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    • Basically I have two sisters. One who is older than me and another who is younger than me. I'm not thick but I'm not as smart as the 2 of them and whenever I'm in the same room as the 2 of them they always seem to take the piss of my intelligence. I've told my Mum about this and she's told me not to worry about it. It always makes me upset and I've even cried in public because they've upset me so much. What do I do?


    • Re: Family.

      Hey Katie,

      Being the youngest, I can understand how it feels to be.. compared to, with anything. If I were you, I would go back to your mum and explain again; really explain to her how much it is effecting you, how much it's upsetting you, you shouldn't have to be upset by this, you know what I mean?

      If you're mum doesn't want to listen to you, or, she does and nothing is done - is there someone else you can go to? Possibly a teacher? Friend? Get some help and make your sisters and mum see how its making you feel. How does that sounds?

      Welcome to Teen Hut by the way.
      Good luck with it all. PM me if you wanna chat, okay? :)

      Support Leader,

    • Re: Family.

      TisKatie wrote:

      Basically I have two sisters. One who is older than me and another who is younger than me. I'm not thick but I'm not as smart as the 2 of them and whenever I'm in the same room as the 2 of them they always seem to take the piss of my intelligence. I've told my Mum about this and she's told me not to worry about it. It always makes me upset and I've even cried in public because they've upset me so much. What do I do?



      You shouldn't compare yourself to them. I understand that it makes you upset, but try not to let it get to you. Sometimes people keep doing something because they know it bothers you and they want to do it more. If it really is upsetting you, try talking to your mom again. Tell her how it's making you feel. It's best to get her to listen when she isn't busy with something, and when you're not upset. Siblings always bully each other, but if it's effecting you so much then something needs to be done. You could even try talking to them and telling them how you feel. Maybe if they really see how much it hurts, they'll understand.
      hope things get better :)

      Support Leader,

    • Re: Family.

      One of the things sisters always notice is if something they're saying is getting to you. The likelihood is that if they know it's getting to you, they'll continue doing it. I'm the middle child too and I grew up with an older sister picking on me for this and that and the things that got to me were always the things she'd continue with. I do completely understand how difficult it is, especially when they're making you feel so bad about yourself. Perhaps they don't actually realise how bad it's making you feel? Have you ever spoken to them about it? If they knew just how terrible they were making you feel then do you think they'd continue being like this? See, there's a difference between sisterly banter (them picking up on something they know gets to you and using it to annoy you!) and actually genuinely hurting you and making you feel bad about yourself.

      I'd also suggest going back to your mum. Simply telling you not to worry about it obviously isn't doing you any good because it is affecting you whether she likes to believe it or not. Sometimes the only way to sort a problem out is to face it head on and communicate with the people around you. If they're hurting you, they need to know.

      Other than all of the above (and if they continue to bully you even after you've had a chat with them) then perhaps you could try removing yourself from the situation whenever they start on you. What do you think? If you know they're about to pick up on something and make you feel horrible, get out the room. Go do something else. Let them waste their own time, not yours!

      Lastly, don't ever let them make you feel insignificant or that they're superior to you. Regardless of intelligence levels, you're your own special person and bring something new and different to the family. They may be particularly skilled in one area but you're skilled in your own way and you should be proud of that! Who cares if you're not as smart as the two of them - I get the feeling you're smart enough to know when enough is enough and to be considerate of someone's feelings, something they seem to be severely lacking in at the minute! Again, though, they may be more gifted in one area or another, but don't look at is as a fault on your part. You've just as many special qualities as them. =)
      [RIGHT][SIZE=2]"Where to, Miss?"
      "To the stars."
    • Re: Family.

      Hey Katie,

      Having two sisters are hard, I know how it feels. Usually, being the middle child, you tend to get criticized and blamed more often than the older and the youngest child. Here's the thing, Katie, don't worry about what your sisters think of you. Your opinion of yourself is the one that truly matters, okay? Even if they pick on you about stuff you can't control, don't let it get to you that much. If they're your family, tell them about how it makes you feel. Let them know that it bothers you and see if they stop.

      Sisters are sisters. Although different, sisters always have that bond that no one else can define.

      So, let them know how you feel and don't let them continue to belittle your intelligence.

      Always the best,

      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Family.

      I know this may not be the best of advice, but if you can, find something you are good at that makes you feel good about yourself. Sisters will always argue and when they make you feel bad, think about the thing your good at, what you have in life that makes you happy and say to yourself..."You know what, regardless of what they say, I have good things in life".
      I have no doubt there are things that you are good at and proud of. Don't let your sisters take that away from you. It may be hard to think positively at first but like with anything, there's no harm in trying. If they make a joke at you for saying something that they think is stupid then laugh as well. It will make them think their efforts to make you feel bad aren't working.
      Regardless of that, your sisters have no excuse to be implying that you aren't as smart as they are. Siblings are mean't do be there for eachother and what they are doing is obviously far from it. I think you should have a serious talk with your sisters, explain how this makes you feel and that you'd rather they didn't do it. If they still don't listen, then they are bullies and don't deserve your respect in my opinion.
      [SIZE=3]"If you visit the killing floor of a slaughter house, it will brand your soul for life." :( [/SIZE]
      [SIZE=3]- Howard Lyman.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Family.

      Sounds like a bit of ganging up on your sisters part.
      Prove them wrong by showing it doesn't get to you.
      if they persist and its really still bothering you then I'd go back to your mum and explain the situation in full and how its bothering you so much .
      GL XOO.
      [SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Depuis toujours, dans tes rêves![/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]