so is it against the rules to be different?

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    • so is it against the rules to be different?

      relle is it?
      me and this girl, brea, used to be BEST friends fer 2 years. and she was always better than me and i was jelus and stuff, but i NEVER copyed her. never ever ever has that thought ever crossed my mind when we were friends, just because im not like that. we used to go to the beach and stuff adn guys would look at her and never me, i was semi flat, and she...wasnt. but she went all anerexic/bilemic and lost her figure. she was like a tomboy/girlygirl like is was different every week and stuff, and i was just i dunno...gross?
      last year she wore t-shirts with a black fuzzy sweat shirt and long jean shorts or jeans with some skater-ish shoe, they were guys tho. and i wore tank tops with a green and white striped sweatshirt with jeans that were to big and vans. my hair was longer than hers and dirty-ish blonde and hers was bleech blonde and above her chest. oh riight and i ALWAYS wore these rubber bracklets, alot of them.
      kay so then this year i wanted to be a little different and me and her dont hang out or anything now, we just kinda HATE eachother. in august i got my hair cut and i teased it and stuff and put these clips in it cause parts of my hair wouldnt stay where i wanted it to go, and i got skin tight jeans. and i had converse during the summer. -yawns, im tired- anyway, i sent her a picture to see if she could tell if it was me, and she was shocked. but yeah then school started and i guess i was different, my mom bought me this coat for my birthday. it was grey checkered fuzzy hooded thing, and i saw brea in teh hall and shes like "oh i like your coat :D" so im like "thanks?" then the next week SHE BUYS THE SAME FREAKIN ONE!! its just a different color. :mad::mad::mad: and she put the same clips in her hair, and they werent even doing anything. then she started getting relle tight jeans like me, and i was like wtf? and i got more bracklets and suddenly SHE HAS A WHOLE BUNCH just like me! so my friends like "hey wears your clone?" and this kid was calling me ffrom behind "hey brea, brea! -touches my arm-" i turned around and hes like "brea where were you earlier?" and im like " not brea" and he just looks at me and hes like "oh sorry" and runs off. it was so weird. But i started getting better at teasing my hair so it actually looked good, so i told my friend that i was going to go buy a big bow to put in it just cause, and i went to the mall to get it but they didnt have the one i wanted and i come in on monday and guess who has it. Brea. she has the bow i was going to buy and that just relle mad me mad. THEN i told my other freind that i was going to buy these little make you own braclet things, but my wouldnt take me to go get it, and then BREA goes and gets it. seriously wtf? and i bought these band tees, that weirnt to big/small, and she goes and gets a whole bunch. and she starts teasing her hair, like mine. so i go and get a hair cut co-wins-adentl on teh same day she does and goes and tells everyone i was a copy cat. wtf again. we didnt even get the same hair cut. So now i have colored extensions, and watch shell have them by monday. she completly stole my idenity. and another thing, she has all these friends who think thats she real cool, i dont have..any? i just get made fun all the time. OH one more thing, i had orange pants, and red pants and she goes and buys some pink ones. godddd its annoying what am i supposed to do? i cant take it anymore. Sorry it was relle long, im just so irrated.
    • Re: so is it against the rules to be different?

      It seems like many people are having copycat problems.

      All I can say is, if the style's popular, many people are bound to use it. If you were the first one, then be flattered that she's copying you. She's the one that can't dress herself. Just ignore her and continue to be yourself. There's absolutely no reason to change your image for someone else.

      She sounds like a pest. Leave her be and take the high road. If you want to stand out, try getting something new and telling her in advance: "I'm getting this, so if you show up with the same thing, who's the copycat then?"