Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

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    • Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      So I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months this Sunday. (:) but there's a catch) Thing is, she is rather dependent on me. I'm the person she's opened up to the most, ever, so her level of trust is high in me. We're both pretty happy with each other most of the time, but lately I've been going crazy.

      It just so happens one of my best friends Hailey, is not on the best of terms with my gf, so much that my girlfriend despises her, so I get a lot of crap about it, and this week she's gone as far as to demand I delete her from my Myspace profile, and stop talking to her altogether. I'm not crazy, so I still plan to talk to her, but I deleted her just to humor my GF.

      The real problem is this Saturday is my good friend Tanner's birthday party. Now you see, Tanner is Hailey's boyfriend, and the my GF's big issue is that Hailey will be at the party, and that even though I'm just going for Tanner, I'm going to end up talking to Hailey anyway. Hailey so far has been cool, and knows that my GF can get a bit over the top at times, so she's fine with my deleting her, but still wants to keep me as a friend, of course.

      I'm just wondering what you guys had to say about this situation. Just got off a 9 hour long conversation with the GF, and oh lord, that sucked :drool:
      What would you do, go to the party, and have the GF throw a bitchfit on Sunday the anniversary because you went, or not go, after you already promised you'd go (and you missed their last invitation to come over, really blew them off for GF, really)? :/

      This is the third girl she's asked me to take off my friend's list, for so much as flirting with me, I think the whole overprotective controlling thing is getting wayyy out of control.
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      So I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months this Sunday. (:) but there's a catch) Thing is, she is rather dependent on me. I'm the person she's opened up to the most, ever, so her level of trust is high in me. We're both pretty happy with each other most of the time, but lately I've been going crazy.

      It's nice to know you can depend on someone, but it sounds like she's gone a bit over the top with the whole thing?

      It just so happens one of my best friends Hailey, is not on the best of terms with my gf, so much that my girlfriend despises her, so I get a lot of crap about it, and this week she's gone as far as to demand I delete her from my Myspace profile, and stop talking to her altogether. I'm not crazy, so I still plan to talk to her, but I deleted her just to humor my GF.

      I think what you did was wrong, I understand your girlfriend and her aren't friends but she can't stop you from talking to one of your best friends just because she doesn't like it - personally I think you should have told her no.

      The real problem is this Saturday is my good friend Tanner's birthday party. Now you see, Tanner is Hailey's boyfriend, and the my GF's big issue is that Hailey will be at the party, and that even though I'm just going for Tanner, I'm going to end up talking to Hailey anyway. Hailey so far has been cool, and knows that my GF can get a bit over the top at times, so she's fine with my deleting her, but still wants to keep me as a friend, of course.

      It's got Hailey took you deleting her on myspace well - and you should still go to the party, it would kinda' be disrespectful to Hailey & her boyfriend if you didn't. Explain to your girlfriend you're going & if she doesn't wanna' join you then you'll go alone.

      I'm just wondering what you guys had to say about this situation. Just got off a 9 hour long conversation with the GF, and oh lord, that sucked :drool:
      What would you do, go to the party, and have the GF throw a bitchfit on Sunday the anniversary because you went, or not go, after you already promised you'd go (and you missed their last invitation to come over, really blew them off for GF, really)? :/

      Go to the party - if she throws a bitchfit ignore her until she decides she want to act like a fucking normal person, she seems a bit childish tbh.

      This is the third girl she's asked me to take off my friend's list, for so much as flirting with me, I think the whole overprotective controlling thing is getting wayyy out of control.

      Perhaps you need to reconsider your relationship status with this girl?
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      Tell your girlfriend that she either needs to chill out or things between you are just not going to work. Because seriously, they won't...
      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      I think you need to talk about all of this with your girlfriend and than decide if you're going to go to the party or not.

      It sounds to me like your girlfriend has been hurt a lot in the past and is just looking for someone to always lean on and be there for her and now that she found it, she doesn't wanna lose it.

      So, I think you should just talk to her.:)
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      You need to talk to her again but be firm with her. You need to tell her that she's going way too far. She needs to understand that you have female friends and she has to accept that. Let her know that you have chosen to be with her and you would never cheat but she needs to start trusting you. If she doesn't trust you then she shouldn't be in a relationship with you, simple as. Just let her know that she is not the only person in your life, she may be your girlfriend but you have friends too that you shouldn't have to ditch just because she wants you to.
      If that doesn't work then play her at her own game, everytime she talks to a lad, or you see them on her myspace profile, tell her she can't talk to them or has to delete them, when she starts to argue back then just tell her that now she understands how you feel. Sometimes they have to be put through it themselves to understand.
      All the best,
      Support Leader
      Charley x
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      I think you really need to stand your ground when it comes to your girlfriend. She's being way too controlling and over-protective. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to feel wanted and obviously by being jealous, she's showing you that quality. However, there's a fine line that she's crossed a while ago. Don't let her continue to push you around and tell you what to do, as she has been already. Who says that you're not allowed to have friends who are female? I know tons of guys who have a girlfriend and female friends. That's a normal existence.

      I can see where you're girlfriend is coming from, in a way, but I don't think that she should be handling it in the way that she is. It seems like she's extremely insecure which is why she needs to ensure she has you all to herself and that there aren't any 'threats' that could possibly come in the way of your relationship. Truth is, you will always have to associate and build friendships with females. This is something she really needs to overcome, not only for this particular relationship but for any relationship that she has in the future. Now this is really not your responsibility to tell her but I'm just trying to give you some general information about her behaviour.

      I think you should go to the party. You said you've already blown off your friends for your girlfriend in the past. Although this might be rather common when one gets a partner that they really like and care about, it seems like you blow your friends off a lot because of your girlfriend and that's not healthy. Your life cannot revolve around solely your girlfriend and her life cannot do the same. Do you think you could bring your girlfriend to your friend's party? Maybe that's something you could suggest to your girlfriend and friend who is having the party.

      All in all, do what you feel is best for you. I hope that everything works out between the two of you. Good luck with everything.

      Take care of yourself.
    • Re: Girlfriend is taking dependency too far

      shelb angs wrote:

      I think you should dump her..

      dont talk about his girlfriend like that. he loves her!

      9 hours talk? flip. if that is true, then woh. ahahaha. i hope you had a good enjoyable chat! thats longer than school :eek: and school is long, but with breaks.

      well, you cant not be friends with hailey and other girls.
      if she doesnt trust you enough, you need to talk to her about it.
      you cant have her run your life, BUT you need to respect her views.

      :) good luck. oh and i like you. you seem cool. +rep