love is complicated

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    • love is complicated

      k well i am a 19 year old guy. i have been going out with this guy for a wile and he has asked me to move in with him hes 19 aswell we live 400km away from each other atm and miss each other horibly. i want too move away from where i am and he wants me to move in with him and id love to do that but there is a few problems he doesnt have a job and his mother isnt really wanting me there "i dont want to be thinking of you both sexualy" also thinks my boyfriend is still "confused" we want to flat together aswell but cant do that till my boyfriend has a job and I will also have to get one there too. he also has to tell his dad that he is bi and that i am his boyfriend we want to know of a way that we can both be together asap with very little complications. can anyone help us and give us ideas on what to do Thanks
    • Re: love is complicated

      umm dude im glad that ur in love with ur bf or whatever
      im really happy for u . but money seems to be the major issue
      here you need to get a job and as humiliating as this whole
      thing sound just go down to ur local unemployment office
      and hand ur cv around its not that bad

      and as for where ur gonna move check out where u could
      get a job when ur there . as for coming out to ur perents
      you just gotta do in one movement like a bandaid

      i hope ive been some help to u
      good luck in the future
    • Re: love is complicated

      Your best bet would be to get a job. If your partner's parents, as well as your own, see that you two are able to support yourselves, they'll be more welcoming to the idea to you living together. It's best to wait til after you finish the current courses you're taking, and then to submit some resumes to where your boyfriend lives. He should be doing the same. If you move in before either of you are financially stable, it just causes more problems in the future. Then you might even have to ask for help from your parents, and in no way will that persuade them. Your career is important - it's worth it to sacrifice some time with him. You've already done it for a while, so you can do it again.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: love is complicated

      You know what they say, the good things in life are worth waiting for. Now, I know you want to move in with your boyfriend as soon as possible but unfortunately, things don't work like that. You both are only nineteen years old and there is already *so* much on your plate. I could understand why both sets of parents are behaving this way - some parts are pretty over-protective of their children and don''t want to see their children make a mistake with their lives. Honestly, just try to see things from their point of view for a minute. In order to understand one's actions, you must put yourself in their shoes and try to see things from their perspective - ignoring your own.

      I think you could understand why both sets of parents would be against all of this. I mean, you're still doing some courses and neither of you have a job. How will you be able to support yourselves? That's a huge issue. Again, both sets of parents probably want the best for their child and therefore, they want to ensure that they are living sufficiently. I'd say that your best bet would be for both of you to finish off any courses that you want to complete. I think education is really, really important. At your age, I believe an education should come first because it basically determines they rest of your life.

      If you have to wait a bit longer to move in with your boyfriend, so be it. Just because you both don't live together, it doesn't mean that you guys won't have a good/close relationship with each other. Once you are both 100% satisfied with your educational results, you both need to find and maintain a job. Once your parents see you with a decent education and a stable job, they will be more willing to accept the fact that you want to move in with your boyfriend. This behaviour shows maturity and responsibility; it's really important for you to demonstrate these qualities, especially when it comes to something like moving out of home. I hope that everything works out for you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: love is complicated can you say "parent in denial"

      I can not give fool-proof advice because I was never in this situation...but I think that he is "the source" of the problem. In a sense that he has to fix it with his parents...

      I would suggest somehow trying to get him to talk to his parents...
      The King of Mind-Fuck