Is he using us?

    • Is he using us?

      Okay, me, my best friend and my ex boyfriend/friend have always been close friends. My ex boyfriend is a Christian - I have nothing against what religion he chooses to be....I'm an atheist but thats a different story.

      He used to go to church/youth mostly every Sunday, he wasn't obsessed or anything but he just went.

      But now he constantly goes to youth instead of coming out with us =/ I know he doesn't go to youth for Christian reasons...he goes for a social visit with people from his church...he goes to church for Christian reasons.

      Lately he only comes out with us whenever there isn't youth =/ It's like we're his second choice and he wants to wait and see if anything better comes along.

      I swear to God the only reason he goes to bloody youth is to flirt with all the stupid emo girls he fancies who go to his church. =/

      he's like obsessed with this one girl who goes there he talks about her CONSTANTLY he even used to when I was seeing him. =/

      I know he cares bout going to church which I actually respect him for but too much is too much!

      It's like me and his "best friend" are his back up plan.
    • Re: Is he using us?

      Here's my advice: Go out and have fun without him. Take your friend with you and when you next see him tell him how much fun you both have had. That should help you figure out if he wants to be friends with him. If he's interested in you or your friend then he will get jealous. If he doesn't get jealous, move on without him.
      Gandalf: "So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."