15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

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    • 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      "A 15-year-old boy from western Sweden collapsed and went into convulsions on Sunday afternoon after playing the World of Warcraft computer game for 20 hours straight.

      The boy was one of seven friends who had gathered on Saturday at the 15-year-old’s home in Laholm for to play the video game, a new version of which was released last week in Sweden.

      “They played all day and all night. Maybe they got a few hours of sleep. They ate a little food and breakfast at their computers,” the boy’s father told the Kvällsposten newspaper.

      At around 2:00pm on Sunday, the boy had what appeared to be an epileptic seizure.

      “We were terrified and called rescue services,” said the father.

      At the hospital, doctors said the boy’s bodily systems had been thrown off by a combination of sleep deprivation, lack of food, and too long a stretch of concentrated game playing.

      While the boy is expected to make a full recovery, his father said he plans on limiting the amount of time his son is allowed to play computer games.

      He has taken it upon himself to warn parents of the other boys about the dangers of extended game playing.

      “They also think the boys need to reduce the amount of time they play and will themselves be more vigilant,” said the father.

      Officials from the Game Over treatment centre in Linköping in central Sweden have noticed a spike in calls from concerned parents since the release of the latest World of Warcraft installment, Wrath of the Lich King.

      “It’s been a huge problem. We have parents who call everyday and ask,” said Game Over’s Emilie Backlund to the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper.

      She has seen a steady rise in computer game addiction, with most cases stemming from those playing online fantasy games such as World of Warcraft and Counter Strike.

      “And it’s not only a problem for young people. Adults have also contacted us and it really doesn’t matter how old you are,” Backlund told SvD."

      How does everyone feel about this?

      I think it's ridiculous that any parental would allow their 15 year old to do pretty much anything for 20 hours.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Aannddyy wrote:

      He will live to game another day!

      A true gamer.

      Hahahah. I suppose that is one way to look at it.:lol:
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Athanatos wrote:

      Yeah my mom told me about that. Even though I play WoW I would never play it for that long. =/

      I'd hope not.

      I really can't imagine doing anything for more than... 5 hours. Let alone 20!
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      haha. when i first played KHII i played for over 24 hours, and i beat it too. lol. but man the next day SUCKED. now i don't really play videogames for over 3 hours. even then i lose track of time, and feel tired afterwards.
      We sing the Death Song kids
      Because we've got no future...
      And we want to be just like you...
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      LOL failnerd.

      I like how they're blaming the kids for playing too long and being stupid about it than "VIDEO GAMES R EVUL NEED TO B BANNNNNEEEDDD" My kinda people. <3
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      I think that's sad and also a little scary.
      I don't play wow though.
      I mean I won't lie, I spend a lot of time on the internet.
      myspace, teenhut, playlist, youtube. I spend a lot of time online.
      but I mean I'm not sure I could go for 20 hours straight.
      like on weekends I'll be online late but than I'll sleep late and what not.

      I also find it sad that parents would allow their child to spend so much time
      in front of a game, while I spend a lot of time online it's not everyday. And while the article only says that he played for one day who knows how long this really went on. How long was he playng every other day leading up to the point of the addicent? that counts too, in my eyes because it takes time to form an addiction and if the parents seen that happening before they should have done something to take care of it before it got out of hand. But, that's just me. I think it's sad and scary.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      PunkRockAngel4Life wrote:

      I also find it sad that parents would allow their child to spend so much time
      in front of a game, while I spend a lot of time online it's not everyday. And while the article only says that he played for one day who knows how long this really went on. How long was he playng every other day leading up to the point of the addicent? that counts too, in my eyes because it takes time to form an addiction and if the parents seen that happening before they should have done something to take care of it before it got out of hand. But, that's just me. I think it's sad and scary.

      No no no... How old is the 'child'? 15, he's perfectly responsibly to take take of himself and manage his time on a game to a point where he won't have a fit... Why blame the parents? Its the kids retarded fault for not getting off it and knowing when enough is enough...
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Miss Loo wrote:

      No no no... How old is the 'child'? 15, he's perfectly responsibly to take take of himself and manage his time on a game to a point where he won't have a fit... Why blame the parents? Its the kids retarded fault for not getting off it and knowing when enough is enough...


      And quoting the original article.... How is CS a fantasy game?

      EDIT: And who the hell can't go for 20 hours without food unless you have like 0.5% body fat or something?
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      swedekid wrote:


      And quoting the original article.... How is CS a fantasy game?

      EDIT: And who the hell can't go for 20 hours without food unless you have like 0.5% body fat or something?

      CS is a fantasy game because you aren't really shooting people... hence the fantasy part. Just because it doesn't have imagined beasts and shit doesn't make it not a fantasy game.

      I have never played WoW or CS, so I don't really know what they are all about. I never saw the enticing factor of them. I'd rather go to the gym, or running or something like that. I go to bed late (like 3am) and wake up at like midday and go running. Eat then in the late arvo I go to the gym. I honestly couldn't sit still long enough to do something for 20 hours!
      Australian | 20 | University Student | Epic
      (818): dude you made out with his girlfriend and stole his credit card to buy more drinks.
      well when you put it like that, I sound like a terrible person.

    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      director91 wrote:

      just goes to show how evil WOW is

      Naw, it goes to show how stupid and irresponsible people are with themselves.
      She kept lookin' at her watch (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      But I cried the whole time (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      I think she might've been a racist (Doesn't matter; had sex)
      She put a bag on my head (Still counts)
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      There are idiots in any type of activity. Neither the parents or game should be blamed. He's 15, it's his own fault.

      Fair enough he was obviously addicted, even though it was not a physical addiction. But seriously, he couldn't even break for 5 minutes to get something to eat? Utter stupidity
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      Miss Loo wrote:

      No no no... How old is the 'child'? 15, he's perfectly responsibly to take take of himself and manage his time on a game to a point where he won't have a fit... Why blame the parents? Its the kids retarded fault for not getting off it and knowing when enough is enough...

      I agree with what you, but I also agree that, to some extent, the parents still had a part in all of this.

      When I was 15, my parents still had a time limit that I was allowed to be on the computer. And there was no computer time past 9, even on the weekends. If this was disobeyed, you were grounded, plain and simple.

      I hated it then, but I've grown to realize it was something most kids need - otherwise stuff like this happened.

      My brother used to play Runescape, and he played for three hours once, while my parents were away. He was 16, and he still wasn't allowed to touch that keyboard for a week.

      I know that not all parents are like mine. But 20 hours is a bit ridiculous, dontcha think? I mean, when did the kid even eat?

      If I were his mother I'd have been very concerned.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.
    • Re: 15 yr. old has seizure after 20 consecutive hours of WoW

      director91 wrote:

      just goes to show how evil WOW is

      Hah, I've never played, so I couldn't agree or not.

      But I have played Guild Wars, and I enjoyed that... for all of a week. I lose interest in things rather quickly.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=2]"Anyone unable to understand how a useful religion can be founded in lies will not understand this book either.[/SIZE][SIZE=2] So be it."
      -Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle.