Major problem, need help.

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    • Major problem, need help.

      Well I have a boyfriend, and his dad hits him for no good reason, and his mother always tells him to move out of the house and all, and it gets me really concerned and all. But tonight, I was meant to call him but he never sent a message. And then I got one just before saying that he'd had enough and he was going to kill himself. This is because of his depression, which I assume, was triggered by the way his parents have treated him over the years. I need help and fast, because I have no communication with him until tomorrow night at 9pm and Im scared he will have done something bad by then. I swear he is the love of my life, I dont wanna lose him. HELP!

    • Re: Major problem, need help.

      Hi. I'm sorry to hear about this, i truly understand why you are really concerned here.
      Can't you call him at all?
      Try and sit down and talk to your boyfriend, advise him to see someone, his parents are going too far with this, if he's being physically harmed he needs to talk to someone about this, it cannot be very nice at all.
      If you cannot call him, and have no other way at all, then understandably you will feel worried and hope he wont do anything stupid, but no matter how much he's been put through, he has a person that does care and show love to him which is you therefore im sure part of him realizes this, and hopefully he will not do anything to himself.
      Be there for him as much as you can, im sure you are being, this will help him a lot.
      Hope he's ok, im sure he will be ok, but the being harmed bit is just wrong.
    • Re: Major problem, need help.

      First off, I just want to say that I'm sorry you're going through this. I've been here and I know that you must be worried and everything. You should be but try your best to remain calm, despite how difficult that may be to do. I agree with what Kat said. Is there any way of you getting a hold of him before 9:00 p.m. tonight? If so, please try to do so. If you really fear that your boyfriend may be in danger, it is your obligation to tell an adult. Is there any way that you could talk to your parents about this and see what they suggest? I know this may be a lot of pressure to put on yourself and whatnot but it may be the only thing to do.

      When you speak to your boyfriend again, you really need to sit down and have a talk with him. It seems like he may be a little emotionally unstable and that poses a problem, especially for one threatening with suicide. He needs to get help before matters get *a lot* worse. When it comes to a situation like this, the severity of the situation could escalate dramatically within seconds. His father hits him? He needs to tell someone about that. When is he going to decide to tell someone? When it's too late? I don't mean to sound harsh or anything but child abuse is a very serious issue - not only because of the present effects but also because of what unaddressed issues related to child abuse could do to one growing up.

      If this issue is not addressed, he may suffer severe consequences in the future. Honestly, the negative outcomes of unaddressed issues related to child abuse are numerous. Please talk to your boyfriend about it - encourage him to seek help. It's important for you to remember that you cannot help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves, though. If he refuses to seek help, you must respect that and continue to be there for him. However, even if he refuses to seek help himself, I encourage you to seek help for him. This is a huge issue and will only become more severe if it's not addressed.

      Perhaps you can try talking to someone about all of this? This is a lot for you to be dealing with on your own. As a teenager, you have enough on your plate as it is. You will not be able to cope with this kind of thing alone. Talk to someone. Who to talk to? You can talk to your parents, a friend's parent, a relative, a neighbour, a teacher, a guidance counselor, a therapist, a doctor, a police officer, etc. Basically you can talk to *anyone* that you feel comfortable talking to and that you trust. I hope that everything works out for you and your boyfriend. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: Major problem, need help.

      now he doesn't wanna go through this anymore, right?
      but he's not been given this life for him only.
      if he doesn't love himself that much as to stay alive, it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. he has to be there for you. he has to live. for you!
      now you just call him and tell him he's the love of your life and stuff like that. i know how it feels, because i tried to kill myself once, and as i was lying on the hospital bed, my sister asked me to live for her. she was desperate. and yeah, if i stood up that day, it was because of her.
      you have to be strong for him.
      make him understand that as long as you love each other, his parents or anyone else shouldn't make him kill himself.
      just like you said, we're talking about his life, but he is your life. so ask him not to kill you by killing himself.
      it's gonna be okay. i promise. just be there for him. and don't let parents destroy such a big love.

      marina <3
      [COLOR="Sienna"]Reia-mi al nemuririi nimb/ &#350;i focul din privire,
      &#350;i pentru toate d&#259;-mi în schimb/ O or&#259; de iubire..
    • Re: Major problem, need help.

      There are times when you should allow a person to make there own judgments and there are times when you need to take it out of there hand. This is one such time when you need to take the situation out of his hand.

      You have to consider whether you truly care for him, whether you want him there to make you happy or whether you want to make him safe and healthy. If it's the later you should call Child Protective Services regarding the beatings. They will see to it that he is taken into a healthier situation. Let it be known that I am not an advocate of the foster system as it is highly detrimental to psychological growth however in the consideration that the alternative is such a physically and emotionally abusive environment it is a better option.

      He needs help, he needs psychological care, emotional care and better home care. If he won't take the steps necessary you need to take the steps to protect him from his parents and himself.
      Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind. ~Immanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason
      [CENTER]The greatest thing you'll ever learn
      Is just to Love
      And be Loved in return