So confusing...please help!!! Cousins!!!

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    • So confusing...please help!!! Cousins!!!

      ok i have a problem, i used to have a huge crush on this guy, but i barely do anymore. i went to this dance with his cousin and his cousin told me he liked me and wanted to date. the other guy is making fun of me, telling me to keep it PG, and told me he doesnt want me to date his cousin. for on minute he seemed really serious about his feelings and i thought that he was finally going to tell me he liked me, but no he joked around again! so i dont know what to do because me and his cousin arent goin out yet (we are discussing when we'd see eachother since he lives in a different town) but i dont want to hurt the other guy or ruin our friendship, but his cousin is so sweet, but apparently a player (at leasts thats wat he says) so what do u think i should do?
    • Re: So confusing...please help!!! Cousins!!!

      If you really like the cousin then go for it. Don't let the other guy keep you from being with whomever you like. It's between you and his cousin, not him. If he's not going to be friends with you anymore just because you're trying to be happy and have a relationship, even if it is with his cousin then he isn't a good friend. He had his chance, you can't wait around for him to finally like, or tell that he likes you.
    • Re: So confusing...please help!!! Cousins!!!

      xoxomikaela wrote:

      ok i have a problem, i used to have a huge crush on this guy, but i barely do anymore.

      That's cool, that you got through it :]

      xoxomikaela wrote:

      i went to this dance with his cousin and his cousin told me he liked me and wanted to date.

      I bet that was kinda' weird.

      xoxomikaela wrote:

      the other guy is making fun of me, telling me to keep it PG, and told me he doesnt want me to date his cousin. for on minute he seemed really serious about his feelings and i thought that he was finally going to tell me he liked me, but no he joked around again! so i dont know what to do because me and his cousin arent goin out yet (we are discussing when we'd see eachother since he lives in a different town) but i dont want to hurt the other guy or ruin our friendship, but his cousin is so sweet, but apparently a player (at leasts thats wat he says) so what do u think i should do?

      Follow your heart sweetie, ignore his comments - it's his fault if he blew his chance.