What do I do?

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    • What do I do?

      I'm in love with this boy at school. He's in the same year as me and I see him everyday. When I see him, my heart skips a beat and my stomach knots.

      The problem is, that the only reason I know him is through my friend at a different school that plays rugby with him. And he knows who I am but doesn't know my name or anything. And I'd go and talk to him but I think he feels intimidated by my friends. I have a lot of them and one of my friends is his ex.

      WHAT DO I DO?
    • Re: What do I do?

      If you're set on talking to him with people beside you, perhaps you should reduce the number of friends that you take and make sure not to include his ex-girlfriend. I don't know. Personally, I think that if you're going to talk to him, go alone. It's very easy for a shy person to feel intimidated even by one other person there and I don't think you want to put him in a situation where he feels uncomfortable. Just go up to him and strike up a conversation - on your own. Perhaps you can talk to him about rugby or something, just to create a basis for the conversation.

      From there just go with the flow. See where the conversation takes you. I'd suggest that you avoid rushing into anything with this guy because that could be ruin the potential of any future relationship with him. Take things slowly to begin with and make sure you move at a pace in which you are both comfortable with. That's really important. Take the time to get to know him a little better and give him the chance to do the same. It seems like you really like this guy so I hope that everything works out for the two of you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: What do I do?

      lol, im sure he wont mind you just talking to him saying hi and stuff....
      most guys yes are intimidated by a group of girls but just go up to him maybe by yourself and chat.
      most guys would find that really nice for a girl to say shes interested instead of the guy always being the one expected to ask and stuff...
      just maybe like as for his msn
    • Re: What do I do?

      Sabrina is a great person and always gives top notch advice, as you may of gathered, I agree. The best bet is to just approach him, talk to him, let him get to know you, listen to what you have to say and what he has to say.

      I might suggest not hanging around his rugby games straight away, get to know him at a least a little bit, otherwise he might feel a bit odd and act weird to you, or you could just distract his gameplay, after all you want to get on his good side right?
      What you leave behind is not as important as how you lived.