I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

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    • I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

      So i like this guy and have for a while (about 5 er so months). I think he likes me to, we tlk all the time, laugh, get along swell. we sometimes try to hang out outside of skoo, but never seem to. (he gave me his sweater once 2). He says rly cute things likeonce he said/indecated im sexy, funny, beautiful. There is a problem though. a HUUGGEE problem....
      He dated my Friend, i dated his friend, and he dated my sister....
      My friend wouldnt care, so thats not TO bad, but the other 2......well.... His friend who i dated would say no biggie, but he prob would think it is, and my sister said that she would perfer if nothing happened, but also said she doesnt care and loives her boyfriend (current 1) and she said i cant tell u to not go 4 him anyways.
      I hate it so much. I really really like him. i get butterflies in my stomach everytime i tlk to him, see him, i feel like i blush, i get excited and happy... But i dont know what to do.....
      People wouldnt b happy at me if we DID end up going out, and there would be drama....
      So please... .any advise?:(
    • Re: I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

      If you are really worried about it I recommend talking to the people who might be upset about it and tell them how you feel about him. Otherwise I would say don't lend them hinder you and go with your feelings. Ask him out or confess. Good luck though.
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

      Alright I understand what you're going threw. You think that if you go out with him and your friends or his ex-dates find out that their going to hate you and all this drama is going to happen. That's the problem with alot of cases. It's a trail and error situation. If you really care for him then you should go for him, Make him want you. If you make yourself seem more into him and he'll take more notice then maybe ask you out. If he thinks that he can manage to get threw with it, and not worry about drama, then you should too. I've been in and out of that for awhile and at first I thought that it was going to happen. Dating my bestfriends ex-girlfriend never really came to me as a good idea, but then I talked to him and he said it was cool and I went for it. But what happend? Me and this girl have been dating for 6 months now all because I took the chance. You never know what will happen. Also remember, Boys will come and go but friends are forever. If you truely think that you're going to lose your friends over this then I'd advice that you not take the chance. Hope I helped.
      All because two people fell in love..
    • Re: I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

      BlueDragon99 wrote:

      So i like this guy and have for a while (about 5 er so months). I think he likes me to, we tlk all the time, laugh, get along swell. we sometimes try to hang out outside of skoo, but never seem to. (he gave me his sweater once 2). He says rly cute things likeonce he said/indecated im sexy, funny, beautiful. There is a problem though. a HUUGGEE problem....
      He dated my Friend, i dated his friend, and he dated my sister....
      My friend wouldnt care, so thats not TO bad, but the other 2......well.... His friend who i dated would say no biggie, but he prob would think it is, and my sister said that she would perfer if nothing happened, but also said she doesnt care and loives her boyfriend (current 1) and she said i cant tell u to not go 4 him anyways.
      I hate it so much. I really really like him. i get butterflies in my stomach everytime i tlk to him, see him, i feel like i blush, i get excited and happy... But i dont know what to do.....
      People wouldnt b happy at me if we DID end up going out, and there would be drama....
      So please... .any advise?:(

      Your best bet would be to talk to the people you are concerned with having a problem. Do it before you make any decisions regarding the guy. If these people care about you, they'll understand and let you be happy. You have to be happy too, it's not just about them being happy and you losing out on something that could be really great. I think the people you are concerned about will be understanding about this. They may need time to adjust and accept it, but it seems like they'll be fine after some time. If you really like him, give it a shot. Just respect the others' feelings and give them time to come around to the idea. Don't flaunt your relationship with him too much until things are settled and it's accepted.
      good luck.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: I like him, but i cant! what do i do!

      i personally think that your sister wouldn't care and shouldn't: she has a boyfriend.
      as for your ex, you don't go out with him anymore, and given you said you've been crushing on this other guy for 5 months, that's more than enough time for your ex to move on (assuming you were already broken up).

      Okay. So, in short, you should just go for it. Don't worry so much. And don't second guess if he likes you back or not. It's normal to second guess someone when you're crushing on them so bad that you over analyze ever little thing they do.

      Chances are if he knew you were interested, he definitely would be to.
      Relax. You live once, enjoy it:)
      The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others. - Friedrich Nietzsche