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    • ok so long story short, my friend just told me she likes my crush. all three of us are pretty good friends, and i have kinda liked him for a while, but just the other day my other friend told be she liked him. i told her i didnt like him too, because... well... shes my friend, and it would be too awkward if she knew i liked him too. now im really confused and i dont know what to do because i like him and so does she but shes my friend, and hes my friend too, and i dont know who he likes. i guess thats kind of confusing. but does anyone have any tip or something?
    • Re: help...?

      I strongly advise telling your friend that you like him as well. Just say that you didn't want to hurt her feelings by not telling her beforehand, but also that you didn't think it'd be wise to keep your feelings in. It's a healthier route towards building a stronger friendship - if she's a real friend - as well as making it easier for the guy to choose. This way, you avoid the troubles of wondering "if I'd told him would he react differently?"

      Good luck, you're a good friend.