changing schools

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    • changing schools

      most people do it, i havent yet, but i have just been offered a position at a selective high school... Of course i said yes, but i want some advice on moving schools...

      at my old school i was seen as a bit of a loner, of course i had my friends, but they had wayyyy more friends than i do.. and i dont want to be left out, so how can i make a good impression, and a lasting friendly impression.

      unlike my old school, everyone is going to be smart... How can i keep up. (studing techniques please)

      anything eilse would be nice...

      your werewolf friend Brendan.:D
      this signature is the one i used when i signed up for teenhut when i was in what... year 8? thats 4 years ago... god my graphical skills sucked!
    • Re: changing schools

      I had the exact experience that u r going to have,
      I was accepted to a school of selective peoples.. and as u said they are all smart.

      I was lucky and I got in a super awesome class.. everyone is friendly, that really helped me to enter the new school and get new friends.

      Just dont be an as**ole.. and u should get ur friends :)
    • Re: changing schools

      Be really nice on the first day and laugh at there jokes. Dont laugh at them. Laugh with them. And say "Hi whats up man" If they're wearin a sport team. say something about the team.

      "The sox played great last night"
      [CENTER]Los Angeles Lakers
      Kobe. Andrew. Pau. Lamar. Derek. Trevor. Jordan. Sasha. Chris. Josh. DJ. Adam. Shannon. Luke. Sun
    • Re: changing schools

      Be really nice, laugh, and be open to all opportunities of friends. Say hi to people you meet and smile so you come off as friendly.

      Studying techniques? They're all going to be smart, so try and keep up. Study groups really help, as well as making all sorts of friends who specialize in certain courses, like maths and english. Make sure you organize your time wisely, review daily, and ask lots of questions. Pay attention in class, of course, and do your homework. :D

      Support Leader,
    • Re: changing schools

      had the exact experience that u r going to have,
      I was accepted to a school of selective peoples.. and as u said they are all smart.

      I was lucky and I got in a super awesome class.. everyone is friendly, that really helped me to enter the new school and get new friends.

      Just dont be an asshole.. and u should get ur friends
    • Re: changing schools

      it was probably one of my regrets in life, that I didn't change schools from grade school to junior high. I stayed in the same school for grade school, junior high and senior high so I pretty much had the same friends and didnt had a new environment.

      If I would be able to change that, I would have transferred to another school. A change of environment is always good because you get to meet a lot of new people and you learns lotsa things :) People at my school were your typical jocks/cheerleader type, never studies, interested only in basketball, girls/boys and spending money