I need help! Trouble with my best friend

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    • I need help! Trouble with my best friend

      I've been friends with this girl for ten years. She lives down the street from me and we've been best friends since we met. But we're in high school now, and she still seems to be living in elementary school. Lately she's annoying me more than anything. She's still completely obsessed with Pokemon and Disney channel. The only things she talks about are cartoons and the Jonas Brothers. I'm starting to think we have nothing in common anymore, and it's worrying me. I can't just distance myself from her, because people have done that to me before and it hurts. She doesn't see this happening. What do I do?
    • Re: I need help! Trouble with my best friend

      Some people just have different interests. It takes some people a little longer to grow out of their interests that they're so used to. Eventually she will grow out of it, it's part of finding herself. Show her other things she can be interested in. If those are her interests, you can't really change it. Some times people grow apart and go their own separate ways. It doesn't mean that you completely drop her as a friend, it just happens naturally. If you care about the friendship then wait it out and try getting her interested in some of the same things you're interested in.
      hope things work out :)

      Support Leader,
