I'm really depressed..help please

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    • I'm really depressed..help please

      Basically, I am fine when I am in college because I feel it is a place where everyone is nice to each other and they are all really close to me.
      However, I hate coming home and I hate the weekends when I have to be at home because my family really annoy me and I get really angry. They make me shout because of the way they talk to me. It is mainly my mom that I have a problem with.
      One time I ran out of the house and went to my mates house.
      Today I was soo annoyed and I actually hit the wall with my hand..
      Please tell me how to overcome this problem..
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      i could..but how could that sort out all the crap thats happening at home?
      i mean..i really cant wait til the weekend is over so I can go back to college because it feels more like a home to me..
      I'm really ready to leave home but I have nowhere to go and I don't want to make the rest of my family upset when I leave because they will be hurting inside.
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      i don't want to sound harsh or heartless, but from my own experience you CANNOT live your life thinking about how they are going to be hurt. the big thing right now is, YOU are hurting inside. you need to focus on YOU. do what you need to do for you to be happy. once you are happy inside, THEN you can focus on them. tell them what its doing to you. ask them why they can't be decent for you? let them know how far this is driving you from them. if they realize the severity then they may realize they will have to change in order to keep you.
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      Talk to your family about how they make you feel. If you don't have to or can't, write a note and leave it somewhere where someone will find it and read it.

      Or you could make plans and come home as little as possible, but I don't think you or your family would like that very much. Or when you are home, you could spend as much time as you can on your own so no one can bug you.

      Good luck!:)
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      I believe there are many misconceptions floating around. It's natural for family members to annoy you and to want to distance yourself from them, but the key issue here is to find out why. I suggest you hold off on talking to them until you discover whether or not you can calm yourself around them; if it's the way they act, there isn't much you can do about it. I know from personal experience that it disgusts me sometimes simply being near my father's presence. However, I know how to counter those feelings to prevent rash decisions. Sometimes you just have to cope with it to the best of your abilities.

      Support Leader,
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      neo wrote:

      Basically, I am fine when I am in college because I feel it is a place where everyone is nice to each other and they are all really close to me.
      However, I hate coming home and I hate the weekends when I have to be at home because my family really annoy me and I get really angry. They make me shout because of the way they talk to me. It is mainly my mom that I have a problem with.
      One time I ran out of the house and went to my mates house.
      Today I was soo annoyed and I actually hit the wall with my hand..
      Please tell me how to overcome this problem..

      easy, just tell your parents your getting behind in your studies and you can't come down

      but you really ought to be grateful to them
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      Sort out what you want, you want to leave but you don't want to upset you family?

      Really you're making mountains out of molehills anyone can see that. You've just nothing better to do then be at home in your spare time and you wish you were out more, but you're not making the effort to get out more.
      Because you're fed up being inside all the time you turn to your family being the problem with being at home, the only reason they want to talk to you when you're in is because you're in.
      If you go out, you won't have to talk to them half as much.

      It's called being assertive and having a life outside of education. I go to college 4 days a week, when i'm not there I'm either out with my friends, fixing parts on my car or general tinkering with it, shopping, movies - just anywhere. home is somewhat a last resort and the result of me not being bothered to stay out longer.

      You can then look forwards to returning home to relax after being out. Stop making the good things in life seem so negative.
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      Hi, im very sad to hear your having a hard time, i dont know if this is of any help but,

      When your stressed, or not having a really good time, Then its sometimes a good idea to focus on the good things in life and go out and have some fun, I find that if your really having fun then its a good way for your mind to be at ease and not have to worry so much, I hope this advice helps you =:)
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      Glad I read this. I live in a house with all girls, I'm a guy.., I have the same issue I think. I get annoyed around my mom, and yes, I've punched that infamous wall. You just have to remember, calm down around them. If you're pissed.. get away from them. They ARE your family, after all, they will be there for you in your time in need. I've never done this, but I'm trying to build the confidence to tell my mom how I really feel. I use my mom as something I never want to be when I grow up. She smokes and drinks, and it bothers me so much. Just let her know what's going on. Hopefully she'll understand.
    • Re: I'm really depressed..help please

      Everyone needs their family so you basically need to confront the problem to do with your family.
      The way they talk to you, express your dislike of this to your parents and they will more than likely understand. Know one should hate their family.
      Some people don't have one so count yourself lucky .
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