He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

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    • He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

      Well, I've liked this guy since the start of this school year, and he likes me too.
      It's pretty obvious [I noticed it about.. 2 months ago], although he is like, love shy and insecure with girls.
      [Well, I'm love shy too and pretty insecure about that stuff too, so that makes it even harder.]

      I asked him out to the movies about 2 weeks ago. He reacted with: "Uhhm... sure," and with a lot of blushing. So we went. :)
      Nothing happened that night, though. [And if you wanna know, he insisted on paying, held doors open, and that kinda stuff. :P]

      But, the problem is, nothing changed between us. [Well, he seems to look (read: stare) at me more than before.]
      Friends of mine, who are also his friends, tell me that knowing him, he has to be 100% sure about my feelings towards him before he will even think about making a move.

      What should I do next?
      Wait untill he makes a move? Letting him know what I feel towards him more? [Please note that I'm shy too.] Ask him out again, and if so, to do what?

      Thanks for reading!:-)
    • Re: He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

      Hey there Pi :)

      Honestly, this guy must be REALLY nervous and having been a nervous guy in year 7 starting to go out with a girl I really liked I get where he's coming from.

      If you're ready and feel compfortable, I think you should make the first move to show him that you really like him just as much, and that it's ok to go to that step. If he's not going to ask you out again, he's probably way too nervous, just do the next step for him. Ask him out again. Eventually he will find a comfort with you and feel less nervous and it will get much easier, trust me :)
    • Re: He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

      Well, it seems like this guy really likes you but is extremely shy. Perhaps you can talk to him about all of this. Sometimes, it takes a little *push* for the shy people to come out of their shell. Now, I don't mean make him feel uncomfortable or anything. Maybe you shouls try asking him out again and then talk to him about the way you feel about him. Sometimes a little reassurance is all someone needs. It seems like he has a lot of respect for you, though - with the door-holding and whatnot. He seems like a really great guy so I'd suggest that you talk to him about the way you're feeling. Give it time and take things slow to begin with; I'm sure he'll begin to feel more comfortable soon enough. I hope that everything works out between the two of you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

      [Pi];1246879 wrote:

      Thanks for the helpful [at least, I think so! xD] replies! :D
      So I'll try showing him more what I feel for him!
      [I once read guys don't pick up on flirting signals as easily as women do btw.]

      But well, thanks again!

      Yeah you definitely should. You really shouldn't be afraid to tell him you like him either. I am almost exactly like that guy :P. I cannot make a move unless I know the girl I like likes me. And sometimes there's a storm in my mind because I don't know if a girl is into me or is just being nice. I'm pretty sure it's like you said, guys can't pick up flirting signals like women can.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: He is even more shy than I am.. What to do next?

      ok well this happens with a lot of guys im not gona lie im one of them if a guy has a somewhat shy personality he will have difficulty making a move on a girl because truthfully most guys cannot read chicks to see if they are just screwing with us or are interested or not. I say go up 2 him when you guys are alone and talk to him about how you guys feel about each other. Don't necessarily write him off because he hasn't made a move its difficult for some shy guys.