No secrets!

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    • No secrets!

      How many friends could you trust with your secrets and/or your life? 49
        none (12) 24%
        1 (8) 16%
        2 (13) 27%
        3 (8) 16%
        4 (4) 8%
        5 or more (4) 8%
      This is eventually going to be a guide to help you learn to keep no secrets within your relationships.

      Why keep no secrets? This is a good practice to start, whether you're in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, or just a friendship. The more you slowly open up to the other person, the more they will open up to you, and the closer your friendship becomes:hugs:. This can also save you big time in the future. If a big piece of gossip gets out about you, and you have already told your friends all of your problems/secrets, then, if the gossip is false, your friends will be that much more likely to believe you, and if it happens to be true, your friends already know, so you dont have to face their criticism/rejection. These same benefits apply to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.

      Who should you tell?

      Tell those that you know you can trust, and that take you seriously. if you cant tell them anything without them making wisecracks, then they probably arent ready to hear your secrets.

      What should you tell?

      Anything that could possibly get you into trouble later, as well as anything you want to. This may seem scary, but its quite a freeing and relieving experience, and it will strengthen any friendships worth having.

      How should you tell it?

      Firstly, your goal isn't to get it all out as fast as humanly possible. start shallow, and ask them(in your own words, but be clear) if you can trust them, if they will take you seriously, and if they will do their best to not change their views/oppinions about you. make sure you warn them again, before telling them anything possibly alarming:eek:. This actually works quite well over instant messenger(which is surprising, considering that most personal things are best done in person). So far as I can tell, this is because of the relative security(noone can overhear you) and you dont have to look the other person in the face. it also is a bit detached. this is actually a good thing in this situation, because when they see you in person the first thing that pops into their mind wont be your problems and mistakes, but their normal opinions. they will obviously still be aware of your issues, but if you do this right, they will have shared nearly as much with you as you share with them(sharing of this nature tends to have this effect). something you might want to do, should you use the instant messenger method, is come up with an unobvious password, to confirm identity, and security.(you wouldnt want to burst out with some confidential piece of information, to a younger sibling, or while somone else was within reading distance. try to make it discreet, and something easily recognisable to both of you. its best that if somone walked up suddenly you could 'randomly' burst out with it, and the person reading over said persons shoulder would think something along the lines of inside joke:lol:, as opposed to 'intruder alert!':ninja:.

      What if it doesnt work?

      first of all, you should start with semi shallow information, so as to test the water, and not get burned. IF the person DOES burn you, then it shows that they arent worth having as a friend anyway. ya, its tough, and they may reconcile themselves later, but as of yet, they arent mature enough, or just not worth befriending.

      If you have any questions:confused:, feel free to ask. If it wasn't obvious, this is all from personal experience. I hope this helps!
    • Re: No secrets!

      I trust no one. However, I will tell you a secret. One time during winter, it was snowing very hard. I was playing in a field with my dogs. and I tripped over what seemed to be a rock. I went back and uncovered the object from the snow. It was a dead body of what appeared to be a man. I never went back to that field again. That's the first time I've ever told anyone, if anyone happens to read this...xD

      However, this is a nice little guide. :)
    • Re: No secrets!

      Your points makes sense. However, I'll trust no one with all of my secrets. We're all human, and there's definitely a chance he/she may leak it. I'll depend on certain people, although not to that extent. Call me a cynic, but I don't believe in naivety.
    • Re: No secrets!

      i trust 3 people with my secrets. my 3 best friends, and i know they will keep them. i don't tell them everything mind, and some things i keep totally to myself. but thats not always the best way at all. theres something i haven't told anyone before.. and i think ill tell everyone here, i need to get it off my chest.
      i stopped my dad from killing himself.
      wow.. that feels better :) im trusting you all with that! xx
      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing
    • Re: No secrets!

      i only tell my secrets to my little stuffed bear :3
      [SIZE=2]'The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.'[/SIZE]
    • Re: No secrets!

      ComplicatedMind wrote:

      I trust no one. However, I will tell you a secret. One time during winter, it was snowing very hard. I was playing in a field with my dogs. and I tripped over what seemed to be a rock. I went back and uncovered the object from the snow. It was a dead body of what appeared to be a man. I never went back to that field again. That's the first time I've ever told anyone, if anyone happens to read this...xD

      However, this is a nice little guide. :)

      You didn't tell your parents/police? That's pretty stupid.. you know a family could be wondering where their relative is.
    • Re: No secrets!

      JDK721 wrote:

      You didn't tell your parents/police? That's pretty stupid.. you know a family could be wondering where their relative is.

      that was so totally uncalled for.
      yes their family would be wondering, and yes he probably should of called the police or something
      but the fact is he just shared that with everyone on teenhut, when hes never told anyone before
      and it probably traumatized the poor lad a bit! i know it would traumatize me!
      think about your own actions in his shoes, different people deal with things like that differently.
      so lay off him, bless him x
      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing
    • Re: No secrets!

      Actually I would trust a stranger than my friends to tell my secret to.
      Friends have known you the longest and will likely judge you.
      While strangers won' much.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=1]Oh the lights still on, we're dancing[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=1] Yeah the floor is shaking[/SIZE]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=1] In this disco heaven[/SIZE]
    • holliee-x wrote:

      i trust 3 people with my secrets. my 3 best friends, and i know they will keep them. i don't tell them everything mind, and some things i keep totally to myself. but thats not always the best way at all. theres something i haven't told anyone before.. and i think ill tell everyone here, i need to get it off my chest.
      i stopped my dad from killing himself.
      wow.. that feels better :) im trusting you all with that! xx

      Wow, that has to feel good, but also be hard to bare. It's good to hear that he wasn't added to the list of statistics.

      nobody. wrote:

      i only tell my secrets to my little stuffed bear :3

      ^^ I still have my stuffed bear! But it mainly stays on the shelf... I stopped sleeping with it several years ago due to the fact that my arm goes to sleep X(


      But I don't tell it my secrets...
      It has been said many times before... But it is no less true; The most important things in life are not things. The simple special moments in life, end up being the ones you remember for a life time.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by PurpleMustang ().

    • Re: No secrets!

      amlord1 wrote:

      ^^ I still have my stuffed bear! But it mainly stays on the shelf... I stopped sleeping with it several years ago due to the fact that my arm goes to sleep X(


      But I don't tell it my secrets...

      I used to sleep with my stuffed monkey and I named him Mr Fuzzums.
      He was quite romantic.

      You can tell me your secrets.
      I'm a great secret-keeper.
      [CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=1]Oh the lights still on, we're dancing[/SIZE]
      [SIZE=1] Yeah the floor is shaking[/SIZE]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=1] In this disco heaven[/SIZE]
    • Re: No secrets!

      amlord1 wrote:

      Wow, that has to feel good, but also be hard to bare. It's good to hear that he wasn't added to the list of statistics.

      i still get flashbacks of it and stuff. cause well it traumatized me quite a bit.
      but hes still here, and thats all that matters :)
      [SIZE=1]i'm scared of walking out of this room & never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when i'm with you [L][/SIZE][SIZE=2][SIZE=1]
      - dirty dancing