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    • CStark94 wrote:

      Im racist and im not ashamed to admit it. Im not stupid enough to say "oh, white ppl, jews and black ppl are the same" because theyre not. Id rather be real than stupid and try to respect everyone. I kno how real life is

      How are black people unequal? Or Indians or Jews?

      Don't we breathe the same air? don't we bleed the same blood?

      And in my life, a 'real life' everyone is treated by their personality not by their colour.

      Dresden wrote:

      Interracial,notice the term ''racial''

      Relating to, involving, or representing different races


      miscegenation1. the interbreeding of members of different races.
      2. cohabitation or marriage between a man and woman of different races, especially, in the U.S., between a Negro and a white person.
      3. the mixing or mixture of races by interbreeding.


      Noun1.miscegenation - reproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons)

      I love Miscegenation - I am a product of it after all :)
    • Dresden wrote:

      so you told me....

      And don't you just hate it..

      CStark94 wrote:

      Im racist and im not ashamed to admit it. Im not stupid enough to say "oh, white ppl, jews and black ppl are the same" because theyre not. Id rather be real than stupid and try to respect everyone. I kno how real life is

      How old are you by the way fella? 12? 13? That's your maturity level.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tinhead ().

    • CStark94 wrote:

      Im racist and im not ashamed to admit it. Im not stupid enough to say "oh, white ppl, jews and black ppl are the same" because theyre not. Id rather be real than stupid and try to respect everyone. I kno how real life is

      That statement makes you stupid.
      Its not about black and white because we are human.
      I work with nothing but Mexicans and I get along with everybody.
      Color is only skin deep.
      WE are the SAME just born in different environments.
      There are stupid people in all races.
      Like you are a stupid white guy.
      There is an equally stupid black guy some where in the world I guarantee it.
    • xXBURNXx wrote:

      That statement makes you stupid.
      Its not about black and white because we are human.
      I work with nothing but Mexicans and I get along with everybody.
      Color is only skin deep.
      WE are the SAME just born in different environments.
      There are stupid people in all races.
      Like you are a stupid white guy.
      There is an equally stupid black guy some where in the world I guarantee it.

      It does not make him look stupid...

      He says he is racist and not ashamed to admit it....that is not stupid


      *Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes involving specifically Blacks and Whites
      *each year, 90% of these crimes where committed by Blacks against Whites.
      *Approximately 1 in 50 black males is HIV+ or has AIDS.
      *Approximately 1 in 4 black males has genital herpes.
      *Black males are 15 times more likely to be infected with HIV than White males
      *Blacks are 50 times more likely than Whites to commit individual acts of interracial crime
      *Blacks are 250 times more likely than Whites to commit group or gang interracial violence
      and crime.
      *Blacks commit much more crime and violence against Whites than against other Blacks
      *When committing violent crime, Blacks choose White victims 56% of the time. Only 2% of
      the time do violent crimes committed by Whites have Black victims
      *Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks
      *Almost one out of every three black males is in jail, on parole, or facing criminal charges in
      the American legal system


      “The idea that race is ‘only skin deep’ is simply not true, as any experienced forensic
      anthropologist will affirm.”
      - Dr. George W. Gill
      Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming
    • Dresden wrote:


      *Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes involving specifically Blacks and Whites
      *each year, 90% of these crimes where committed by Blacks against Whites.

      More Whites, less Blacks. Minority...

      Dresden wrote:

      *Approximately 1 in 50 black males is HIV+ or has AIDS.
      *Approximately 1 in 4 black males has genital herpes.

      Have you given us the figures for the white population?

      Dresden wrote:

      *Blacks are 50 times more likely than Whites to commit individual acts of interracial crime
      *Blacks are 250 times more likely than Whites to commit group or gang interracial violence
      and crime.

      Ther are less black targets. Minority...

      Dresden wrote:

      *Blacks commit much more crime and violence against Whites than against other Blacks

      More white people around. Minority...

      Dresden wrote:

      *When committing violent crime, Blacks choose White victims 56% of the time. Only 2% of
      the time do violent crimes committed by Whites have Black victims
      *Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks

      Less blacks, more whites. Minority...

      Dresden wrote:

      *Almost one out of every three black males is in jail, on parole, or facing criminal charges in
      the American legal system

      Racists like you treat black people worse than whites so they are obviously are going to act out against society.

      Dresden wrote:


      Less violent crime in NICs with a predominatly black population than in NICs with a predominatly white population.

      Dresden wrote:

      “The idea that race is ‘only skin deep’ is simply not true, as any experienced forensic
      anthropologist will affirm.”
      - Dr. George W. Gill
      Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming


      You have obviously had some bad experience (probably violent crime?!) with black people. Your mistake is labeling all blacks for the mistakes of a few.

      Also your figures are backed up with no evidence (I have taken them to be true however) from a reliable third or fourth source. NExt time quote your sources.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by tinhead ().

    • Dresden wrote:

      It does not make him look stupid...

      He says he is racist and not ashamed to admit it....that is not stupid


      *Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes involving specifically Blacks and Whites
      *each year, 90% of these crimes where committed by Blacks against Whites.
      *Approximately 1 in 50 black males is HIV+ or has AIDS.
      *Approximately 1 in 4 black males has genital herpes.
      *Black males are 15 times more likely to be infected with HIV than White males
      *Blacks are 50 times more likely than Whites to commit individual acts of interracial crime
      *Blacks are 250 times more likely than Whites to commit group or gang interracial violence
      and crime.
      *Blacks commit much more crime and violence against Whites than against other Blacks
      *When committing violent crime, Blacks choose White victims 56% of the time. Only 2% of
      the time do violent crimes committed by Whites have Black victims
      *Blacks murder Whites at 18 times the rate Whites murder Blacks
      *Almost one out of every three black males is in jail, on parole, or facing criminal charges in
      the American legal system


      “The idea that race is ‘only skin deep’ is simply not true, as any experienced forensic
      anthropologist will affirm.”
      - Dr. George W. Gill
      Professor of Anthropology, University of Wyoming

      Oh god!
      Dresden, your statistics are severely skewed. I suggest you check them against another source in order to see that they are in fact not correct.

      The Guardian wrote:

      Where the heck did you grab those?
