I need advice

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    • I need advice

      Ok I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I like this girl in my year but she's a twin and her twin fancies me, so i can't go out with the one i like, also my friend likes the other twin that likes me so i can't go out with her either. I realy want a girlfriend right now and i can't go out with either without making someone unhappy. What should i do.
    • Re: I need advice

      But, by doing, or not doing anything right now...making you unhappy doesnt it?
      Well the one that you know likes you but you dont really like her
      Tell her, you dont really like her...your friend already like her
      leave her to him....(confusing)

      The girl that you like but dont want to
      ask her out because you dont want to hurt
      the other girl(her sisters) feelings...might be thinking the same thing
      about you....but dont want to say anything , because she knows her sister
      like you...........Why not you all get together and talk about it
      Discuss your feelings openly.(everyone) you must come to some
      agreement...G luck
    • Re: I need advice

      If you're friend likes the other one that you don't like, then there is no problem. You shouldn't go out with the twin you don't like in the first place. Go for the one you like. You have to be happy too. If you really like her, then go for it. Don't get with either of them just for the sake of having a girlfriend.
      good luck :)

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