My friend is Suicidal

    • My friend is Suicidal

      okay so. I have a BEST friend named Brooke. Her mom has this Lung Disease that is unable to be Cured. :( She of course. Cuts herself...and always says she wishes she were dead. Now its getting more serious as her mothers time is becoming shorter and shorter. HER SISTER is always blaming her and everything. and she always comes to me for help and i dont know what ro say... because all that comes out is "im sorry.." i dont know what to do...............Someone help me please?!

    • Re: My friend is Suicidal

      Always be there for her. Does she cut herself simply because of her mom's condition? If so, ask her why she is risking time away from her mother like this. Treat her with love and hope for the best. Talk to a trusted adult if neccesary- you won't be snitching, you'll be helping her.
      It is a sad day when an innocent nation's flag is decried as hate speech.

      If I say it, I believe it. Most of the time, anyway. :lol:
    • Re: My friend is Suicidal

      First of all, she's pretty (^_^). This is an unfortunate situation :(. I think her sister is blaming her because that is how she copes (so perhaps she could use help too). Honestly there isn't much you can say, you haven't gone through it before and even then you know all you can do listen, and comfort them. My best friends mom died of cancer in front him, what do you say to that? Make sure you're always available to talk, even if you're doing something else that's important to you (sounds like you are already doing this). The cutting is something she's going to have to make up her mind on, just like if she blames herself, etc. Supporting her, telling her nice things about herself and all that good stuff should help. This is just my personal experience so... you gotta read em before you do anything.
      Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.
    • Re: My friend is Suicidal

      Well Im going to say dont ever assume people wont do something, because I have just lost a lad friend who jumped in front of a oncoming train as he was severely depressed. Unlike your friend he never told anybody about his upset and feelings so I would reccomend a counsellor or such like, as I think something so serious should be left in the hands of the professionals.