Advice please!

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    • Advice please!

      Ok so i guess the best way would be for me to describe my situation. Basically i am completely in love with this girl. I liked her before we even new each other. We met partially on a trip to big bear with my track/x-country team which is something we both share in common. After that trip i added her on myspace and then started getting to know her a little more. Then we hung out just as friends and i also became friends with her friends. But this whole time it is extremely clear to me from waaay back that she likes one of my friends... and i believe it is a crush such as mine that lasts a long time. I asked her to homecoming this year with roses and a cake and she said yes!!! We both had an amazing night and then later that night when we were walking alone i asked her out in the words. "Can i ask you a question?" "of course you can" "will you go out with me" " a short pause "yes". Later that night we went over as a group to a friends house where we all watched a movie her sitting next to me. This was all extremely silent and she barely said a word. Then as people started leaving i wrapped my arm around her and she leaned into me as if she was going to sleep on my lap. As it became time for me to leave i gave her a hug both of us staring into eachothers eyes anticipating a kiss possibly. It didnt happen and then we both kind of just sat there staring and i hugged her again in which she kissed me on the cheek which shows the "just friends" kind of relationship. The next morning i woke up to a myspace message saying "i do like you and i will go out with you but some people think that going out and being in a relationship are the same thing". This went on and then we finally talked to eachother in person and decided to be just friends. Here i am 3 months later still loving her more than ever and not thinking that she likes me back. We are however still good friends but whenever we go on a group outing she always sits next to my friend the one that she liked all along. But this kid wont do anything although they both know that they like eachother. He does this to everybody always going for the girl you like getting so that they like him and then nothing happens. I guess my maine question would be on my part what is the best thing that i could do on such outings in the ways of actions and talking to her that could make her like me again. It seems that whenever i am around her i am self concious and also much less talkative and in turn i guess the real word is shy. I truelly love this girl to the point where i hope of going on these outings just to have a chance of that goodbye hug... soo please help me out with any advice that you could possibly give me!!!
    • Re: Advice please!

      restart the whole thing...if you have a formal coming up or prom ask her to that again...and if she is like wth, just be (basically) lets start over.....i mean i believe in you have nothing to loose if you tell the truth

      If you tell her the truth and she says no atleast you still have your friendship.

      Just try and say the truth
      [CENTER]Love to help people...want to vent? I'll listen
      Want to talk about anything? Just PM me
      ++ rep? lol
    • Re: Advice please!

      Now with what you have said lies another potential problem... She is a sophomore, i am a junior, and the guy who she likes is a senior. So what i think might happen is that he will take his chance this year and ask her to prom which would ruin everything i could have hoped for with her.
    • Re: Advice please!

      Seems like you have quite the tough situation here, I'm afraid. Honestly, I understand that you like this girl and everything but sometimes, things just don't work out. Have you tried talking to her about the way you're feeling? That's really the only way to let her know how you feel. If she doesn't know how you feel, nothing can really happen. It's just really complicated. Every kind of relationship is complicated, really - especially as a teenager. Unfortunately, all you can do is either act on your feelings or forget about her and stay friends.

      It seems like you've fallen head-over-heels for this girl. That is not uncommon amongst teenagers and young adults of *any* age, really. Like I said, sometimes, they just don't work out. Unfortunately, your teenage years will be full of break-ups and heartbreaks. We, as individuals, need to learn how to cope with these situations and move on. Ultimately, this is a decision that you need to make on your own. Think about the situation logically and rationally. Weigh your options and ultimately, do what you feel is best for you. If it doesn't work out, don't be so hard on yourself. At least you tried, right? Good luck with everything.

      Take care.
    • Re: Advice please!

      Mmm, whatever you feel comfortable with. I mean, you could even write her a note if that makes you feel more comfortable. You could say something like:

      "I don't really know how to tell you this but I'll try my best. I really never did stop loving for you and there is nothing that I would want more than for you to be mine."

      Or something like that...
    • Re: Advice please!


      If i were in your position i think the best thing to do would be to confront her and ask her if she notices this kid is leading her on!

      Tell her how you feel right now!...
      maybe shell think twice and notice that your the only one that will actaully confess how much you like her....this kid is playing games with her.. and its your job to jump in && show her that you care..

      "I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful." ;)
    • Re: Advice please!

      Ok first of all, I have no idea why you hang out with that guy who apparently steals everyones girl.

      And probably the best way out of this situation is actually telling her how you feel. The worst case scenario: you will know what are her feelings towards you..and IF (hopefully not) she does not share the same feeling with you, then at least you will know and it will not bother you. You also might want her so much because you "can't get her" it is normal and I my self have been in those situation, so it might be the chase for you that is important.

      You should definitely tell her how you feel.
      The King of Mind-Fuck