Pedophilia: how much do you know?<approved>

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  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Steven wrote:

    What in the fuck is wrong with you? Kidnapping is no joke, I don't give a shit if it is "just a video" game. That is seriously screwed up. This guy is being serious, and I find it incredibly disrespectful to joke around about kidnapping 5 year-old girls.

    I completely agree, and I was just about to chew the guy out... But you got here first, and did a pretty good job. Thanks. :rolleyes:
    It has been said many times before... But it is no less true; The most important things in life are not things. The simple special moments in life, end up being the ones you remember for a life time.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    amlord1 wrote:


    Not really, they used things such as "pics" instead of "pictures" and "btw" instead of "by the way" and didn't end that last sentence with a full stop, that's not proper English.

    Sorry, just being picky and off topic.
    [COLOR="Plum"][FONT="Arial Black"][SIZE="4"]Shoegazer...[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Dezer wrote:

    Not really, they used things such as "pics" instead of "pictures" and "btw" instead of "by the way" and didn't end that last sentence with a full stop, that's not proper English.

    Sorry, just being picky and off topic.

    Hey, overall, they used proper capitals and periods, and acted like they atleast cared. That's better than about 85% of the people on here

    It has been said many times before... But it is no less true; The most important things in life are not things. The simple special moments in life, end up being the ones you remember for a life time.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    you cant control what you think about or what you are attracted to weather it be little boys, dogs or your dad. the factor that decides weather you are a pervert or (cant think of a better word) is if you act on your fantasies or desires to do things with whatever you are sexually attracted to.
    [COLOR="Red"]Don’t pollute the planet. It’s where I keep all my junk.[/COLOR][COLOR="DarkOrange"]You say tomato, I say Lycopersicum Esculentum.[/COLOR]I GIVE REP TO PEOPLE WHO TELL ME THINGS ABOUT [COLOR="Red"]AVTOMAT KALASHNIKOVAS[/COLOR]
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Hm ... thread too long ._. didn't read everything, mostly just the first couple pages but anyways ...

    I actually think that it's too early to say that you're a pedophile, honestly. You're 17, attracted to 8-12 year olds ... If you were say, 30 or 40 and attracted to 8-12 year olds THEN I'd definitely say you were a pedophile. Of course, the pedophiles I know are in their 40s but they're attracted to like ... 18-19 year olds. Pedophilia is largely dependant on the age gap. So, maybe right now it doesn't look nice, but give it a few years (I'd say early to mid 20s) before you make the final judgement.

    Out of what I've heard ... age gaps of more than 8 years (I think) start to border onto pedophilia. My parents are 8 years apart and my dad had to get my mom's father's consent to marry her and my mom was already 19 at the time. Also, my boyfriend has a friend whom we call a pedophile because he's 22 and was dating a 14 year old. He also liked one of my friends at one point, who is the same age as me but really childish. So, it turned out that he was more of just attracted to childish girls.

    Basically ... it's probably still too early to tell. Also, I know for a fact that not all pedophiles are creepy. It's usually the personality that makes them creepy. Personally, I don't think you need any kind of help. Mostly because, as I said, it's still a little early to know for sure. Who knows, maybe as you get older, you might be like those pedophiles I know and be attracted to the older teens (16-19).

    Something to watch out for though is that if you decide to pursue a relationship, the only way you can get in real trouble is if someone outs you. With that said, choose your relationships wisely :P Make sure there's consent from the parents too. I know there's a lot I'm missing in terms of legal matters, but ... eh, I've seen the pedophiles I know get away with their pedophilia. It's other things like drug dealing that they get caught with ...

    I'm not some sort of avid pedophile supporter (I do think it's pretty gross) but there people like everyone else and as stated on the second page (I think) Not all pedophiles are child molesters.

  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    This situation/thread all reminds me of a little thing called A Clockwork Orange, and I do hope that no controversy is created in my mentioning this. If you haven't already, I recommend you see this movie just for educational purposes, really. I'm not saying this in a harsh way as the movie will entail anything such as "a ridiculously troubled pedophile that rapes small children and goes to jail hahaha now you lose". No. Quite contrary. This movie is about a group of men who are completely obsessed with raping women, as a mental condition that they cannot control. If you are looking to watch this movie, then I warn you! SPOILER BELOW!!

    Initially this group of men rape women (sorry I can't recall if they murder the women as well) as a, dare I say, lifestyle. Eventually, Alex, the main character, is caught by the police. Rather than send him to jail for his deeds, they find it appropriate to attempt a newly defined method of changing him into a "better" person. He is treated in a way similar (SIMILAR, not the same) as EST, which is why I'm greatly against that method which was suggested earlier in this thread. He is tied down and forced to watch women being raped by men on a film over and over again, while they play his favorite music over the stereo system. First he finds he enjoys it, but there is a point where they turn his love of it rape into repulse. Now they send him back out into society where he begins to live a normal life, and no longer possesses the obsession to rape women, or so they would perceive. It is shown throughout the movie that in forcing him to give up his original state and his pure, raw ways, they have turned him into a robot, which relates back to the title. A Clockwork Orange, is meant by how he would have the appearance of a normal human being, but nothing but a clockwork toy underneath it. He would be a robot programmed to behave the way he was expected, in turn showing that he wasn't a real person anymore. They had taken away his free will. SO at the end of the movie they tie him down once again to make him watch more woman being raped, but they show it in a beautiful way, playing his music again to make him enjoy it and accept it like he once did. Now here's where the movie goes wrong. The movie cuts off with Alex watching this and finding his love for raping women once again, but I've recently been told that in the original book, it goes on to show that now that he has been given back his free will, his whole human essence, he decides that raping women is wrong in his own mind. He makes the conscious decision not to do it anymore. So the movie takes away the whole moral by not showing that ending chapter, but it makes for a better cinematic ending, I suppose.

    Anyway, the reason I brought up this story, is that you cannot force a person to change the way they are. You cannot send them to a mental hospital and tip them up with drugs until you've reverted them to the point that they are an empty copy, accepting any information that you thrust upon them. They must be given the free will to choose for themselves what is "good" and "evil" (but don't let me get started into my beliefs on the absence of existence of good and evil). I'm not saying that by leaving this up to you to decide, that you will automatically fall into the "right" decision and no longer feel anything for little boys/girls. Not at all. I'm simply saying that there is nothing wrong with what you are feeling, it really can't be helped, and it is caused by the way your mind has developed and the balance of chemicals in your brain. I'm saying that you do have the choice on which actions you choose to do in life. That is what free will is. We all have temptations in life that we never pursue or follow. It could be as simple as having a crush on your best friend's boyfriend but never going as far as to cheating with him, or having an undeniable want to take a drug. There are some things we just don't do, because we have the freedom of choice on whether to do them. I have struggled with depression for a long time in my life, and I have taken the choice not to commit suicide, no matter how terrible some episodes I have come across may happen to be. No one can make you rape a child, and no one can make you not rape one either. This may be something you struggle with your whole life, but it is up to you to choose what you think is best.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is, I do not have an opinion on whether pedophilia is good or bad. Who can determine whether depression is good or bad? It is neither. It is what it is, and as I think "Yes. I feel like dying more days than not. But that's O.K. I'm not going to give up. And I will find happiness, in the absence of searching for happiness. It is a part of who I am, and it will develop and change over time. I don't mind if it doesn't go away. It is me." you may think "Yes. I like the thought of little girls. And that's O.K. It's just a thought I like. I'm never going to do anything over it, but I accept that it is something I think about. It is part of who I am."
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    What the f***? That's so weird.

    Why would you be attracted to little girls? I don't mean to sound weird here but they don't even have any nice boobs or ass or anything like that to be attracted to! They're too young to even be thinking about sex. What the hell is wrong with you?
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    ^Way to come here and just flame him. Maybe you need to realize that people can't help who they're attracted to.

    Well serial killers can't help the fact that they get the urge to murder people and chop up their bodies, but that doesn't make it right or normal. Rapists can't help the fact that they get the urge to rape people, but again that doesn't make it right or normal.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    cooter wrote:

    you cant control what you think about or what you are attracted to weather it be little boys, dogs or your dad. the factor that decides weather you are a pervert or (cant think of a better word) is if you act on your fantasies or desires to do things with whatever you are sexually attracted to.

    true. but you CAN resist and keep normal.

    Lux Aeterna wrote:

    my only advice is to stay away from a lot of alcohol or any hardcore seems like you have your emotions in check but in an altered state of mind you dont know what you'll do

    i never plan on touching drugs. im alergic to smoke, and i hate needles... haha.. but seriously, ive seen how bad they screw up peoples lives.

    captain_kurenai wrote:

    Hm ... thread too long ._. didn't read everything, mostly just the first couple pages but anyways ...

    I actually think that it's too early to say that you're a pedophile, honestly. You're 17, attracted to 8-12 year olds ... If you were say, 30 or 40 and attracted to 8-12 year olds THEN I'd definitely say you were a pedophile. Of course, the pedophiles I know are in their 40s but they're attracted to like ... 18-19 year olds. Pedophilia is largely dependant on the age gap. So, maybe right now it doesn't look nice, but give it a few years (I'd say early to mid 20s) before you make the final judgement.

    Out of what I've heard ... age gaps of more than 8 years (I think) start to border onto pedophilia. My parents are 8 years apart and my dad had to get my mom's father's consent to marry her and my mom was already 19 at the time. Also, my boyfriend has a friend whom we call a pedophile because he's 22 and was dating a 14 year old. He also liked one of my friends at one point, who is the same age as me but really childish. So, it turned out that he was more of just attracted to childish girls.

    Basically ... it's probably still too early to tell. Also, I know for a fact that not all pedophiles are creepy. It's usually the personality that makes them creepy. Personally, I don't think you need any kind of help. Mostly because, as I said, it's still a little early to know for sure. Who knows, maybe as you get older, you might be like those pedophiles I know and be attracted to the older teens (16-19).

    Something to watch out for though is that if you decide to pursue a relationship, the only way you can get in real trouble is if someone outs you. With that said, choose your relationships wisely :P Make sure there's consent from the parents too. I know there's a lot I'm missing in terms of legal matters, but ... eh, I've seen the pedophiles I know get away with their pedophilia. It's other things like drug dealing that they get caught with ...

    I'm not some sort of avid pedophile supporter (I do think it's pretty gross) but there people like everyone else and as stated on the second page (I think) Not all pedophiles are child molesters.

    thanks ofr reading what you did. its not the age gap that makes me attracted. that could (almost) easily be fixed, as its just a fettish. i am attracted to the way they are... the way the look, and im not completely sure what else... so yes, i know that i am. but thanks for your vote of confidence. no, i'm not going to pursue a relationship with a kid.

    JustxAxGirl wrote:

    This situation/thread all reminds me of a little thing called A Clockwork Orange, and I do hope that no controversy is created in my mentioning this. If you haven't already, I recommend you see this movie just for educational purposes, really. I'm not saying this in a harsh way as the movie will entail anything such as "a ridiculously troubled pedophile that rapes small children and goes to jail hahaha now you lose". No. Quite contrary. This movie is about a group of men who are completely obsessed with raping women, as a mental condition that they cannot control. If you are looking to watch this movie, then I warn you! SPOILER BELOW!!

    Anyway, the reason I brought up this story, is that you cannot force a person to change the way they are. You cannot send them to a mental hospital and tip them up with drugs until you've reverted them to the point that they are an empty copy, accepting any information that you thrust upon them. They must be given the free will to choose for themselves what is "good" and "evil" (but don't let me get started into my beliefs on the absence of existence of good and evil). I'm not saying that by leaving this up to you to decide, that you will automatically fall into the "right" decision and no longer feel anything for little boys/girls. Not at all. I'm simply saying that there is nothing wrong with what you are feeling, it really can't be helped, and it is caused by the way your mind has developed and the balance of chemicals in your brain. I'm saying that you do have the choice on which actions you choose to do in life. That is what free will is. We all have temptations in life that we never pursue or follow. It could be as simple as having a crush on your best friend's boyfriend but never going as far as to cheating with him, or having an undeniable want to take a drug. There are some things we just don't do, because we have the freedom of choice on whether to do them. I have struggled with depression for a long time in my life, and I have taken the choice not to commit suicide, no matter how terrible some episodes I have come across may happen to be. No one can make you rape a child, and no one can make you not rape one either. This may be something you struggle with your whole life, but it is up to you to choose what you think is best.

    Basically what I'm trying to say is, I do not have an opinion on whether pedophilia is good or bad. Who can determine whether depression is good or bad? It is neither. It is what it is, and as I think "Yes. I feel like dying more days than not. But that's O.K. I'm not going to give up. And I will find happiness, in the absence of searching for happiness. It is a part of who I am, and it will develop and change over time. I don't mind if it doesn't go away. It is me." you may think "Yes. I like the thought of little girls. And that's O.K. It's just a thought I like. I'm never going to do anything over it, but I accept that it is something I think about. It is part of who I am."

    interesting take. i may have to check out thaqt movie(and book) i have to dissagree with depression. i suffer from it partially, and anything that makes you that miserable, cant be good, or even neutral.(no, i don't mean in the sense that veggies can taste bad and give your tongue a miserable feeling, i mean the enclosed mentally claustrophibic dark feeling kind of miserable.)

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    What the f***? That's so weird.

    Why would you be attracted to little girls? I don't mean to sound weird here but they don't even have any nice boobs or ass or anything like that to be attracted to! They're too young to even be thinking about sex. What the hell is wrong with you?

    for one, large boobs and a but arent attractive to me. but thats beside the point... its not my choice who or what im attracted to, but it IS my choice how i deal with it... im sorry you feel that way. and there are plenty of things wrong with me if you didnt pick up on that >.>

    joemoe93 wrote:

    ^Way to come here and just flame him. Maybe you need to realize that people can't help who they're attracted to.

    thank you...

    Capt Sasha wrote:

    My thoughts exactly. Sexual attraction to kids is abnormal - biologically and ethically. Anybody who sexually fantasizes about a kid is a paedophile and a potential child predator (since there are no legitimate means to satiate their fantasies).

    Paedophilia is unacceptable by the society because it is a sexual perversion with no ethical means to achieve the desire. A lot of paedophiles would be child predators, if they have the opportunity to engage in their perversion without any consequences. Like Dr. Gregory Kapordelis, a 50 year old American doctor who was arrested and convicted for predating on under-9 Russian kids.

    Considering that people like Dr. Kapordelis was a paedophile in possession of child porn for years before actually predating on kids, it is safe to say that a lot of paedophiles are potentially child predators.

    naw duh... how did you come up with that original conclusion... potential is a very loose word... anyone is a potential anything... it just depends on their choices.

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    Well serial killers can't help the fact that they get the urge to murder people and chop up their bodies, but that doesn't make it right or normal. Rapists can't help the fact that they get the urge to rape people, but again that doesn't make it right or normal.

    they CAN however, choose not to kill/sliceup people, avoid corkflakes(couldn't resist =P), and not rape people.

    i think im done for now... sorry that im not capitalizing.. im tired...
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    giggity wrote:

    Actually when he's 30 won't he still like 8 year olds? Idk.

    That strikes me as really really really funny for some reason...

    Anyway, I'm one of those screwed up people who don't see a lot of things that others might think is immoral/wrong as bad. Just as, "it's their choice, as long as it's not hurting anyone it's fine."

    Just don't become one of those old pervs who stalks around schools and neighborhoods looking at children...because that would creep people out and get you arrested. :P
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    What the f***? That's so weird.

    Why would you be attracted to little girls? I don't mean to sound weird here but they don't even have any nice boobs or ass or anything like that to be attracted to! They're too young to even be thinking about sex. What the hell is wrong with you?

    Are you fucking kidding me? Ok, Assaultrifle, you're a future Marine like me and this would be a time where I would tell you it's not weird at all and that kids at 12 DO think about sex. 12 is the golden age where girls usually start to think they're becoming "women" and they look at pop culture for inspiration on how to be "women" or how to be attractive. And pop culture shows women who are the sluttier people, and this is what girls see. So in turn their behaviour and attitude turns into that. what they perceive as the normal behaviour of women and some may even say that it looks fun.

    I am not overgeneralizing, but this is what I've seen in some girls during middle school. They get caught up with their celebrities, and trying to beat one another for the "cute boys" that they'd be willing to whore themselves up. And because they're much freer (and more illegal) than actual slutty women(and/or average girl) they have a certain appeal to them. Face it, there are 12 year old girls who are entirely slutty and still innocent looking which WILL and DOES make them attractive for some. Just the psychology of things, innocent girls make guys feel powerful and slutty gives men the feeling of danger and kinda...fuck and quit attitude which again makes guys feel powerful and on top of the world in a way.

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    Well serial killers can't help the fact that they get the urge to murder people and chop up their bodies, but that doesn't make it right or normal. Rapists can't help the fact that they get the urge to rape people, but again that doesn't make it right or normal.

    Serial killers themselves are fucked up people who have gone through a lot more than likely. No one does something, "just because." I find it perfectly normal, some of them may have had a bad childhood, traumatized by a certain thing and that thing would trigger something that would make them kill. Rapists are ambush/scavenger predators. They prey on people who do not have their defenses up, examples would be: raping within 5miles of home, date rapes.

    They don't neccessarily have that "urge" to do it just for the heck of it. They either find a perfect time to do it, or set it up so it's to their advantage to rape someone.
    [CENTER]Future Rifleman of the Marine Corps!
    Saepius Exertus ||| Semper Fidelis ||| Frater Infinitas
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Are you fucking kidding me? Ok, Assaultrifle, you're a future Marine like me and this would be a time where I would tell you it's not weird at all and that kids at 12 DO think about sex. 12 is the golden age where girls usually start to think they're becoming "women" and they look at pop culture for inspiration on how to be "women" or how to be attractive. And pop culture shows women who are the sluttier people, and this is what girls see. So in turn their behaviour and attitude turns into that. what they perceive as the normal behaviour of women and some may even say that it looks fun.

    Ok even if some kids do think about sex, that still doesn't make it normal to be attracted to them. I do realize that by age 11 or 12 some girls are already developing breasts and such and thinking about guys. But, first of all, the guy said on the first page of this thread that he is talking about girls age 8-12, not just 12 and up. Also, just because a girl is thinking about guys and sex and tries to be slutty like celebrities does not necessarily mean they are ready for sex.

    Each person is different and matures differently but from a point of view of the law, you have to draw the line at some particular age. Besides, we are talking about girls 8-12 here, so even if you are right about middle school girls being sexually mature, what about the younger girls towards the '8' end of that spectrum? Being attracted to young kids is not normal no matter which way you look at it.

    I am not overgeneralizing, but this is what I've seen in some girls during middle school. They get caught up with their celebrities, and trying to beat one another for the "cute boys" that they'd be willing to whore themselves up. And because they're much freer (and more illegal) than actual slutty women(and/or average girl) they have a certain appeal to them. Face it, there are 12 year old girls who are entirely slutty and still innocent looking which WILL and DOES make them attractive for some. Just the psychology of things, innocent girls make guys feel powerful and slutty gives men the feeling of danger and kinda...fuck and quit attitude which again makes guys feel powerful and on top of the world in a way.

    I know what you are saying here but again that does not apply to all girls and don't forget that he said he is attracted to girls as young as eight years old. There is no way an eight year old could be sexually matured in any way.

    Serial killers themselves are fucked up people who have gone through a lot more than likely. No one does something, "just because." I find it perfectly normal, some of them may have had a bad childhood, traumatized by a certain thing and that thing would trigger something that would make them kill. Rapists are ambush/scavenger predators. They prey on people who do not have their defenses up, examples would be: raping within 5miles of home, date rapes.

    I know that people who rape or kill were usually traumatized in some way in their life, most likely in their childhood, but my point is that does not excuse them from any crimes they commit and it does not make the crimes they commit or think about committing normal according to the standards of society. It also does not change the fact that such criminals should be locked up for a very long time.

    They don't neccessarily have that "urge" to do it just for the heck of it. They either find a perfect time to do it, or set it up so it's to their advantage to rape someone.

    Whether they get urges or not is irrelevant. The fact is they still do things that are wrong and socially unacceptable. The reason i mentioned urges is because some of the people on here were saying that the TC's pedophilia was excusable or normal because he can't help it, and I was saying that just because you have an uncontrollable urge to do something does not make it normal or excusable.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    for one, large boobs and a but arent attractive to me.

    Well that's because you are attracted to 8 year old girls! Also, I didn't say large boobs, just 'nice' boobs by which I meant developed breasts. What kind of boobs one considers nice is up to personal preference, but my point was that it is not normal to be attracted to girls that have not developed breasts yet at all (which shows that they have not begun to mature sexually).

    its not my choice who or what im attracted to, but it IS my choice how i deal with it... im sorry you feel that way. and there are plenty of things wrong with me if you didnt pick up on that >.>

    Well yeah but as Capt. Sasha said, you are still a potential child predator. If there were no legal consequences for having sex with children, do you honestly think you could hold it in forever? The fact is that you are attracted to very young girls and therefore are probably going to be this way forever, and the fact is that you are very likely to act on your actions at some point in your life, and even more likely that once you do act on them, you will continue to do so until caught. I suggest seeking mental help/therapy.

    naw duh... how did you come up with that original conclusion... potential is a very loose word... anyone is a potential anything... it just depends on their choices.

    No, not everyone is potential anything. One who is honestly attracted only to girls his age is not a potential child predator.

    they CAN however, choose not to kill/sliceup people, avoid corkflakes(couldn't resist =P), and not rape people.

    They theoretically could but the fact is that it is a part of their nature, thus impossible to keep hidden for an entire lifetime.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    Ok even if some kids do think about sex, that still doesn't make it normal to be attracted to them. I do realize that by age 11 or 12 some girls are already developing breasts and such and thinking about guys. But, first of all, the guy said on the first page of this thread that he is talking about girls age 8-12, not just 12 and up. Also, just because a girl is thinking about guys and sex and tries to be slutty like celebrities does not necessarily mean they are ready for sex.

    Each person is different and matures differently but from a point of view of the law, you have to draw the line at some particular age. Besides, we are talking about girls 8-12 here, so even if you are right about middle school girls being sexually mature, what about the younger girls towards the '8' end of that spectrum? Being attracted to young kids is not normal no matter which way you look at it.

    Agreed at a limit yes.

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    I know what you are saying here but again that does not apply to all girls and don't forget that he said he is attracted to girls as young as eight years old. There is no way an eight year old could be sexually matured in any way.

    Agreed yet again.

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    I know that people who rape or kill were usually traumatized in some way in their life, most likely in their childhood, but my point is that does not excuse them from any crimes they commit and it does not make the crimes they commit or think about committing normal according to the standards of society. It also does not change the fact that such criminals should be locked up for a very long time.

    It does not excuse them from the evil they may have caused, but they should be separated from society in an environment that would suit them. Speaking of society, there is no standard. In Egypt some TV show commented that, "they had no virgins in Egypt at any age." Which just by itself shows that standards which you speak of is a fictional thing that is influenced by your own upbringing and your other biases.

    Assaultrifle wrote:

    Whether they get urges or not is irrelevant. The fact is they still do things that are wrong and socially unacceptable. The reason i mentioned urges is because some of the people on here were saying that the TC's pedophilia was excusable or normal because he can't help it, and I was saying that just because you have an uncontrollable urge to do something does not make it normal or excusable.

    I think it's normal, just because I don't differentiate between the so-called norms of society and the bizzare and taboo. Each one has a reason to be there, something bizzare for one might be normal for others. It's unexcusable, and maybe he does have to change it. But as I have mentioned about girls who act in an unsocially acceptable way could explain some of the liking to girls.
    [CENTER]Future Rifleman of the Marine Corps!
    Saepius Exertus ||| Semper Fidelis ||| Frater Infinitas
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    I respect OP.

    Good man.

    I just don't get the fear. Esp with this country. (US).

    So what if I want to grow a marijuana plant in my room? Does that mean I want to smoke it? Does that mean i'd smoke it? Does that mean I smoke? I wear a Lakers jersey, does that mean I play basketball? Do I want to play?

    Lets say I watch rape videos. Would that make me want to rape someone? I kill cops and innocent people in GTA IV, am I a potential murderer in real life? Someone like to watch child pornography. Would that person molest a child?

    No. All no.

    I don't get it.
  • Re: Pedophilia: how much do you know?&lt;approved&gt;

    It does not excuse them from the evil they may have caused, but they should be separated from society in an environment that would suit them.

    Yes and federal prison or a mental hospital is a fine example of just such an environment.

    Speaking of society, there is no standard. In Egypt some TV show commented that, "they had no virgins in Egypt at any age." Which just by itself shows that standards which you speak of is a fictional thing that is influenced by your own upbringing and your other biases.

    There may not be a set worldwide standard, but some cultures do things that violate basic human rights. If you feel that something another culture does is wrong, you should not just sit back and let it be simply because it's their culture. My standards are based on the belief that every individual has the basic right to life, liberty, and property (and some other things.) Call it a bias if you want but if little girls in Egypt are made to have sex then that is a clear violation of their right to liberty and something should be done about it, whether it is part of their culture or not.

    I think it's normal, just because I don't differentiate between the so-called norms of society and the bizzare and taboo. Each one has a reason to be there, something bizzare for one might be normal for others. It's unexcusable, and maybe he does have to change it. But as I have mentioned about girls who act in an unsocially acceptable way could explain some of the liking to girls.

    The problem is not that his interests are simply bizarre, the problem is that he is interested in something which violates childrens' rights, and that is what makes it socially unacceptable- the fact that such actions violate other people's rights. If he was interested in something that was bizzare but did not violate anyone's rights, I would have no problem. So it is not simply a problem of not going with the norms of society, it is more than that. It is an interest in something that is a violation of basic human rights.

    Lets say I watch rape videos. Would that make me want to rape someone?

    The thing is, all of those questions you posted are not quite relevant to the discussion because the discussion is about the TC's sexual interest in children. If you wear a Laker's jersey that does not mean you are interested in basketball. If you grow a marijuana plant that does not mean you are interested in marijuana. We are discussing whether an interest in something would make you act on that interest, NOT whether or not a certain action means someone has an interest in something, since we already know that he has a sexual interest in children.

    So then the answer to your question that I quoted would be yes, provided that you are watching the rape videos because you have a sexual interest in them, and not just because someone dared you to or just for the heck of it.