Asking out

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    • Re: Asking out

      I think you know what to but you're just afraid to do it. It's understandable, it seems harder when you're in the situation instead of just being on the side lines giving advice. At some point, you just have to stop being nervous and go for it. Sure rejection is tough to deal with, but wondering 'what if' is even worse. Don't miss out on potential relationships because of your nerves getting the best of you. It is nerve wracking but what have you got to lose? You have a lot to gain here. The worst thing to happen is her saying no and you move on to find someone else. Not everyone will say yes to you, but there will be someone that will. You'll never know until you try. Don't think negatively about it, look at the positives. Just be confident and be yourself and you'll be fine.
      good luck with everything.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: Asking out

      Hi Alex. That is always the case, isn't it? You can always help other people but when it comes to something that you're faced with, you could never help yourself. I'm sure we've all been there and felt that way - so it's nothing to worry about. Asking someone out is *not* an easy thing to do - I don't care what anyone says. Every girl is different so the techniques that one must use to ask a girl out will very from girl to girl. Some girls are very laid back and wouldn't care if a guy asked her out over IM on the computer. However, some girls are extremely turned off by that.

      No, you're not going to know what kind of girl she is and that's what makes things tough, doesn't it? I understand how you feel, don't worry. Honestly, do you want me to be honest? I don't want to sound all cliche or anything but the key is confidence here. Don't be confident to the point where you're cocky because most girls find that a turn off. But confident to the point where you show that you're proud of who you are - which you should be. You should be proud of who you are; everyone should be. I think that's really important.

      I also want to mention this: don't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I understand that as a teenager, there may be a lot of pressure on both males and females when it comes to sex and relationships. Although you might be pressured to get a girlfriend in one way or another (peer pressure, etc.), don't feel the need to get one. You're still young and that means there is plenty of time to date. When the time is right, you'll know it. For now, continue to be yourself and just take things one day at a time. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself. =)
    • Re: Asking out

      HI ALEX! you're awesome
      anywho... i've been the same way, actually. i'm always giving people advice (like now lol) but i've never asked anyone out myself. since i'm a girl it's easier but i'd still like to work on the whole bravery thing... i think you can do it! but yea, like said above, dont feel like you have to have a girlfriend and of course you're gonna be nervous like we all are but the key is to accept that you're nervous and do it anyway! don't think about it too much beforehand or you'll get more nervous. don't be overconfident but know that you can do it! <3
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]"I don't do damsel well. Distress, I can do.

      Damseling? Not so much."
