hormone imbalance from stress or pregnancy?

    • hormone imbalance from stress or pregnancy?

      In the past three weeks I have been having odd body changes. I have experienced mild to severe nausea (however only actually vomited in the past week), extreme fatigue, need to drink water constantly, and the more pressing matter, my hormones. I have been through incredible stress before and have been able to handle it, but now I have been having incredible mood changes; associations trigger incredible euphoria or deep depression, I have sudden heat waves and cold waves, and overall can't seem to control my body anymore. I was wondering if it could possibly mean I am pregnant or is it all from stress? I have been pregnant only once before and it was slightly similar to this but not this severe. I would appreciate any thoughts and ideas :)
    • Re: hormone imbalance from stress or pregnancy?

      I am unsure if stress would give you extreme highs and lows in that manner, and if you have a reason to think that you may be pregnant I would definitely advise to take a test.

      It's normal to have some ups and lows in life, even without a trigger that we recognize, so it is possible that what you are feeling is normal (it's hard to tell though, as I'm obviously not feeling them myself so I do not know how severe it is).

      Really, this is all something that you need to decide. If you feel "normal" for you, then you can just let it pass. But you know yourself better than anyone, and if these things feel out of the norm then it may be worth talking or questioning someone about.