Need advice with a girl

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    • Need advice with a girl

      Hello guys, I just registered here and I came for some advice to talking with a girl. (I'm pretty sure you've recieved tons of these, but please help me out.)
      I'm the not extremely shy type, but I get nervous when I want to talk to a girl.

      For example, there's this girl at my school that we've noticed each other for a couple of weeks now (maybe even some months...>_>) but I've never gotten the chance to talk to her, and if I do, I'm in fear becuase I'm not sure how to start a conversation with her. It feels awkward that "Oh I've seen you around for some months now, and I have finally decided to talk to you". That really kills me. I feel like she'll be less interested in me and not care as much. But I do really want to meet her and I regret myself for possibly giving her that feeling. :(

      I assume she must still have some interest in me (even though it may be minor) because we still make eye contact and we know we "exist", but at the same time there are days where we kind of avoid each other pretending we're strangers or pretending like we're any other person in the crowd.

      So my question is:
      What should I do or say to her next time we just make eye contact? Or if we happen to get in a long lunch line together (even if it's on purpose :wink:) what can I say to start a conversation and keeping it lengthy so we can become friends?
    • Re: Need advice with a girl

      Definitely do something. Jump on this now before you miss the opportunity. And as for what to say, really it doesn't matter. Just talk. Point out something you think is interesting. Crack a corny joke. Who cares, as long as it starts a convo you're good. Then just talk to her like you would any other human being, because that's what she is. No need to feel pressure just because she's got a vag.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: Need advice with a girl

      Yeah. Just say hi and talk about something, ANYTHING. (As long as it doesn't involve something she dislikes. Like bodily functions. Not usually a good topic ;P) Talk about a class or the weather.
      Need help or just want to talk? PM me. :)
      "It's easy to be nice to people you like. But being nice to people you hate, that's a skill. Do it."