divorse, now what?

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    • divorse, now what?

      ok so its been about 3 years now, my mum and dad have remarried to other people and dad has moved about 45 minutes away..

      recently i've been travelling back and forth between the two every second weekend and wednesday nights, but the travel is getting to me... not only that i have two step brothers and a stepmother that about 90% of the time seem to want me to kill my self..

      one of my step brothers has aspergers syndrome, and, im not realy that patient, so thats driving me crazy as well.

      i want to just say good bye and leave it at that, and just stay at my mums, but i dont know if i can, or if thats a good idea. so teen hutters, what should i do?

      PS: any tips on dealing with annoying brothers and step mothers rules, feel free mention.:confused:

      your friendly werewolf friend..
      this signature is the one i used when i signed up for teenhut when i was in what... year 8? thats 4 years ago... god my graphical skills sucked!
    • Re: divorse, now what?

      I would recommend music. Whenever I want to get away from my family and everyone else, I just listen to music. Everyone has their own thing to do to get away from everything. You just have to find what brings you peace. I see that you are 14. I'm guessing you are from a English settlement by your use of the word "mum" ;) I'm not sure how the laws are where you are. But I think it is up to the judge until you reach the age of 16 and in some situations it could be at the age of 18.