfast food: Rick Krispies.
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Pingu.
      27. Given anyone a bath: Max <3
      28. Smoked: Nu uh.
      29. Made yourself throw-up: Yes.
      30. Gone skinny dipping: Nope
      31. Eaten a dog: You're sick. Go away.
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Yes.
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Aha.
      34. Broken a bone?: No =]
      35. Played truth or dare: Aha.
      36. Been in a physical fight: Yes =\
      37. Been in a police car: Nope..
      38. Been on a plane: Yep
      39. Come close to dying: Sort of, aye.
      40. Been in a sauna: Yes! Mmm..
      41. Been in a hot tub: Yes! Also mmm..
      42. Cried when someone died: Yes, you fool.
      43. Cried in school: Yep.
      44. Fell off your chair: Too many times.
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Nahhh
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yes
      47. Saved e-mails: Mhmm
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: No..
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope
      50. Used someone: Nope. Never.
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? The fact that i'm unlucky.
      55. Best song you ever heard: Loads.
      56. What's your bedroom like: Messy.
      57. Last thing you said: "Wow, hot"
      58. What is beside you? Tele.
      59. Last thing you ate: Sunday Lunch
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head & Shoulders!
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Meeting that someone.
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Potentially losing someone.
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: Yes
      67. Sore Throat: Loads.
      68. Stitches: No.
      69. Broken nose: No.
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: Yes, sort of.
      74. Like school: Didn't like it, no.
      75. What schools have you gone to: One good, the other crap.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No. Sicko.
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: <33333
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: Myself mostly, lol.
      79. What makes you smile? Fair few things.
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: Andrew.
      84. That called you: Sister.
      85. You yelled at: Myself.
      86. Who broke your heart: He did.
      87. Told you that they love you: Kat.
      88. Is your loudest friend: Nato.
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Sorta.
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Nope
      94. Do you like yourself: Sort of.
      95. Do you get along with your family: Meh
      96. Stolen anything over $50: Nope
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: No
      98. Anorexic?: No
      99. Suicidal? Have been.
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? Sex and the City.
      104. What did you do yesterday: Relaxed
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Yes.
      106. Got any awards: Yes.
      107. What car do you wish to have: Nissan Skyline. Audi TT.
      108. Where do you want to get married: Top of the eiffel tower.
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: My looks.
      110. Good driver: Yes.
      111. Good Singer: Pff, no!
      112. Have a lava lamp: Yes.
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: About 6.
      114. Are you double jointed: No
      115. What do you dream about: Wouldn't you like to know.
      116. Last time you showered: Earlier.
      117. Last time you took a bath: Yesterday.
      118. Scary or happy movies: Scary.
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate.
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Neither.
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud.
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: Winter.
      124. Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
      126. Sprite or 7up: Sprite.
      127. Cats or dogs: Dogs.
      128. Coffee or tea: Tea.
      129. Phone or in person: In person.
      130. Indoor or outdoor: Depends.
      131. End Time: 18:50.
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 2:16 P.M.
      2. Sex: Female.
      3. Birthday: 11/23/1991.
      4. Siblings: One older brother.
      5. Eye color: Hazel.
      6. Shoe size: 6 to 6 1/2.
      7. Height: 5'2ish.
      8. What are you wearing: T-Shirt and jeans.
      9. Where do you live: West Virginia.
      10. Righty or lefty: Right.
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: o.O I need to find change.
      12. Who are your closest friends: Michelle and Alex. :p Not listing others.
      13. Best place for a date? Um. Different places.
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Wal-Mart.
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Lily, I guess. o.o
      16. Fave Color: Blue.
      17. Fave Number: 3.
      18. Fave Boys Name: Dakota.. First name that popped up in my head. :p
      19. Fave Girls Name: o.O Hm. No idea.
      20. Fave Sport: Soccer or Tennis.
      21. Fave Month: June.
      22. Movies: Just Married.
      23. Juice: Apple. :D
      24. Finger: Ring finger.
      25. Breakfast food: Toaster pop things.. :p Not poptarts. 8| Not sure what they are called. -.- I just call them toaster pops.
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Cosmo. :p
      27. Given anyone a bath: Yep. My ex-step dads grandson.
      28. Smoked: Never.
      29. Made yourself throw-up: Never.
      30. Gone skinny dipping: Nope.
      31. Eaten a dog: Ew.. No.
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Ha, nope.
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Er.
      34. Broken a bone?: No again.
      35. Played truth or dare: Yea.
      36. Been in a physical fight: Nope.
      37. Been in a police car: Um. No.
      38. Been on a plane: Nope.
      39. Come close to dying: o.O Maybe.
      40. Been in a sauna: Nope.
      41. Been in a hot tub: Yea.
      42. Cried when someone died: Mhm.
      43. Cried in school: When I was in grade school.
      44. Fell off your chair: Yea.
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Psh, waste of time.
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yea.
      47. Saved e-mails: Mhm.
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: Nope.
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: No.
      50. Used someone: Nope.
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? Nothing.
      55. Best song you ever heard: There are a lot.
      56. What's your bedroom like: A room.. with a bed..
      57. Last thing you said: "It's your fault." :p
      58. What is beside you? MP3 Player.
      59. Last thing you ate: Nachos. :D
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: -.- I can't remember the name.
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Can't pick just one. :p
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Um, nothing really awful has happened.
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: Yes.
      67. Sore Throat: Mhm.
      68. Stitches: Nope.
      69. Broken nose: No.
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: No.
      74. Like school: Actually, kind of. o.o
      75. What schools have you gone to: The ones I'm not listing.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No. o.o Poor little hamster.
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Ha, friends. :p
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: Friends.
      79. What makes you smile? Friends.
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: Kevin.
      84. That called you: Hm.. Hm..Michelle.
      85. You yelled at: not sure.
      86. Who broke your heart: Meh.
      87. Told you that they love you: My mom. :p
      88. Is your loudest friend: Hm.. I have lots.
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Kills time.
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Nope.
      94. Do you like yourself: Yea.
      95. Do you get along with your family: Most of the time.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: Nope.
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: Use to be.
      98. Anorexic?: Nope.
      99. Suicidal? Er.. Never attempted it.
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? "Just want you to know." - Backstreet Boys.
      104. What did you do yesterday: Chilled at home.
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Ha, Hate is a strong word.
      106. Got any awards: Yes.
      107. What car do you wish to have: Mustang. :cool:
      108. Where do you want to get married: No idea.
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: Nothing really.
      110. Good driver: I suppose so.
      111. Good Singer: No.
      112. Have a lava lamp: Nope.
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: A few.
      114. Are you double jointed: Nope.
      115. What do you dream about: Random things.
      116. Last time you showered: This morning.
      117. Last time you took a bath: This morning. :p
      118. Scary or happy movies: Happy.
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate.
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: o.o Both.
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jello! :D
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: o.O Swirl.
      123. Summer or winter: Summer.
      124. Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunrise. I like both though. :)
      126. Sprite or 7up: Meh.. Both are okay.
      127. Cats or dogs: Dogs.
      128. Coffee or tea: Tea.
      129. Phone or in person: In person.
      130. Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor.
      131. End Time: 2:35. P.M.

      Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year! I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass
      as I go nowhere, and this is my reaction to everything I fear. Cause I've been going crazy, I don't wanna waste another minute here.
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 21:25
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: 01 Feb 94
      4. Siblings: One brother, 2 stepbrothers
      5. Eye color: Green
      6. Shoe size: EU41
      7. Height: 165cm
      8. What are you wearing: Uh... Clothes?
      9. Where do you live: The Netherlands
      10. Righty or lefty: Righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: Uh.. hope so xD
      12. Who are your closest friends: Chris, Miranda, Jimmy, Roelof
      13. Best place for a date? Movies/By the lake
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Internet
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Errrr...
      16. Fave Color: Green
      17. Fave Number: Pi
      18. Fave Boys Name: I really don't know..
      19. Fave Girls Name: See question above
      20. Fave Sport: Skateboarding
      21. Fave Month: May
      22. Movies: Lord Of The Rings
      23. Juice: Orange Juice
      24. Finger: Thumb
      25. Breakfast food: Cereal
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Spongebob!
      27. Given anyone a bath: Nopes
      28. Smoked: No!
      29. Made yourself throw-up: No
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: ...Wha?
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: No
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No
      34. Broken a bone?: Uhuh
      35. Played truth or dare: Of course
      36. Been in a physical fight: No I think
      37. Been in a police car: Nope
      38. Been on a plane: Yup
      39. Come close to dying: Nope
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: Yup
      44. Fell off your chair: Of course. My pour butt..
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Nope
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: Yup
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: Yep
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
      50. Used someone: never
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? Dunno
      55. Best song you ever heard: Dimmu Borgir - Kings Of The Carnival Creation is a masterpiece.
      56. What's your bedroom like: Small
      57. Last thing you said: Dumdumdum
      58. What is beside you? My guitar amp
      59. Last thing you ate: Piece of cake
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Uh.. a lot?
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Uhhh.. I dont know! Probably meeting that one person.. n__n
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Uh...
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: Dunno
      67. Sore Throat: Duh
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: Hmm. Depends.
      74. Like school: Hmm, not really
      75. What schools have you gone to: Schools you dont know
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: I could, but it is against my principles.
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Uh.. Is a plane a "people" x3
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: Spongebob
      79. What makes you smile? Things that make me happy
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: Never slow danced..
      84. That called you: Grandma!
      85. You yelled at: My dad
      86. Who broke your heart: Jimmy
      87. Told you that they love you: My dad
      88. Is your loudest friend: Miranda
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Welll a bit.
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: Most of the time
      95. Do you get along with your family: Pretty much
      96. Stolen anything over $50: Nopes
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: Wha?
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? nope
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? Dimmu Borgir
      104. What did you do yesterday: Nothing
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Yes
      106. Got any awards: No ><
      107. What car do you wish to have: A car with 4 wheels.
      108. Where do you want to get married: On an island
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: My jaw
      110. Good driver: can't drive yet
      111. Good Singer: No
      112. Have a lava lamp: Yup
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a lot
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: This person
      116. Last time you showered: Yesterday evening
      117. Last time you took a bath: Haven't got a bath
      118. Scary or happy movies: Happy
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: White Chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr Pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: .............
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: Choc
      123. Summer or winter: Summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: 7up
      127. Cats or dogs:Cats
      128. Coffee or tea: Both
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 21:48
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 8:50
      2. Sex: ok.
      3. Birthday: dec 2
      4. Siblings: 3 sisters
      5. Eye color: brown
      6. Shoe size: 6
      7. Height: 6ft
      8. What are you wearing: shorts and shirt.
      9. Where do you live: in a house
      10. Righty or lefty: right
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: i can make $100 right now
      12. Who are your closest friends: samm, bennn and sharnii
      13. Best place for a date? somewhere really fun
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: kotara
      15. Favorite kind of plant: dunno what there called..
      16. Fave Color: black
      17. Fave Number: 7
      18. Fave Boys Name: dylan
      19. Fave Girls Name: Angelika
      20. Fave Sport: soccer and football
      21. Fave Month: december
      22. Movies: girl, interrupted.
      23. Juice: cokeee
      24. Finger: middle
      25. Breakfast food: ew
      26. Favorite cartoon character: invader zim and gir <3
      27. Given anyone a bath: my son
      28. Smoked: no
      29. Made yourself throw-up: yes
      30. Gone skinny dipping: yes
      31. Eaten a dog: all the time
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?:no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: sure
      34. Broken a bone?: plenty
      35. Played truth or dare: yes
      36. Been in a physical fight: yes
      37. Been in a police car: yes
      38. Been on a plane: no
      39. Come close to dying: yes
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yes, stupid wheelie chairs
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: yes
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: they save automatically
      47. Saved e-mails: no
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
      50. Used someone: never
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------

      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? my little boy
      55. Best song you ever heard: dunno.
      56. What's your bedroom like: messy
      57. Last thing you said: no mum
      58. What is beside you? my phone
      59. Last thing you ate: i cant remember
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: john frieda collection
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: my son obvs
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: where do i starttt
      63. ----------------------------------------

      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: no
      67. Sore Throat: duur
      68. Stitches: yes
      69. Broken nose: yes
      70. ---------------------------------------------------

      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: maybe?
      74. Like school: um, no and yes.
      75. What schools have you gone to: 2 different ones.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: sure would
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: samm cause she looks the tastiest
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: dylan
      79. What makes you smile? dylan
      80. ---------------------------------------------------

      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: ew
      84. That called you: sharnnnnnnnnnnnn
      85. You yelled at: sister
      86. Who broke your heart: lets not go there
      87. Told you that they love you: mum
      88. Is your loudest friend: fuckin sammm
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------

      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? yes
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: no
      95. Do you get along with your family: sure
      96. Stolen anything over $50: ... i dunno
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: yes
      98. Anorexic?: no..
      99. Suicidal? no more (:
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------

      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? nothing
      104. What did you do yesterday: fuck all
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: yes
      106. Got any awards: yes
      107. What car do you wish to have: too many to name
      108. Where do you want to get married: i dont
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: emotions?
      110. Good driver: the best
      111. Good Singer: dunno
      112. Have a lava lamp: no
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a lot
      114. Are you double jointed: in some places
      115. What do you dream about: you
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: when i was pregnant.. a long time ago
      118. Scary or happy movies: funny
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: none
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: mud
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: coffee
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
      131. End Time: 9:04 bwahahahahahhahahaha
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: hmmm
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: december
      4. Siblings: Older brother
      5. Eye color: bluey greeny and yellowy
      6. Shoe size: 6, rare occasion a 5
      7. Height: 5'6 , average
      8. What are you wearing: hmmm
      9. Where do you live: earth
      10. Righty or lefty: Rightyyy.
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: No.
      12. Who are your closest friends: hm
      13. Best place for a date? Anywhere.
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: hmmm
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Something.. nice.
      16. Fave Color: red
      17. Fave Number: 2
      18. Fave Boys Name: dylan prob
      19. Fave Girls Name:a's, alicia......
      20. Fave Sport: hmmm
      21. Fave Month: july
      22. Movies: Loads.
      23. Juice: Apple!
      24. Finger: fish fingers:P
      25. Breakfast food: hmmm.
      26. Favorite cartoon character: hmmm do the toy story members count?
      27. Given anyone a bath: hmm
      28. Smoked: Nu uh.
      29. Made yourself throw-up:no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: Nope
      31. Eaten a dog: EW no
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?:no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?:yeah
      34. Broken a bone?: yes
      35. Played truth or dare: Aha.
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: hmm
      38. Been on a plane: Yep
      39. Come close to dying:hmm
      40. Been in a sauna: hmm no
      41. Been in a hot tub: no
      42. Cried when someone died: Yes, you fool.
      43. Cried in school: Yep.
      44. Fell off your chair: Too many times.
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Nahhh
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: noo
      47. Saved e-mails: Mhmm
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: No..
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope
      50. Used someone: Nope. Never.
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? The fact that i'm unlucky.
      55. Best song you ever heard: Loads.
      56. What's your bedroom like: tidyish
      57. Last thing you said "i'll c ya wednesday"
      58. What is beside you? hmm
      59. Last thing you ate: hmm
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: tigi
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: Meeting that someone. Achieving goals.
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Potentially losing someone. Problems.
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: Yes
      67. Sore Throat: yep
      68. Stitches: No.
      69. Broken nose: No.
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: Yes, sort of.
      74. Like school: Didn't like it, no.
      75. What schools have you gone to: shitty ones
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No. Sicko.
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: <33333
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: meee:P hmmmm
      79. What makes you smile? Fair few things.
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: hmm
      84. That called you: Lianne.
      85. You yelled at: hmm
      86. Who broke your heart: hmm
      87. Told you that they love you: Anna
      88. Is your loudest friend:me;p.
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Sorta.
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Nope
      94. Do you like yourself: Sort of.
      95. Do you get along with your family: Meh
      96. Stolen anything over $50: Nope
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?:yes
      98. Anorexic?: No
      99. Suicidal? Have been.
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? nothing
      104. What did you do yesterday: Relaxed
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Yes.
      106. Got any awards: Yes.
      107. What car do you wish to have:hmmm
      108. Where do you want to get married: hmm
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: My hair
      110. Good driver: Yes.
      111. Good Singer: hmm
      112. Have a lava lamp: Yes.
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: About 6.
      114. Are you double jointed: No
      115. What do you dream about: Wouldn't you like to know.
      116. Last time you showered: Earlier.
      117. Last time you took a bath: i just shower
      118. Scary or happy movies: Scary.
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate.
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Mud.
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: Diamond.
      125. Sunset or Sunrise:hmmm
      126. Sprite or 7up: Sprite.
      127. Cats or dogs: Dogs.
      128. Coffee or tea: Tea.
      129. Phone or in person: In person.
      130. Indoor or outdoor: Depends.

    • Re: Random Life Survey

      Random Life Survey
      1. Time started: 15.34
      2. Sex: Proud owner of a vagina :]
      3. Birthday: April 12th
      4. Siblings: A half brother and three half sisters
      5. Eye color: Dark brown
      6. Shoe size: UK Size 5
      7. Height: 5'2
      8. What are you wearing: Grey tanktop, pink and brown bra, matching thong, leggins, denim shorts, legwarmers and strappy shoes
      9. Where do you live: France
      10. Righty or lefty: Righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: No because I only have euros :]
      12. Who are your closest friends: Jordan, Melanie, Gauthier, Geo, Guss, Mike, Laura
      13. Best place for a date? Surprise me
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Jennyfer
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Lillies
      16. Fave Color: White
      17. Fave Number: 7
      18. Fave Boys Name: Jordan
      19. Fave Girls Name: Lilou
      20. Fave Sport: Dancing
      21. Fave Month: December
      22. Movies: Hard candy
      23. Juice: apple juice
      24. Finger: ring finger
      25. Breakfast food: frosties
      26. Favorite cartoon character: angelica - rugrats
      27. Given anyone a bath: nope
      28. Smoked: yeah, need to stop
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: hehe yes
      31. Eaten a dog: that's gross
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: ha no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: nooo
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: yes
      37. Been in a police car: yeah way too many times
      38. Been on a plane: yeah
      39. Come close to dying: not really
      40. Been in a sauna: yeh
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yeah
      44. Fell off your chair: yeahhh
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: not all night
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: yeah
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: yeh ages ago
      50. Used someone: nope
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? jordan
      55. Best song you ever heard: booba - pitbull
      56. What's your bedroom like: pretty ordinary
      57. Last thing you said: "fuck about"
      58. What is beside you? my phone
      59. Last thing you ate: a sandwich
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: VO5 Strawberries & cream
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: One year with my baby <33
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Almosy losing my baby <33
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yeah when i was little
      67. Sore Throat: yes all the time
      68. Stitches: yeah
      69. Broken nose: nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: i didn't until him <33
      74. Like school: no, don't miss it at all
      75. What schools have you gone to: crappy ones
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: make it euros and i think so, after a bottle of vodka
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: jordan
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my friends
      79. What makes you smile? cute text messages
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: Jordan <33
      84. That called you: jordan <33
      85. You yelled at: Jordan <33
      86. Who broke your heart: ASSHOLE.
      87. Told you that they love you: Jordan <33
      88. Is your loudest friend: Mike
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? When i'm bored yeah
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Nope neither
      94. Do you like yourself: i guess
      95. Do you get along with your family: yup
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? nope
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? nothing
      104. What did you do yesterday: watched my baby play football <33
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yup
      107. What car do you wish to have: Something pink
      108. Where do you want to get married: On a beach
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: the fact that i get annoyed waay too easily.
      110. Good driver: yeh
      111. Good Singer: decent
      112. Have a lava lamp: yeh
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a lot
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: why do you care
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: psh i dont know, i take showers
      118. Scary or happy movies: both
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: erm...
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: 7up
      127. Cats or dogs:dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: coffee
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 15.46
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 12:22pm
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: 7th Sep
      4. Siblings: only child
      5. Eye color: green
      6. Shoe size: UK7 US9.5
      7. Height: 5'8-5'9
      8. What are you wearing: comfy loungewear
      9. Where do you live: UK
      10. Righty or lefty: righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: if i got it converted yes
      12. Who are your closest friends: jess
      13. Best place for a date? wherever you like
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: online
      15. Favorite kind of plant: whichever
      16. Fave Color: orange
      17. Fave Number: 7
      18. Fave Boys Name: i like a few
      19. Fave Girls Name: brooke
      20. Fave Sport: hmm football, tennis, netball, swimming
      21. Fave Month: december
      22. Movies: she's the man
      23. Juice: apple, orang
      24. Finger: hmm idk?
      25. Breakfast food: whatever
      26. Favorite cartoon character: rugrats, south park
      27. Given anyone a bath: my pets
      28. Smoked: no
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: eww
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes i guess
      34. Broken a bone?: i don't think i have
      35. Played truth or dare: yes
      36. Been in a physical fight: kind of
      37. Been in a police car: yes
      38. Been on a plane: yes
      39. Come close to dying: i've been really ill but death, i doubt it
      40. Been in a sauna: yes
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: i don't think so
      44. Fell off your chair: yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: not all night
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: yes
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
      50. Used someone: no
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? don't think i have one
      55. Best song you ever heard: too many to list
      56. What's your bedroom like: okay, messy right now
      57. Last thing you said: no idea
      58. What is beside you? a plate
      59. Last thing you ate: yummyness
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: kerastase
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: umm idk, new friends?
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: uhhh
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: yes often!
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: no
      74. Like school: not really
      75. What schools have you gone to: alot
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no ick!
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: someone i like
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: funny stuff, friends etc
      79. What makes you smile? alot of things
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: umm no one?
      84. That called you: i didn't pick up
      85. You yelled at: my mum
      86. Who broke your heart: no one
      87. Told you that they love you: i think it was my mum lol
      88. Is your loudest friend: hmmm
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? not really, only in extreme boredom
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: yes
      95. Do you get along with your family: most of the time
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? no
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? tv
      104. What did you do yesterday: not much
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yes
      107. What car do you wish to have: range rover, lamborghini
      108. Where do you want to get married: no idea
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: body
      110. Good driver: i haven't learnt yet
      111. Good Singer: not really but not the worst
      112. Have a lava lamp: not since i was like 10 haha
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: a couple
      114. Are you double jointed: no
      115. What do you dream about: realistic things usually
      116. Last time you showered: yesterday, about to get in it in a few
      117. Last time you took a bath: this weekend...usually get showers though
      118. Scary or happy movies: both but scary
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: i like white or milk
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: never had root beer so dr pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: jello
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: maybe vanilla
      123. Summer or winter: winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: whichever
      127. Cats or dogs: both but dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: tea!
      129. Phone or in person: both, depends who it is
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 12.36pm
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 15:17
      2. Sex: female i reckon.
      3. Birthday: 1st jan.
      4. Siblings: 2 younger bros.
      5. Eye color: blue
      6. Shoe size: 4
      7. Height: 5ft
      8. What are you wearing: black tshirt. jeans
      9. Where do you live: in my house
      10. Righty or lefty: right
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: errr no, that would difficult as i don't do dollars.
      12. Who are your closest friends: max seh hayz
      13. Best place for a date? restaurant, cinema. keeping it classic
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: zara. miss selfridge
      15. Favorite kind of plant: bonsai? or cactus
      16. Fave Color: greeeeeeeeeeen
      17. Fave Number: 19
      18. Fave Boys Name: mmm. got a few. kieran's nice.
      19. Fave Girls Name: blergh don't like girls names
      20. Fave Sport: don't care
      21. Fave Month: july, august
      22. Movies: american history x, fight club.
      23. Juice: apple, pineapple <3
      24. Finger: erm...
      25. Breakfast food: full english :drool:
      26. Favorite cartoon character: aww cartoons
      27. Given anyone a bath: no
      28. Smoked: yeah
      29. Made yourself throw-up: tried
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: haha
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yep
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: nah
      34. Broken a bone?: fortunately not :)
      35. Played truth or dare: obv
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: don't think so!
      38. Been on a plane: course
      39. Come close to dying: yeah
      40. Been in a sauna: no :(
      41. Been in a hot tub: yessss
      42. Cried when someone died: no
      43. Cried in school: yes haha how embarrasing.
      44. Fell off your chair: oh yeah, who hasn't.:D
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: yes
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: nahhh
      47. Saved e-mails: probs
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: ummm
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: indeed
      50. Used someone: might of. not purposely though
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------

      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? non existant.
      55. Best song you ever heard: ohhh, could never choose one song,
      56. What's your bedroom like: a fucking state.
      57. Last thing you said: 'i'll have it later then'
      58. What is beside you? lots of junk.
      59. Last thing you ate: fruit and fibre :)
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: loreal. the gold bottle one?
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: fuck all. going to spain with the girlies i spose.
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: not sure.
      63. ----------------------------------------

      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: yes and have one this very minute.
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------

      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: oh whatever. no way
      74. Like school: i hated it.
      75. What schools have you gone to: 3?
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: errr,no!
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my best friends, a few males...
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: mates
      79. What makes you smile? many things. people
      80. ---------------------------------------------------

      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: haha..
      84. That called you: brad
      85. You yelled at: myself?
      86. Who broke your heart: never had my heart broken. :)
      87. Told you that they love you: hmmm
      88. Is your loudest friend: all of 'em.
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------

      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? spose
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: contacts <3
      94. Do you like yourself: no
      95. Do you get along with your family: we get along for the sake of it.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: probably. used to steal shit all the time.
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: yes
      98. Anorexic?: no.
      99. Suicidal? :\
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------

      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? three days grace
      104. What did you do yesterday: work as per.
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: oh yeah
      106. Got any awards: no
      107. What car do you wish to have: mini cooper s please!
      108. Where do you want to get married: i don't want to get marries.
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: everything
      110. Good driver: can't drive, so god no.
      111. Good Singer: def not
      112. Have a lava lamp: nah
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: for sureeee
      114. Are you double jointed: ew no
      115. What do you dream about: nothing.
      116. Last time you showered: months ago? baths baby
      117. Last time you took a bath: this morning
      118. Scary or happy movies: scary
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: ergh
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: mud
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs: i love both. :D
      128. Coffee or tea: TEA. <333333333
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 15:29 :cool:
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 10:29 AM
      2. Sex: M
      3. Birthday: November 14, 1991
      4. Siblings: One younger sister
      5. Eye color: Dark brown
      6. Shoe size: 10
      7. Height: 5'7"
      8. What are you wearing: T and undies
      9. Where do you live: Israel
      10. Righty or lefty: Right
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: Nope
      12. Who are your closest friends: Too tired of counting them in every survey xD
      13. Best place for a date? Movies?
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Mall D=
      15. Favorite kind of plant: None? xD
      16. Fave Color: Red
      17. Fave Number: 6
      18. Fave Boys Name: Daniel
      19. Fave Girls Name: Emily
      20. Fave Sport: Volleyball
      21. Fave Month: November
      22. Movies: Lots
      23. Juice: Banana Strawberry
      24. Finger: Index
      25. Breakfast food: Cereal
      26. Favorite cartoon character: Venom
      27. Given anyone a bath: No lol
      28. Smoked: Nope
      29. Made yourself throw-up: No
      30. Gone skinny dipping: No
      31. Eaten a dog: xD no
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: xDDD nooo
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: No
      34. Broken a bone?: Nope
      35. Played truth or dare: Yep
      36. Been in a physical fight: Yep
      37. Been in a police car: Nupe >=
      38. Been on a plane: Yep
      39. Come close to dying: Nah
      40. Been in a sauna: Yes
      41. Been in a hot tub: Yes
      42. Cried when someone died: Yes
      43. Cried in school: Yeh ><
      44. Fell off your chair: xDDD yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: Nah. Who'd call me. =T
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Does MSN count? Yes
      47. Saved e-mails: I don't get interesting emails... And they're all saved on my compy.
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: Yes
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: Never made out ><
      50. Used someone: Don't think so.
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? Don't have one
      55. Best song you ever heard: The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls; The City Is At War by Cobra Starship
      56. What's your bedroom like: Got a bed, a closet, two windows, a door... Getting a desk soon, new apartmen, one furniture at a time D=
      57. Last thing you said: Wake up!
      58. What is beside you? My laptop, cellphone, blanket
      59. Last thing you ate: Ice Cream and Pancake
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: Hawaii
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: My birthday party =]
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Crappy days
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: Yes
      67. Sore Throat: Lol yes, in fact I have one right now
      68. Stitches: Yes, once
      69. Broken nose: Nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: Yeah why not
      74. Like school: Other then an opportunity to get together with friends, no
      75. What schools have you gone to: Atarim, Shazar, Rishonim, Izaac Rabin, Makif Tet
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: ... I would consider it *is ashamed*
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Elenor Rose Waring =] my best friend and if I met her irl, possibly gf.
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: Stand up comedy
      79. What makes you smile? Good days
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: *skips*
      84. That called you: Friend
      85. You yelled at: I think my sister
      86. Who broke your heart: Meh
      87. Told you that they love you: Elenor
      88. Is your loudest friend: Dunno
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? Helps pass time
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: Nope
      94. Do you like yourself: On good days
      95. Do you get along with your family: Yeah
      96. Stolen anything over $50: Nope
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: Nope xD
      98. Anorexic?: Nah but damn skinny
      99. Suicidal? No
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? Nuttin
      104. What did you do yesterday: Go to work
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: Don't think so
      106. Got any awards: Nope =T
      107. What car do you wish to have: A decent one. Or any car for that matter xD
      108. Where do you want to get married: Dunno
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: My level of self confidence
      110. Good driver: Dunno, can't drive yet
      111. Good Singer: Yes =]
      112. Have a lava lamp: Nope
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: Lot
      114. Are you double jointed: Not much
      115. What do you dream about: Love >=
      116. Last time you showered: Yesterday
      117. Last time you took a bath: I take showers
      118. Scary or happy movies: Scary
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: Chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Don't like Root Beer, never tasted Dr. Pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: JELLO
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
      123. Summer or winter: Winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: Diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: Sprite
      127. Cats or dogs: Dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: Coffee
      129. Phone or in person: In person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor
      131. End Time: 10:48 AM
      [center][size=4]Reach me at...
      henasraf.com &#9632; twitter.com/OhMrBigshot[/size][/center]
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 6:05pm
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: February 16, 1992
      4. Siblings: one younger brother
      5. Eye color: brown
      6. Shoe size: 7
      7. Height: 5'4
      8. What are you wearing: uh nuthing! lol..jk...I'm wearing clothes..:p
      9. Where do you live: in a house...
      10. Righty or lefty: Righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: of course..
      12. Who are your closest friends: I have a lot which I dnt feel lyk naming rite now..lol..
      13. Best place for a date? um a dance club place..lol..
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: in all the nice clothes stores!! lol
      15. Favorite kind of plant: roses and tulips
      16. Fave Color: PINK
      17. Fave Number: 6
      18. Fave Boys Name: Justin
      19. Fave Girls Name: Bridgette
      20. Fave Sport: shopping!...wait is that a sport??:rolleyes:
      21. Fave Month: July
      22. Movies: I got lots of favorites...2 many 2 name! lol
      23. Juice: apple juice
      24. Finger: the middle finger!:eek:...haha jk...um i guess the index finger...
      25. Breakfast food: eggs and bacon!
      26. Favorite cartoon character: I have a lot of favs..lol..
      27. Given anyone a bath: um nope...
      28. Smoked: nope
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: no way!
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: nope
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: no
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: nope
      38. Been on a plane: yup..lots of times!
      39. Come close to dying: sorta..many times. lol:eek:
      40. Been in a sauna: yes
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: uh no...well no1 rly close 2 me died..so ya...
      43. Cried in school: yeah
      44. Fell off your chair: yah
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: nope...I waited 4 sum1 2 txt me! lol
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: no
      47. Saved e-mails: ya..sum...
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
      50. Used someone: maybe...
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? my heart necklace! It gives me luck in luv and friendship!
      55. Best song you ever heard: i lyk a lot of songs...
      56. What's your bedroom like: messy! haha
      57. Last thing you said: "Get outta my room!"
      58. What is beside you? stuff...
      59. Last thing you ate: non of ur buisiness...
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: head and shoulders
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: a lot of things <3
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: not being aloud 2 go 2 sum club anymore...:(
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: of course..who hasn't??
      68. Stitches: nope
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: yeah *sigh*...well its more lyk lust at 1st site! lol:p
      74. Like school: just so i can hang out w/ my friends..lol..
      75. What schools have you gone to: I've been 2 two other ones and this one...
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: ew no
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: sum guy w/ a boat 2 help us escape! lol
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: EvErYtHiNg!!! lol:p
      79. What makes you smile? everything..again...
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: my ex...(Peter) lol
      84. That called you: one of my best friends(Kelsie)
      85. You yelled at: my brother
      86. Who broke your heart: One of my other exes(Justin)
      87. Told you that they love you: my ex(Peter)
      88. Is your loudest friend: uh Kelsie probably, but i have a lot of loud friends! lol
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? sure...
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: nope
      94. Do you like yourself: YES!!!!!!:D
      95. Do you get along with your family: sum of the time...
      96. Stolen anything over $50: nope
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: um a little...
      98. Anorexic?: used 2 b.
      99. Suicidal? also used 2 b...
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? the sound of the keyboard...
      104. What did you do yesterday: went to school
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: YES!:mad:
      106. Got any awards: yup
      107. What car do you wish to have: a ford mustang convertable (red!) lol
      108. Where do you want to get married: um..in L.A. lol
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: nuthin...I'm perfect just the way I am!:o
      110. Good driver: idk..I still have 2 go 4 my G1!! lol
      111. Good Singer: I'm ok..i guess..lol..lyk I'm not bad...
      112. Have a lava lamp: nope
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: tons!
      114. Are you double jointed: no..wish i was though! lol
      115. What do you dream about: a lot of (wierd) things..lol..
      116. Last time you showered: last nite
      117. Last time you took a bath: long time ago...
      118. Scary or happy movies: happy!...I get scared so easily! lol
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr. Pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: um...
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
      123. Summer or winter: Summer!
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: both..
      126. Sprite or 7up: 7up
      127. Cats or dogs: cats!:o
      128. Coffee or tea: uh both...
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 6:35 pm
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Don't hate me cuz I'm BeAuTiFuL...[/SIZE][/CENTER]
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Hate me cuz ur boyfriend thinks so![/SIZE] :p[/CENTER]
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 10:32
      2. Sex: M
      3. Birthday: January 3rd
      4. Siblings: one older Brother
      5. Eye color: Bright Blue
      6. Shoe size: 11
      7. Height: 5'9
      8. What are you wearing: Notre dame shirt and pajamas
      9. Where do you live: midwest
      10. Righty or lefty: lefty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: yes?
      12. Who are your closest friends: i got too many
      13. Best place for a date? at their house doing somethingwe both love
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: DICKS sporting goods
      15. Favorite kind of plant: any that taste good on a burger
      16. Fave Color: blue
      17. Fave Number: 8
      18. Fave Boys Name: Ike
      19. Fave Girls Name: Kristen or something, i like most of em
      20. Fave Sport: soccer
      21. Fave Month: december or july
      22. Movies: too many
      23. Juice: apple juice
      24. Finger: middle :P
      25. Breakfast food: apple jacks
      26. Favorite cartoon character: i dunno
      27. Given anyone a bath: why yes indeed i have, myself and a cat and a dog
      28. Smoked: once, i was little trying to be cool playing with my dads cigars and accidentaly inhaled all the crap inside
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: yes
      31. Eaten a dog:........
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: who hasnt?!
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: meh
      34. Broken a bone?: all four limbs
      35. Played truth or dare: yes
      36. Been in a physical fight: yea
      37. Been in a police car: yep haha
      38. Been on a plane: tons
      39. Come close to dying: yea
      40. Been in a sauna: yea
      41. Been in a hot tub: yea
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: no
      44. Fell off your chair: almost everday
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: no
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: no
      47. Saved e-mails: yea
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: three times
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
      50. Used someone: for homework?
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? Chinese food and this old watch on a chain
      55. Best song you ever heard: Drops f Jupiter?
      56. What's your bedroom like: manly haha
      57. Last thing you said: yea? really? thanks.
      58. What is beside you? a heater
      59. Last thing you ate: chicken
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: i dunno
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: to many
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: haha nothings bad, i get over stuff fast
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yea
      67. Sore Throat: yea
      68. Stitches: yea
      69. Broken nose: yea
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: depends
      74. Like school: meh its alright
      75. What schools have you gone to: school like ones
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: yes
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my friends and a diplomat so i could make it my own country and have the greates soccer team ever
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: stuff
      79. What makes you smile? seeing her
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: wouldnt you like to knw
      84. That called you: i cant tell you these things
      85. You yelled at: i dunno
      86. Who broke your heart: no one
      87. Told you that they love you: 4 or 5 people in one of my classes today kinda weird actually
      88. Is your loudest friend: no names sorry
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? when bored
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: neither
      94. Do you like yourself: yea
      95. Do you get along with your family: for the most part
      96. Stolen anything over $50: almost
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: used to be
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? no haha
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? a christmas movie
      104. What did you do yesterday: hung out with some people after school
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yea
      107. What car do you wish to have: ford GT :drool:
      108. Where do you want to get married: eventually
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: i dunno
      110. Good driver: heck yea
      111. Good Singer: been told so but dont think so
      112. Have a lava lamp: no
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: too many
      114. Are you double jointed: yea
      115. What do you dream about: anything and everything
      116. Last time you showered: not long ago like 2 hours
      117. Last time you took a bath: yesterday after soccer
      118. Scary or happy movies: both i geuss
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr.Pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O it tastes better and makes it more fun
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
      123. Summer or winter: sometimes summer sometimes winter depends
      124. Diamond or pearl: i dunno
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: both
      127. Cats or dogs: dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: coffee
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
      131. End Time: 10:49
      "Most people don't realize that large pieces of coral, which have been painted brown and attached to the skull by common wood screws, can make a child look like a deer."
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 00:22
      2. Sex: fucking female blaaah.
      3. Birthday: April 5th
      4. Siblings: older bro and older sis
      5. Eye color: poo
      6. Shoe size: 42...it means 9, you stupid fucking american/british twats.
      7. Height: 5'4
      8. What are you wearing: pj...well, sort of. :cool:
      9. Where do you live: inside an ass
      10. Righty or lefty: righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: yeah
      12. Who are your closest friends: no one
      13. Best place for a date? a graveyard
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: nowhere
      15. Favorite kind of plant: who gives a shit about plants??
      16. Fave Color: black/yellow/red
      17. Fave Number: 88
      18. Fave Boys Name: Herman
      19. Fave Girls Name: SHILSHUL
      20. Fave Sport: soccer
      21. Fave Month: aint got no favorite month
      22. Movies: comedy..mainly
      23. Juice: any
      24. Finger: middle
      25. Breakfast food: eggs
      26. Favorite cartoon character: stimpy
      27. Given anyone a bath: nope
      28. Smoked: indeed
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: fuck no
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yeah
      34. Broken a bone?: no
      35. Played truth or dare: yes
      36. Been in a physical fight: yeah
      37. Been in a police car: no
      38. Been on a plane: yeah
      39. Come close to dying: no
      40. Been in a sauna: yeah
      41. Been in a hot tub: yeah
      42. Cried when someone died: no
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: no
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: no
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yeah
      47. Saved e-mails: yeah
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: no
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
      50. Used someone: yeah
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? this one song...
      55. Best song you ever heard: "payback", by Slayer.
      56. What's your bedroom like: shitty...LITERALLY :wink::p
      57. Last thing you said: can't remember..
      58. What is beside you? a towel
      59. Last thing you ate: eggs
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: whatever there is.
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: sat next to T..and touched him:o
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: met T
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yeah
      67. Sore Throat: yeah
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: yes
      74. Like school: no
      75. What schools have you gone to: only shitty ones.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: possibly
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with: why would i be stuck on an island?;)
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: everything
      79. What makes you smile? everything
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: N
      84. That called you: M
      85. You yelled at: R
      86. Who broke your heart: T
      87. Told you that they love you: N
      88. Is your loudest friend: I
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? not really
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
      94. Do you like yourself: no
      95. Do you get along with your family: sometimes
      96. Stolen anything over $50: oh yeah
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: yes
      99. Suicidal? yes
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? some cover you don;t care about.
      104. What did you do yesterday: stupid question.
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: yeah
      106. Got any awards: no
      107. What car do you wish to have: a bulldozer
      108. Where do you want to get married: eventually
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: parts of my body
      110. Good driver: not a driver yet, biatch
      111. Good Singer: don't know, don't care.
      112. Have a lava lamp: nope.
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: 5-6 or more
      114. Are you double jointed: yea
      115. What do you dream about: T
      116. Last time you showered: a couple of days ago
      117. Last time you took a bath: shit...years ago.
      118. Scary or happy movies: define "happy". if it does not mean funny, then scary.
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
      123. Summer or winter: winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunrise
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs: dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: coffee
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: outdoor
      131. End Time: 12:53:cool:
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 4.42pm
      2. Sex: F
      3. Birthday: 7th February
      4. Siblings: 3 step brothers, 3 half sisters and 2 half brothers
      5. Eye color: blue
      6. Shoe size: 7
      7. Height: 5'6
      8. What are you wearing: black jeans, red jumper, checkered wrist bands
      9. Where do you live: my room
      10. Righty or lefty: Both
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: No
      12. Who are your closest friends: George and Rach
      13. Best place for a date? a restaurant somewhere
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: the mall
      15. Favorite kind of plant: cactus
      16. Fave Color: black/red
      17. Fave Number: 7
      18. Fave Boys Name: I like lots of names
      19. Fave Girls Name: I like lots of names
      20. Fave Sport: none..
      21. Fave Month: April as it rains a lot then
      22. Movies: i don't have one
      23. Juice: tropical
      24. Finger: WTF?
      25. Breakfast food: i dont eat breakfast
      26. Favorite cartoon character: bart simpson
      27. Given anyone a bath: my friend's baby
      28. Smoked: yep
      29. Made yourself throw-up: yes
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: no
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: yes
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: loads of times..
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: yes
      37. Been in a police car: yes
      38. Been on a plane: no
      39. Come close to dying: yes, by rights i should be dead
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: yes
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yes
      47. Saved e-mails: yes
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: yes
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: yes
      50. Used someone: once or twice but only because i wanted to find out why they were talking about me behind my back so i pretended to be real close to them to get it out of them
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? my scarf
      55. Best song you ever heard: Hold On - Good Charlotte
      56. What's your bedroom like: rubbish dump
      57. Last thing you said: "If you say so"
      58. What is beside you? a flag and a lava lamp
      59. Last thing you ate: a chocolate
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: alberto balsam
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: nothing.. it was a bad year
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Owen died :(
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: yes
      68. Stitches: yes
      69. Broken nose: yes
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: yes
      74. Like school: no
      75. What schools have you gone to: primary school, high school..
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: a pilot or boat crew
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my cats
      79. What makes you smile? my cats
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: George
      84. That called you: George
      85. You yelled at: my mum
      86. Who broke your heart: Ady
      87. Told you that they love you: George
      88. Is your loudest friend: Bronwen
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? yes
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: no
      94. Do you like yourself: no
      95. Do you get along with your family: no.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: yes
      98. Anorexic?: i dont eat..
      99. Suicidal? kinda
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? escape to the country
      104. What did you do yesterday: stuff
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: yes
      106. Got any awards: yes
      107. What car do you wish to have: Limo? xD
      108. Where do you want to get married: Nowhere
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: everything..
      110. Good driver: kinda.. i can crash well..
      111. Good Singer: i guess
      112. Have a lava lamp: yes!
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: about 30
      114. Are you double jointed: no
      115. What do you dream about: everything and anything
      116. Last time you showered: dont have a shower
      117. Last time you took a bath: last night
      118. Scary or happy movies: both
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: neither. allergic to it
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: neither?
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
      123. Summer or winter: winter
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs: cats
      128. Coffee or tea: neither. again, allergic
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: indoor
      131. End Time: 4.58pm
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 7:53 pm
      2. Sex: Male
      3. Birthday: July 7th
      4. Siblings: one older brother
      5. Eye color: Dont know
      6. Shoe size: 10ish
      7. Height: 5'8
      8. What are you wearing: clothes
      9. Where do you live: Upstate Ny
      10. Righty or lefty: Right
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: probably
      12. Who are your closest friends: not you
      13. Best place for a date? Home
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: Stores
      15. Favorite kind of plant: Idk
      16. Fave Color: Orange, Bleu, Vert
      17. Fave Number: trois
      18. Fave Boys Name: none
      19. Fave Girls Name: none
      20. Fave Sport: soccer
      21. Fave Month: July
      22. Movies: too many
      23. Juice: Acai
      24. Finger: pointer
      25. Breakfast food: cereal
      26. Favorite cartoon character: idk
      27. Given anyone a bath: no?
      28. Smoked: before? yes
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: no
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: no
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: no
      34. Broken a bone?: my elbow came out of its socket if that counts
      35. Played truth or dare: yup
      36. Been in a physical fight: no
      37. Been in a police car: no
      38. Been on a plane: yes
      39. Come close to dying: yes
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: yes
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: yes
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations:yes
      47. Saved e-mails: yes
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: yes
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
      50. Used someone: sort of
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? i dont have one.
      55. Best song you ever heard: i dont know, there's a lot of good ones.
      56. What's your bedroom like: lame
      57. Last thing you said:"no"
      58. What is beside you? my computer desk
      59. Last thing you ate: Pizza
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: I use a combination of soap and baking soda
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: stuff
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: idk
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yes
      67. Sore Throat: yes
      68. Stitches: yes
      69. Broken nose: nope
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: yes
      74. Like school: nope
      75. What schools have you gone to: ones you dont need to know about.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: idk
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: things
      79. What makes you smile? a lot of things
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: i don't remember
      84. That called you: my grandmother
      85. You yelled at: idk
      86. Who broke your heart: ha
      87. Told you that they love you:nobody
      88. Is your loudest friend: ehhhhh suzana
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out?no
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
      94. Do you like yourself: yes
      95. Do you get along with your family: most of my family.
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: no
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? nope
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? nothing
      104. What did you do yesterday: stayed home
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: yes
      106. Got any awards: yes
      107. What car do you wish to have: Element
      108. Where do you want to get married: I dont want to get married
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: no
      110. Good driver: never really drove
      111. Good Singer: idk
      112. Have a lava lamp: no
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: 2-3
      114. Are you double jointed: nope
      115. What do you dream about: idk
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: a couple months ago
      118. Scary or happy movies: both
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: eh both
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling: jello...
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:cats
      128. Coffee or tea: tea
      129. Phone or in person: in person
      130. Indoor or outdoor: eh both, depends on the temperature
      131. End Time: 8:02
    • Re: Random Life Survey

      1. Time started: 10:03pm
      2. Sex: Female
      3. Birthday: jan 13
      4. Siblings: one sister, two brothers
      5. Eye color: hazel
      6. Shoe size: 4
      7. Height: 5'1
      8. What are you wearing: jeans, t-shirt and zip-up jacket
      9. Where do you live: at home
      10. Righty or lefty: righty
      11. Can you make a dollar in change right now: i can make a pound not a dollar
      12. Who are your closest friends: my b.f.
      13. Best place for a date? pub
      14. Where is your fav place to shop: new look
      15. Favorite kind of plant: dont know
      16. Fave Color: blue
      17. Fave Number: 7
      18. Fave Boys Name: jack
      19. Fave Girls Name: laoise
      20. Fave Sport: football
      21. Fave Month: january or march
      22. Movies: Mean Girls
      23. Juice: Robinsons
      24. Finger: dont know
      25. Breakfast food: honey nut loops
      26. Favorite cartoon character: dont know
      27. Given anyone a bath: nope
      28. Smoked: nope
      29. Made yourself throw-up: no
      30. Gone skinny dipping: no
      31. Eaten a dog: nope
      32. Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: nope
      33. Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
      34. Broken a bone?: no
      35. Played truth or dare: yeah
      36. Been in a physical fight: yeah
      37. Been in a police car: no
      38. Been on a plane: yeah
      39. Come close to dying: no
      40. Been in a sauna: no
      41. Been in a hot tub: no
      42. Cried when someone died: yes
      43. Cried in school: yes
      44. Fell off your chair: yes
      45. Wait for someone's phone call all night: yeah
      46. Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: no
      47. Saved e-mails: yeah
      48. Fallen for one of your best friends: yeah
      49. Made out with JUST a friend?: no
      50. Used someone: no
      51. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      52. What is...
      53. ----------------------------------------------------------------
      54. Whats your good luck charm? dont have one.
      55. Best song you ever heard: more than one im sure
      56. What's your bedroom like: mine!
      57. Last thing you said: "no thanks"
      58. What is beside you? my phone
      59. Last thing you ate: soup
      60. What kind of shampoo do you use?: herbal essences
      61. Best thing that has happened to you this year: getting with the b.f.
      62. Worst thing that has happened to you this year: my job
      63. ----------------------------------------
      64. Have you had...
      65. ----------------------------------------
      66. Chicken pox: yeah
      67. Sore Throat: yeah
      68. Stitches: no
      69. Broken nose: no
      70. ---------------------------------------------------
      71. Do You/What..
      72. ---------------------------------------------------
      73. Believe in love at first sight: no
      74. Like school: am not at school anymore but didnt like it anyway
      75. What schools have you gone to: not sayin.
      76. Think you would eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: no
      77. If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: my boyfriend
      78. What makes you laugh the most?: my friends
      79. What makes you smile? nice things
      80. ---------------------------------------------------
      81. Last Person..
      82. ----------------------------------------------------
      83. You slow danced with: cant remember
      84. That called you: mum
      85. You yelled at: my nephew
      86. Who broke your heart: no-one
      87. Told you that they love you: boyfriend
      88. Is your loudest friend: linz
      89. ------------------------------------------------------------
      90. Do you/Are You/Were You Ever:
      91. ------------------------------------------------------------
      92. Do you like filling these out? yeah
      93. Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses
      94. Do you like yourself: yeah
      95. Do you get along with your family: most of the time yeah
      96. Stolen anything over $50: no
      97. Obsessive Compulsive?: a wee bit
      98. Anorexic?: no
      99. Suicidal? no
      100. -----------------------------------------------------------
      101. Final questions
      102. -----------------------------------------------------------
      103. What are you listening to right now? nothing
      104. What did you do yesterday: not much
      105. Have you hated someone in your family: no
      106. Got any awards: yeah
      107. What car do you wish to have: dont know
      108. Where do you want to get married: dont know
      109. If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: more confident
      110. Good driver: cant drive
      111. Good Singer: crap
      112. Have a lava lamp: no but want one
      113. How many remote controls are in your house: never counted
      114. Are you double jointed: yeah
      115. What do you dream about: never you mind
      116. Last time you showered: this morning
      117. Last time you took a bath: few days ago
      118. Scary or happy movies: happy
      119. Chocolate or white chocolate: chocolate
      120. Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr pepper
      121. Mud or Jell-O wrestling:none
      122. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate!
      123. Summer or winter: summer
      124. Diamond or pearl: diamond
      125. Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
      126. Sprite or 7up: sprite
      127. Cats or dogs:dogs
      128. Coffee or tea: tea
      129. Phone or in person: depends who it is
      130. Indoor or outdoor: outdoors
      131. End Time: 10:13pm